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VINCE Did he just say she is our second chance mate? How is that even possible? I never felt the bond break, and no new one formed. “I always wondered why you were so possessive about her lately. She’s your mate!” our father squeals happily, drumming his fingers on his table. Oh boy. “This makes everything easy for everyone. Well…apart from Nicole. Her wolf is absent; that’s why she can’t recognize you two as her mates.” “This is crazy.” Vance says in our link. “At least he doesn’t know the truth. This could be good for us.” “How? He thinks we are her second chance mates! She wants nothing to do with us. How is this good for us?” “At least till we…” “Vince! This is not good. We can’t use another lie to hide another lie. We have to tell him the truth.” “And break his bubble? Look at him,” our father looks like he is floating on clouds. Soft, white and blue ones. And encased in a huge bubble. “You’re heartless as usual.” “Come on.” I try to make him reason with me. At least we can carry on with this lie till we speak to Nicole and maybe have her hide the truth till we sort things out. “And what if Nicole refuses? Or her family? They hate us already. Or her friend, Mira?” Our father goes on happily, looking from Vance to me. “She’s not going anywhere; I can assure you. I will tell her family and we can discuss how to break the news to her. I will do that tonight.” Vance and I share another look. “He’s not slowing down. Is he?” Shaking his head, Vance replies. “Nope. I am sure he’s thinking of grandbabies.” “Must have told mom. And I like what he is thinking.” Vince chuckles in the link, earning a soft glare from him. “What are you two discussing? You’re hitting Tiger with waves of your chatter. And you’re blocking him.” Our father inquires. “Just discussing how lucky we are to have her as our mate.” I quickly reply. “Very lucky, I must say. Her first mate, unfortunately, is a jerk for how he rejected her. I will still deal with when I find him. His actions, fortunately, opened up a way for you two to be her mates. Isn’t this exciting!” he yells happily. “Except the part where you two have to work hard to erase all those terrible memories she has of you two. Why were you guys mean to her, by the way? Not to worry. The bond will help as a foundation to build on. And from the looks of it, I can see it working on you already. She’s still fighting it, I am sure. Trust me, I know a lot about the mate bond. Funny thing, this bond. She may look like she hates you right now, but she doesn’t.” Our father is high right now. I know she can feel the bond. When I was cleaning her wound, I saw how she was restraining herself. Keeping her hands to herself and even covering her face. If only she knew. I had to control myself and take my hands off her soft body. When all I desired was to freely roam them over every curve, every part of her body. Her sweet vanilla and dark chocolate scent smacking straight into my nostrils, intoxicating and hypnotizing me. I wanted to sniff her. Taste her scent on my tongue. Axel roared in my head, begging me to do it but, I knew she would freak out if I did. Vance and I had messed up and had a lot to do to make up for. “Tonight is going to change everything, sons.” Our father goes on, with that same happy smile and look in his eyes. “What’s happening tonight, dad?” Vance asks him. “A lot of things.” His eyes glaze for some seconds, clears and he rises from his seat. “Let’s go back to the meeting.” VANCE Vince is either dense or the most heartless wolf I have ever known. How can he say we should keep hiding the truth from our father? Proposing another lie? Especially now that our dear father thinks Nicole is our second chance mate. I despise him saying those three words. I am not her second chance mate. I am her first, and I will remain so. There’s no way I am letting her leave the pack for any reason. I know she wants to leave with the hope of meeting another mate. No way that is happening. She stays here with Vince and I. Together, all three of us will rule the pack, she will bear our pups. Yeah, I like the idea of Nicole, swollen with our pups. And I am going to spoil her silly when she gets like that. Not that I won’t spoil her before then. I will spoil her in every way possible. “Very lucky, I must say. Her first mate, unfortunately is a jerk for how he rejected her. I will still deal with when I find him. His actions, fortunately opened up a way for you two to be her mates. Isn’t this exciting!” our father squealed, his eyes glowing. “Except the part where you two have to work hard to erase all those terrible memories she has of you two. Why were you guys mean to her, by the way? Not to worry. The bond will help as a foundation to build on. And from the looks of it, I can see it working on you already. She’s still fighting it, I am sure. Trust me, I know a lot about the mate bond. Funny thing, this bond. She may look like she hates you right now, but she doesn’t.” I have never seen him this ecstatic about something. And he was right about her acting like she didn’t feel the bond. I noticed her reactions when I held her waist and how she covered her face and kept her hands to her sides, while Vince was tending to her wounds. Damn! Her wound. I have to get her to the hospital to get it checked again. I hate her hiding from me. Axel whimpered in my head when she covered her face. Those brown eyes always mesmerized me and I never want to stop looking at them. I never noticed how golden they were until I carried her in the hospital. How did I become so foolish to agree with my heartless and dense brother not claim her for three years? She’s going to flip a switch when she finds out the truth. And I am going to do a lot of begging and groveling. Do whatever it takes. “Tonight is going to change everything, sons.” he goes on. “What’s happening tonight, dad?” I ask him, curious. “A lot of things.” His eyes glaze for some seconds, clears and he rises from his seat. “Let’s go back to the meeting.” NICOLE Damn alphas with their foolish possessiveness! Telling me I belong to them. How dare they! Fuming, I stomp out into the lawn and collide with a strong wall in front of me. Not a wall, but a strong chest. A strong chest belonging to man with short blonde hair, deep green eyes and a handsome face. “Sorry.” I mutter, walking past him. At the table, Mira frowns at me. “Where did you go?” “Where did you go?” I counter back at her. “Why are you smelling of blood and antiseptic?” “Long story,” I huff as I grab a glass of juice and down it in one gulp. The alphas are moving back into the hall. “You got injured?” Mira asks as she takes a glass of juice also. “More like my mates, scratch that, my mate, ex-mate, tried to squeeze the life out of my…” “He hurt you?! What is his problem? What happened?” “Were you not around…you didn’t see the scene where they almost…” I stop, narrowing my eyes at her. “What?” “Where did you go, Mira? Did you…?” I stop again, taking in her appearance. Her hair and clothes don’t look the same as before. “Did you and Mel…oh! You went to him.” “He came around and…” she winks. “he knocked me around at the back of his car.” “Not an image I want to imagine right now.” “Look at what we have here. Two omegas chatting about their poor and pathetic omega lives.” A familiar, snarky voice cuts into our conversation. Billie Ashton in all her fake glory. Beside her is her twin, as plastic and fake as her. Both blinking their fake eyelashes and flipping their extremely dyed blonde hair, giggling. “I am sure they are fantasizing about the alphas they wish to have but can never have,” Millie sneers. Mira gives both a withering look. “At least we don’t wish to be as fake as you.” “You dare speak back to us, filthy omega!” Billie raises a hand to slap Mira. “Don’t you dare!” I don’t know where the power to say that comes from.
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