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KADEN “When are we attacking?” I ask Agatha as she reclines on my couch, dressed in a long transparent gown with her creamy bosom almost spilling out. Her eyes shine lustfully and a smile curves round her lips when she sees me checking her out. I know she wants me. I have noticed all her gimmicks to get me to notice her. I start taking off my wet shirt. Spending hours training my men for the pending war with that damn pack was all that consumed me, since Agatha discovered where the Firewolf was. My Firewolf. “Why attack when you can call her?” she says seductively, her eyes following my hands as I remove my shirt, raising her legs and crossing them. Just before they close, I see between her legs. My c**k roars to attention and my wolf growls lustfully. “What do you mean?” I slowly make my way to her, working on my belt. Her eyes sparkle with anticipation, darting between my hands and face. She licks her lips. “I can call her out for you. No need to attack them.” I throw my belt away, releasing the buttons on my trouser and pulling down my zip. My eyes holding hers. “How will you do this?” Her face is before my open trouser. “How will you repay me if I tell you?” her eyes clouding with lust as she speaks. I pull her off the couch and flush against me and feel the shudder run through her body. A slight moan escapes her lips as her skin touches mine. “What do you want?” “You,” she licks her lips, looking down at mine. “Be specific,” this would be the first time a woman would tell me she wants me. It has always been the other way round. More like I just take the women I want. They want or like me, I don’t care. “I want to be your partner for life. I want all of this,” she trails a finger from my shoulder down to my thick chest. “I want to be your queen.” “But, you know I want the Firewolf,” I trap her waist tight against me and grind against her, smirking at her moans. “She can bear your children; I can be your queen.” Dream on b***h. I fling her on my bed and tear off the flimsy thing she has on. “As you wish.” She smiles in satisfaction, giggling like a teenager. “I will help you control her with the mark.” “Then am all yours. My queen,” I grab her ankles close to the bed and let my trousers fall to the ground, exposing my now hardened c**k before her face. “Please your king, my queen.” Her giggles fill the room as she eases forward and grab me before putting me in her mouth. Dream on b***h. No one is ever going to be my queen except the Firewolf. Together we will rule the supernatural realm and all its creatures. NICOLE A deep heaviness settles in my heart as I ponder at my words to them. It’s the truth. The only thing I know how to do when it comes to them is to run. Over the years they made me feel like I was not worthy to be in their presence. Always pushing me away with their auras, looks and words. They can’t blame me for not wanting to be near them. But as much as I want to be far from them, I still want to be near them. I expected them to follow me but they didn’t. I was hoping to catch the sound of their car, straining my ears for it and the sound of their voices calling out to me. Just like yesterday when I told them to leave me alone, and they did, but they came back. Why don’t they do so now? What’s with me telling them to leave me alone when deep down I hope they wouldn’t do as I asked. Honestly, I don’t know why I am having conflicted thoughts when it comes to them and this crazy bond that we have. On one hand, I want to be with them. They are my mates and I should want to be with them. Why do I feel ashamed and guilty that I want to be with them? And on the other, I don’t want to have anything to do with them. Is it the bond or me? As much as I find it difficult to see past their rejection, I yearn for them. I let out a frustrated groan into my palms as the school building looms ahead of me, hating this feeling and dreading what awaits me at school. Suddenly a cheery voice interrupts my thoughts, calling out. “Luna!” I turn to see Mara and Tina approaching. Tina has the same bright smile on her face, dragging a sullen looking Mara along with her. “Hey,” I stop walking and greet them, ignoring the title she called me. “Hey!” Tina’s chirpy voice fills the air as they stop before me. “Hi, Nicole,” Mara’s passive voice is a stark contrast to Tina’s enthusiasm. “Hi, Mara.” “Going to school alone?” Tina asks, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, her lips pursed. “Yes. I have been doing so for years,” I reply and we start walking. I know she is referring to my mates. Tina chuckles, “They let you walk to school alone after yesterday’s stunt by those evil Gammas?” Mara groans and roll her eyes, clearly annoyed with the topic Tina gives her a light punch on the shoulder. “Not everyone can be a pessimist like you, Mara. She’s their mate and they should bring her to school,” she counters. “Yeah, right. Hope you remember that they are now the alphas of the pack and have a huge amount of work to do,” Mara tackles her again. “And walking or driving their Luna to school is part of that ‘huge amount of work,’” Tina scoffs. “Can we just stop talking about mates,” Mara snorts, rolling her eyes again. “No, we won’t. Luna…” Tina begins, clasping my shoulders as we walk. “That was impressive. Declaring to those bitches that you are the Luna and dishing out that…” she suddenly stops, her eyes clouding, as she receives a mindlink, a frown decorating her brows. Mara also reacts similarly. Their eyes clear and are suddenly filled with mild dread. Though little. “What? Who was it?” I ask, sensing something wrong. We could be under attack and right now I am basically useless. Wolfless and a burden to the pack in general. They exchange looks before Tina gives an anxious smile. Mara groans, her sullen look mixed with anger. “It’s nothing,” Tina says her smile brightening her face more. “Wow! Look at the time. We’re going to be late.” “What was the link about?” I press, glancing between the two. “Just a message from our parents. Speaking of parents, mine would love to meet you. The future Luna of the pack.” She squeals delightfully, regaining her usual chirpy self. “You…” I start, but the school bell rings, interrupting me. “Will you two hurry up?” Mara calls over her shoulder at us. We hurry to join Mara, mixing with the other students, not missing the glances and whispers that trail us. Based on what happened yesterday, I can’t blame them for sending fearful and curios glances my way. I did beat up a Gamma before them all. An omega beating a Gamma. “Later.” I say to the two as I reach my class. “See you tomorrow,” Tina says as she leaves. Frowning and curios, I call to her. “Tomorrow? Are you leaving school early?” The two of them pause, exchanging looks again, before Tina turns back. “We have extra classes.” “Oh,” I nod and wave at them and turn into class. Yet my brows still furrow in curiosity. A surprise awaits me as I enter. The class goes silent immediately with all eyes on me. Even the teacher, Mrs. Atkins, whose green eyes often glare at me, is softly gazing at me, with a smile. “Good morning, Nicole,” she greets, warmly “Good morning, Mrs. Atkinson,” I reply her as I walk to my seat, aware of the eyes following me.
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