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WE ARE HER MATES VANCE Millie’s words hit me hard in the chest, like a rock against glass. “Think about it,” she says, licking my ears slowly. At this moment her scent became twenty times more disgusting than before. My insides turn and I feel the need to throw up. I close my eyes blinking and hear a whoosh sound followed by a loud gasp. Opening them to see Vince’s palm wrapped tight round Billie’s neck, and her feet hanging in the air. “Breathe one word of what my brother has put in all your holes to her and it will be the last day you exist,” he growls against her ear, shaking her. “Do we have an understanding?” Ares surges forward. She giggles stiffly even as Vince’s claws reach into her skin, drawing blood out. “Calm your wolf down, Vince. I am only saying the truth. She will reject you within a second,” she utters with an evil smile even as he squeezes her neck tight. How come I never saw this coming? Could this b***h be right? Nicole wouldn’t reject us because of this? “If my mate rejects me, I am never coming out again for you,” Axel whines, collapsing somewhere in my mind. “She won’t, I promise you this, “I reassure him. “Vince?” I reach out to him. “We won’t let that happen. Let’s leave these two and head back to our mate.” Vince relays in the link as he flings Billie away, her sister catching her. “Sure.” “You know I am right,” Billie continues, giving a half cackle. “Better stay with us than getting rejected.” Vince looks silently at the two girls, a deep frown on his face, and then, “you can say or think what you like about our mate. One thing still remains. And that is, she is going to be your Luna and you will apologise to her and give her the respect she deserves as the future Luna of this pack. If you and your parents still want to remain in this pack.” His voice fuses with that of his wolf. “And if we find out at any time that either both of you or one of you does anything to her—anything that affects her in any way negative, especially what transpired between you and him,” he jerks his head towards me. “…I will not banish you from this pack, but strip you of rank and status and turn you to maids to the omegas. The same goes for your parents. Tell them that.” Both girls watch wide eyed and mouth agape. “Let’s go, bro.” he says in the link as he walks away. “Vance!” Billie yells my name as I join my brother. AUTHOR’S POV As the two brothers entered the hospital corridor leading to her door, their wolves became restless, huffing around in the heads of their humans. “What’s wrong, Ares?” Vince asked his wolf, wincing. “I can’t feel her here again.” He paused his steps, same with his brother. “Axel doesn’t feel her too,” Vance says. Both rushed down to her room, her sweet scent of vanilla and honey getting fainter. Their wolves right when they opened her room to find it empty. “No!” Men and wolves roared in unison, as they stared at the empty bed. Vince dashed for the bathroom, with a foolish hope that maybe she would be there, kicking it open with a feet and breaking it with a punch at seeing the empty space before him. Just then Mel enters. Coming from seeing another patient, he had heard the sound of something breaking and hurried down to check. Both brothers, seeing him, stalk towards him, him like predators about to pounce on prey. Mel seeing the expressions on their faces and the golden eyes of their wolves, regretted checking this room. “Where is she?” Vince growled, catching the collars of Mel’s white coat in his palms “Alphas…I…” Mel stammered with arms raised. “She was discharged.” “Why?” Vance asked. Mel looked between the two “She begged me to. Said she was tired of staying…that she was okay?” “Is she okay?” “Yes. She just has to keep coming for me to check the wound on her side.” Vince lets go of Mel. “Sorry again, doc.” Immediately, he sent a link to Tim. “Where is she?” Tim didn’t reply immediately, but his walls weren’t up. “Tim!” Tim hesitantly links back. “Guys, she’s home with her family.” “We are on our way,” Vance says, exiting the room along with his brother. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, guys.” Tim tried to dissuade them. Knowing the situation of things back where he is. “You don’t tell us what is a good idea when it comes to our mate,” Vince growled at him, shutting down the link abruptly. They shifted into our wolves to make the short distance between her house and the hospital even shorter. Not caring about the scared looks of pack members as they scurried out of their way. Wishing the distance was shorter or that they had teleportation powers. Both knew why she had asked to be discharged. She didn’t want to see them. Which didn’t sit well with them. Or their wolves who were yearning to see and be with her. Contented with just sitting in the same place with her even if she didn’t say a word to them. Running from them was a form of rejection. This one thought spurring their legs to eat more of the distance they had to cover to reach her. Tim was already waiting for them, pacing, at the entrance holding two shorts and t-shirts. He flung the clothes to them when they shifted. “As if I knew.” “Where is she?” Vince asked, both brothers breathing heavily as they dressed. Not even the fight with the rogues left them breathing this hard. Billie’s words still hung heavily in their consciousness. They didn’t want to take any chance. They have to see her and explain things to her. “Inside in her room,” Tim answered, glancing behind him through the net door, hoping Savvy wouldn’t come out. She had vowed to kick them out if they ever showed up. “We are going in,” Vince declared, walking up the short steps to the porch with his brother, both determined. Tim raised his palms, stopping them. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea. She just got home.” “Tim, get out of our way,” Vance said, impatiently. “Be patient, guys. She just woke up and needs time to herself,” Tim urged looking between both. “We just want to see her,” Vince said, wanting to see those brown eyes with tiny flecks of gold. And have them stare back at him. “And talk with her,” Vance added. “We need to explain …”Top of Form “True. But she also needs time to rest. She just woke up and has a lot to process.” Tim had seen the sadness in Nicole’s eyes when they had gone to pick her up. Mel had called, asking for Savvy, because Nicole was sobbing uncontrollably. She wanted to leave the hospital immediately. Both he and Savvy had shown up. The amount of sadness he had seen in those pretty brown eyes shocked him and left his wolf howling in pain. Nicole was like a little sister to him. He felt what he would feel if his sister were to be in her situation. She didn’t deserve this, but it happened, and there was nothing anyone could do. At least the alphas were showing that they felt remorseful for their actions. “I know you both want to see and talk to her, but she also needs to be with her family. Even they have not had access to her.” “What?” Vance c****d his head at him. “She locked herself inside her room since she came back.” The moment they stepped into the house, Nicole had found her way to her room and locked the door behind her. No amount of pleading made her open the door. Not even her aunt or uncle’s pleas got her to do so. Sounds of her crying filled the entire corridor upstairs. Not even the threats got her to open the door. They all agreed to let her be. And with these two here wanting to see her, no one knows what she would do. Or what the family would do. That’s why he was trying to make them see reason why they should give her some space. The poor girl had a lot to process. “When?” Vince’s mind goes into turmoil at what Tim just said. “Almost an hour ago.” Tim replied, rubbing his eyes. No one had rested since the night of the attack. It was almost late noon. After fighting off rogues, patrolling the borders for more rogues, helping to bury the dead rogues, going to pick Nicole from the hospital, begging her to open her door and now dealing with these two mate-whipped foolish friends and alphas of his. This was a lot to handle in just hours. Unconsciously he yawns. “Are you sure she’s okay?” Vince questioned Tim, He had an unsettling feeling about this. A wave of distress kept passing through him. It was faint but real and it wasn’t his. Tim nodded, doing his best to look convincing enough or else they would barge in and run up to her room, breaking the door down without even a thought. “She is resting.” “I don’t believe you. Axel says otherwise,” Vance says in a sour voice, jumping off the porch, heading to the left side of the building. He raised his eyes up, trailing the line of windows, stopping at the middle where he takes in a lungful of air. His brother does the same. “Her room,” Vince said as the sweet smell of vanilla and honey fill his lungs. “We need to see her.” Fortunately for them a tree stood near her window with sturdy branches one could perch on to see into her room. Or even use to enter. This was a good discovery. Both began climbing, eager to see what their mate was up to. “Guys,” Tim whispered. “Her uncle or aunt could see you. Or anyone.” “Let them see us. We are her mates,” Vince declared fiercely, as they reached the top.
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