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NICOLE My eyes open and a wide smile spread over my face. Even as a yawn, stretching my limbs, the smile remains on my lips. I feel well-rested, my muscles feel loose and very calm. Judging by what happened last night and how long it took me to sleep after Savvy and Aunt Mabel left, I am amazed that I slept so deeply. Even the sunlight drifting into my room seems to be brighter than usual, and the birds chirping outside my window add to the serenity. My mind is at peace. Calm and cool. This day seems to be a good day. My room also smells different and instantly I freeze as I identify the familiar scents. Did they come back? I scan my surroundings, searching for any sign of their presence. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. My bed had the markings of me sleeping on it. I pick up the pillow to my left and smell it. Vince’s strong cedarwood and musky scent fills my nose. My eyes widen in surprise. I do the same to the one on my right and a pungent scent makes me recoil in disgust and irritation. How come Vance smells like this.? Where did his sandalwood and musk scent go? Anger boils inside me at the loss of his original scents. I wish this pungent smell was a cloth I can rip off him. Whose scent is that on him? He has to tell me or else… Nicole! I stop myself. Too early to be thinking about them, I chide myself and get up, heading for the bathroom. I have school to attend eyes pop out as yesterday’s events seep into my memory. Billie was in a cell; I had announced myself as the Luna and asked for witnesses. Ouch! How did I do that? How could I? But then it hit me - I am the Luna. Their Luna. Sighing and mentally slapping myself, I say to myself, “How can I think I am their Luna, when they saw me as being unworthy? Great. I feel like a dupe and a fool. There’s no time for self-pity. I have to face the day before me. Coming downstairs, I find my aunt, Savvy and Tim already at breakfast. Tim’s eyes lit up when he saw me, and he drops his fork, rising to pull me into a tight hug before looking down at me and smiling. His eyes roam my face with a concerned look in them. “You look well rested. I am glad to see that.” He turns to his mate, narrowing his eyes at her. Savvy huffs and turns away. “I did,” I murmur pulling away from him to hug my aunt. “Morning, Aunt Mabel.” “Morning, Nikki,” she greets me with a warm smile, planting a light peck on my cheek. “Where’s uncle?” I ask. “Still with Drake,” Aunt Mabel explains, her expression serious. Savvy places some pancakes on my plate and fill a glass of juice for me. “What are they doing?” I ask again. “Pack stuff,” Savvy vaguely replies, exchanging glances with Tim. “But he’s no longer the Beta. Alpha Drake isn’t the Alpha anymore,” I pointed out, sensing that there was more to the situation than they were letting on. All three exchange glances before Tim speaks. “It’s not really pack-related but relates to the pack in a way.” “That’s a complicated answer,” I am more confused. “Did you feel anything strange last night while you slept?” Savvy asks, changing our discussion. “Nope. Why?” “Just checking if you were okay,” she replies, her tone unusually gentle. “Savvy?” “Eat your food, Nikki. I am happy to see you this happy,” she brushes me off. Finishing my food, I grab my bag, heading to the door when Aunt Mabel called out. “Can you leave school early today?” Frowning, I turn to her. “Why?” “I need to run some quick errands to the next pack and get some more supplies for Mira’s day. I need you to join her at the shop,” Aunt Mabel explained. “Okay. I will tell the principal.” I already have enough points to graduate. Missing some classes won’t affect my grades. “Thanks, honey. Love you loads,” she kisses my temple, letting me out of the door. As I descend the front stairs, I shield my face against the sun’s rays. Just as I raise my head, a soft wind blows, carrying with it the two familiar scents. I see them leaning against their jeep. My breath catches in my throat and my knees threaten to give way as I gaze at them. Goddess! They look so goddamn delicious. Something stirs inside me, a primal urge urging me to run to them, to surrender myself to their embrace. They both pushed away from their car, taking the same stance as they hold me spellbound with their gazes. In this moment, the whole world stops moving and the two of them exist for me. Just their grey eyes holding me spellbound as always. Their perfect chiseled faces housing their perfectly crafted features. From their dark lashes to their smooth cheeks and lips. I swallow hard imagining them on mine and feel a soft rumbling below my waist inching downwards to between my legs. And up on my chest, I feel my n*****s hardening. Their wide chest and rippled abs, hidden under their shirts but, indenting through the materials, seem to be teasing me. And those long legs hidden in those jeans, just added to their allure. I don’t know why I suddenly feel a surge of pride that these breathtaking alphas are my mates, all mine. I, Nicole, an omega, mated to these two absolutely, mouth-watering, juicy-looking, eye-catching and sexy alphas. All mine. For me only. Nicole! I shriek at myself. I shouldn’t be feeling this. This is just the bond doing this to me. I can’t be having these feelings for them when they never wanted me. What kind of shamelessness is this? They rejected you; I tell myself and immediately break away from my fantasy, reality staring me straight in the face. I drop my gaze and start walking. Telling myself that they don’t find me worthy to be their mate. “Morning Alphas,” I greet them neutrally, as I walk pass them. “Morning, Nicole,” Vince says, grabbing my hand., stopping me in my tracks. “Look at us.” His voice was stern but gentle. Reluctantly, I raise my head at them, seeing the slight anger in their eyes. I think I know why. “We told you to call us by our names.” “But you’re the alphas now,” I push more at their anger. “Everyone calls you that now.” “And you’re our mate,” Vance cups my cheeks in his palms, looking down at me. “You should call us by our names. “Why do you smell like this?” I had to ask because I can’t stand it. His reaction was immediate, his hands falling away from my face as he recoiled in horror. His grey eyes seemed to dim and lose their shine. My heart breaks at this. “How do I smell, Brown eyes?” his voice shakes as he asks me. “Pungent. Smelly,” He pulls farther from me and exchanges a look with his brother. “What did he smell like before, Nikki?” Vince asks. “Sandalwood and musk,” Vance’s eyes brightened at my reply. Vance’s eyes met mine. “When did you smell me?” “That day,” my reply is soft and low, my eyes hitting the ground. How do I forget that day? “How do I smell?” Vince asks, his voice laced with uncertainty. “Cedarwood and musk. You both share the same musky scents,” unable to resist his scent, I sniff Vince’s neck and hear his wolf purr softly in his chest. “You still have yours.” No one speaks but I know they are speaking with each other using the mindlink. I wonder what they are talking about. Vince breaks the silence. “Did you sleep well?” I nod, glancing up briefly at him. “Did you come back?” Both of them released deep breaths. “We did,” Vince replies. “You weren’t sleeping and...” “Did Savvy call you?” I ask, cutting him off. I know Savvy would never do so but lately she’s been acting different. “No.” I raise my face to theirs, frowning. If Savvy didn’t, who did? “Who did?” “No one. Our wolves wanted to see you.” My brows lift up. Their wolves? “How is that even possible?” “Wolves can sense when their mates are in distress. Though we haven’t marked you but as alpha wolves we have a strong connection to our mate,” Vince explains. Your wolves wanted to see me and not you.” “You asked us to leave,” Vance defends both of them. Yes, I do remember asking them to leave. I had just learnt their reason for rejecting. What would they have done in my shoes? “We didn’t want to leave but you said that was what you wanted,” Vince corroborates his brother’s words. I wanted them to leave and expected them to refuse to leave me. They were the cause of it. I pull away, adjusting my bag. “I am running late for school.” “Brown eyes, stop running from us,” Vance begs. I turn to face him. “That’s all I know how to do when it comes to you two. Run away. Remember that you once didn’t want me near you.” “Nikkii,” Vince calls me, but I don’t answer and continue walking to school.
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