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FIGHTING BACK AND A REJECTION NICOLE “Don’t you dare!” I spit out at the stupid girls in front of me. “So you can talk back?” Millie, a bit shocked, sneers again at me. “What do you want?” I ignore her, getting in their faces. Enough of these two talking down on me or Mira because of our status. Being an omega doesn’t mean we are less human or wolf. “Nothing you can offer. There’s nothing good an omega can give,” Billie says condescendingly. “Yeah, you’re right. We can’t offer fake eyelashes, over bleached hair and a glorified fakeness to other people’s mates.” I swing back at them. Both gasped at my words. Mira chuckles loudly, covering her mouth to prevent juice from spilling out. “Are you calling us mate stealers?” Billie shrieks. “Yeah, took you long to figure it out,” Mira replies. “Are you two making fun of us?!” Millie screeches stupidly. “Are you so stupid that you need us to tell you that we are making fun of you?” Mira chuckles louder. “I will report you two to the Alpha. I am sure you both know that he will punish you.” Millie threatens. “What’s with the snarky and screeching voices? It’s getting boring and extremely annoying to hear you two every time.” Mimicking their voices. Yeah, I am tired of hearing these girls putting me down even if they are the girlfriends of those two alphaholes. “Yeah, the headaches are really annoying. My wolf keeps howling in pain.” Mira rolls her eyes, faking a yawn. “You just wait till I report this to Vance,” Billie suddenly says, holding my eyes as she says them. “Let’s see whose side he will be on when he hears that you insulted his girlfriend. The future Luna of the pack.” “Dream on b***h. No one’s making you a Luna. Let alone of this pack.” Mira says. “We shall see,” Billie huffs and turns away. Millie gives me the evil eye before following her sister. Was she saying the truth? Would Vance take her side? “Don’t believe that crap, Nikki. Vance won’t do that.” “You think?” “I don’t know about the Luna stuff but, I know he won’t take her side.” “How do you know?” I turn to look at her. It hurt to hear Mira say what she just said. She holds my hands as she speaks. “I saw the looks in their eyes when they came to the hospital. “They came to see me at the hospital?” She nods. “When you were still in the coma. They refused to leave when Savvy challenged them and only left when the attack happened.” No one told me this. They came? “I didn’t know.” Were they saying the truth about being sorry? But coming to see me at the hospital doesn’t erase the pain and rejection. They were the reason why I was hospitalized. TORIN I know who she is even without seeing her face. She was with another female who I presume is her sister, both talking or rather, exchanging words with the brown-eyed she-wolf that just came out of Alpha Drake’s office and her friend. She must be a twin. Identical at that. Both have the same height, body shape, hair colour and length. Have the same style of dress on. I am sure both would have the same eye colour. Whatever they were arguing about must be about a guy, from the way she and her twin are prancing about and flaunting themselves. What is it with female wolves and males? I am damn sure that it has to be about an alpha. Like only alphas are the only male species on the planet. Well, according to werewolf hierarchy, alphas sit at the highest level. But, that doesn’t make them perfect. They finished arguing and I don’t miss the evil eye she throws at the brown-eyed she-wolf. I know that look. It’s a look that promises something evil. Something sinister that the other person doesn’t know about. I have seen that look before. Saw someone I once knew, gave that kind of look to others, countless times. And she did that which she promised. The moment she takes some steps after her sister, she pauses and looks towards my direction, her nostrils flared, sniffing the air deeply. Her eyes are green just like her sister’s. The most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. To peer into those green pools would be a lifetime vocation for me. But, I see something else behind those greens. Pride. I don’t need to know her to know she was snobbish. How she had acted at the table with her sister, further adds to my assumption. Just like someone I once knew, who felt she was the best in her class and deemed the others lesser and unworthy to be called mates with her. Her pride caused my entire coven to be decimated. I believe that with pride comes jealousy. You are jealous of others who have what you don’t have because you pride yourself to be better than them. What irony that my mate’s green eyes vividly convey the green-eyed monster called jealousy. Her eyes roam round, searching for my scent. Bloody wolves and how they find their mates. Not that I have anything against wolves. Actually,I have an open mind concerning other supernaturals like me. Inter-marriage between species is what makes and keeps things balanced. I am not surprised when she frowns, her green eyes swirling with disgust at seeing me. This must be the part where she rejects me. Bring it on, mate. “You can’t be my mate,” she growls angrily when she stomps towards me. “Who are you?” Looking me up and down. I am sure my clothes right now, is another reason why she is going to reject me. I made sure to swipe my clothes the moment I saw her. As if I knew she would do that. “Hello, mate.” I say plainly. “No need for pleasantries. And I am not your mate. Tell me your name so I can reject you properly.” “Why? Aren’t wolves always excited to see and meet their mates?” “Just tell me your name!” her green eyes blaze with anger. Must be her wolf either fighting her or agreeing with her. Whatever the case, I am not interested. I don’t need a mate right now. I have a lot to do. Being mated to a snobbish she-wolf was the last thing I need now. “And if I reject your rejection?” “You wouldn’t dare. My father is the Gamma of this pack. He will tell Alpha Drake.” Oh, a daddy’s girl. “I wouldn’t want the Gamma to chop my head off now, would I?” “Exactly! Now tell me your name.” If only she knew who was in front of her. “Who is he?” her sister asks her, equally looking at me disgustingly. “My mate. Can you believe it?” she sneers, giving me a stink eye. “He doesn’t smell like a wolf,” her twin notes. “Yeah. That’s why I need to reject him.” “Best hurry, then. The guys will soon come out. We can’t let that silly omega win.” “He won’t tell me his name.”Top of Form Interesting. Watching and listening to both of them. Realising that she rejecting me will be the best thing to ever happen to me. “Torin Thanakos of…” “I Millie Ashton, she-wolf of Firestone Pack, hereby reject you, Torin Thanakos, as my mate,” she blurts out in a breath. I hear that wolves feel the pain of rejection but, never witnessed until now. She stumbles backwards, clutching her chest and groaning. And me? I felt nothing. Just perfect peace. “Thanks for the rejection. Do have a lovely evening.” I smile slowly as I depart from their presence. Good riddance.
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