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VANCE The only reason I am not running after her is the memory of her repulsed face when I held her cheeks. It haunts me. I also still can’t shake off the image of her recoiling from me last night in her room. It really hurts. We can’t afford to let her walk around the pack alone anymore. Five of our strongest warriors are going to be her constant shadow wherever she goes. We’ve Instructed them to mindlink us if any trouble concerning her arises. Even if it’s unrelated to her. It’s an agonizing experience, having your mate reject you, show disgust at how you smell. It’s another form of rejection. Werewolves are drawn to the scents of their mates—it’s how we find each other. Our scents also have soothing powers that helps calm us down when we are in pain or experiencing a negative emotion. Axel has been silent since this morning’s rejection, preferring to be a silent spectator. Through our shared bond, I can feel his melancholy at seeing his mate reject him, even though it wasn’t her fault. I dig deep into my mind, searching for any clue as to why my scent has changed. I noticed the change but didn’t think much about it. “How do I smell to you?” I ask Vince as we remain where she left us. “The same as always,” he replies with a deep frown and confused look in his eyes. “Nothing changed?” “Not much just a little.” “Then why does she say I smell different?” I feel a pang of pain rush through me. “She’s your mate. She will detect even the faintest change in your scent.” “Then how come you don’t? We’re twins and we share a strong bond just like the one we share with Nicole,” He should have noticed when the change occurred. “I did, but just felt it was a new cologne you were using,” “Since when?” I ask, hoping to trace my actions. Vince pauses, narrowing his eyes in thought. “I think right after we rejected her.” Right after we rejected her. His words echo in my head and I start to trace my past actions. “Come on, we need to speak to her aunt,” Vince taps me before heading for the car. As Vince drives, I still can’t stop mulling over his words. My brows furrow in deep concentration as I dig into my memories. “You’re overthinking it,” he says breaking the silence. I am overthinking this? He can say that since he’s not the one whose mate twice recoiled from him in disgust. Lucky bastard. I shoot him a glare before turning to stare out of the window. “Easy for you to say. She clung to you like her life depended on it,” I hiss. He chuckles lightly, playfully punching my shoulder. “Jealous of me?” “Shut up.” His laughter deepens. “Don’t blame me. It could be me,” he teases, c*****g his head at me with a smirk. “But it isn't. Just drive and shut up.” “Yeah, it’s not me. Anyway, send a link to the students to remind them of the meeting,” he shifts gears smoothly as I concentrate my mind to link the students. We’ve already sent a link to the students yesterday about the incident. What they saw had to be kept under wraps since we don’t know who can be a potential spy for Kaden. Today we intend to speak to them all without Nicole knowing. We already asked her aunt to tell her to come to her shop early. The school’s principal has also been informed about approving Nicole’s request to leave school early. My eyes cloud over as I send the link and immediately we start receiving responses from each student. “We need to speak to her aunt and visit your ex-girlfriend,” Vince remarks eliciting a low growl from Axel and me “Calm down, Ax,” he smirks sideways at me. Axel pushes forward. “I can’t wait for when you will slip and she will do the same to you.” “Unlike you I…” he stops, suddenly slamming the brakes, jolting both of us forward. His head almost hits the steering wheel, while I bump my head on the dashboard. “What was that for?!” I exclaim, startled by the sudden stop. He turns off the engine, facing me, alarm filling his eyes. “I get it now,” he says urgently. “Get what now?!” I yell at him, rubbing my forehead and hoping it won’t swell. “How to make people bump their heads…” “Just shut up and listen to me,” he interrupts. “I think I know why Nicole hates your smell.” My anger dissipates straightaway, replaced by a sense of both dread and curiosity. Any fear of a swollen forehead disappearing. “What is it?” “When we rejected her, that’s when I began to notice the change in your scent.” I nod my head, following his train of thought. “You said so before.” His grey eyes like mine, narrow once more. “You began using a new cologne?” Though I use colognes but still prefer my natural scent. “Yes, I did. It was…” I pause, frowning before my eyes pop out as realization dawns on me, the puzzles falling into place. My eyes holding Vince’s curious ones. “Oh no,” I mutter before licking my lips. I think I know why my mate hates my scent. “What?” Vince asks. “I know why she hates my scent,” I admit. “Why?” Vince presses, his grey eyes eager for an explanation. “It’s the cologne.” “Yeah, it is. What is it made of?” How could I have been so stupid and allow it? “s**t!” I start to pound the door frustration, angry at myself. Angry at myself for allowing myself to be so carried away and have someone change my natural scent. No wonder she hates it. No wonder she turned away in disgust. It was all my fault. “Stop it!” Vince yells at me, grabbing my hands, but I pull away from his firm grip, exit the car and slam the door. “s**t! s**t! s**t!” I can’t stop muttering. Vince comes out of the car and join me. “What is it? Talk to me, Vance,” he grabs my shoulder and turns me to him, his face full of concern. “What’ causing the change in your scent?” “It’s all my fault,” I confess, slapping his hands away, shame washing over me like a tidal wave. “I f*****g caused it.” “How?! Tell me and stop acting like this,” he snaps, his frustration matching mine. “Tell me.” How do I tell him? And how did I ever think I was in love? I betrayed my mate. “Vance.” I can’t face him and just say the words over my shoulder. “Billie gave me the cologne,” I admit, the words heavy with regret. He says nothing for some seconds, his eyes roaming around his sockets, probably wondering how this relates to how my scent has changed. “So? What’s so strong about the cologne to change your scent?” “She added her scent to it,” I reveal, the truth leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. “What?!” Vince and Ares both release a deafening growl. “How could you be so stupid?” Indeed, I am stupid. I hang my head in shame, feeling the weight of my own foolishness bearing down on me Axel simply sighs and looks away, but I feel his anger boiling beneath my skin.
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