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THE SNUB NICOLE The last thing I remember is falling asleep after trashing Vance’s room. And the peace I felt before passing out. Waking up in the guest room means someone brought me here, which also means that they found out about the room. Shit! How do I explain myself to Vance? It wasn’t me. It has to be my wolf, Anaya. Always hiding and coming out when she likes. A low growl sounds in my head. “Yeah, it was you, not me,” I tell her in my head. “You were angry and trashed his room. Better come out quick, so you can tell him yourself.” A scoff sounds in my head and I have a feeling of someone or something reclining at the back of my head. “Crazy wolf. Crazy Firewolf.” A deep growl vibrates in my head, making me wince as I get up from the bed. “Just when are you coming out?” I ask as I shuffle to the door, my stomach growling. Didn’t Vince say he was going to prepare food? Can he even cook? Outside my door stands two fierce-looking warriors, one on each side. Both turn to me. “Do you need something, Luna?” the less fierce-looking one asks with a small nod. Luna? He just called me Luna. “Where are the alphas?” The one with a long scar running from his temple to cheek answers me. “They had an emergency.” “Okay,” as I step outside the room, he stops me with his hand in front of me. “They specifically instructed that you shouldn’t leave the room.” The hell they did! “I am not a prisoner either in this pack or house.” “No offense, Luna. That was our instruction. Apologies,” his partner apologises with a small smile. This was why I didn’t want to agree to stay here. Now I can’t even go outside this room. My stomach growls at that moment, making me flush red, and the two of them exchange worried glances. “I am sure you won’t stop me from going downstairs to find something to eat?” They share worried glances. Without waiting for their response, I push past them, walking through the corridor. Behind me, I hear their footsteps echoing as they follow me. Passing by Vance’s room, I find it locked and the offensive smell still as strong as before. At Vince’s door, I unconsciously inhale his scent deeply as I walk past it. Downstairs, I find the entire place empty, which is strange, for it was almost dinner time. No maid, not even the head maid is around. “Where is everyone?” I ask, turning back at the two men behind me. “The alphas sent them all home.” “Who is going to make dinner?” Both look at each other, shrugging. “I will cook in that case,” I announce and start for the kitchen, but I am stopped by the same warrior. “Alpha Vince instructed us not to let you cook.” “Really?” I am a step away from letting out a huge scream right now. First I can’t leave the house and now I can’t cook. “So, what am I supposed to eat?” “I am sure the alphas will make provision for that,” the other warrior chipped in. “Thanks for the assurance, but I am leaving for my house,” I declare, brushing past them again, and heading for the door, not caring about the stupid instructions my mates gave them. Surprisingly, they don’t stop me as I reach the door. But as I open it, I see the reason why. Outside the door stand three more fierce-looking warriors, who turn their attention immediately to me. “Is everything alright, Luna?” one of them asks. “I am hungry and going home to eat,” I announce stamping my foot. “I am afraid we can’t let you do that, Luna.” “Yet I am hungry. I can’t cook, and I can’t leave,” A hardness creeps into my voice that makes them all bow their heads. “I am sure Luna remembers what happened recently. The alphas are only worried about you and want you secured.” “Yet I should die of hunger whilst I remain safe,” I couldn’t help the sarcasm dripping into in my voice. The eyes of one of them suddenly goes still, then clears as he raises his head. “They are on their way. “Whatever,” I scoff, dropping on one of the stairs, pouting as my stomach continues to growl. “Maybe this will suffice for now, Luna?” the one with a scar offers me a bar of chocolate. “Thanks,” giving him a smile that doesn’t reach my eyes as I snatch the bar from him. “Half a loaf is better than none.” He smiles back and rejoins his colleagues, who have all turned away. They called me Luna. Has word spread round the pack that I am their mate? And so fast? Well, it’s expected after my stunt at school. The students will tell their parents, who will tell their neighbours, and so on. Luna. The one word I never thought would be attached to my name. Luna Nicole. Luna Nicole Stone. Luna Nicole Stone, the Firewolf. I am Luna and also the Firewolf. Who would have ever thought that I would be a Luna? Not the students at school. Not Millie. Not Billie. Not me. Not even my mates. They must have been shell-shocked when they found out. Frowning as a thought trickles into my mind…when did they… But before I can dwell on the thought further, the sound of cars approaching interrupt me. Two vehicles drive into the front of the house. My mates come out of their jeep, while their parents and Torin alight from the other. The warriors nod respectfully at the alphas before leaving. My eyes rake over the two as they approach, feeling the tension rolling off them. Though they displayed it differently, I can see it from their bodily actions. Vince’s shoulders are bunched up, much like his furrowed brows and clenched fists at his sides. His steps are hurried with a tinge of restlessness in them that totally shows he was in turmoil. For Vance, he looks more subdued, his slumped shoulders give away an indication of a heavy weight pressing him down. His eyes refuse to meet mine, which stings considering how he and Vince are looking at making things right between the three of us. He lets Vince pass ahead of him, not uttering a word to me as he heads inside, further crushing my heart in my chest. And I know he knows I am looking at him. Still, he chooses to ignore me, leaving me apprehensive and longing for him. My eyes grow blurry as tears well up in them, threatening to spill over, and I bite down on my quivering lips, stopping my eyes from leaking. “Nicole,” his mother’s voice reaches my ears, but my eyes are still on Vance’s departing frame. Why is he rejecting me all over again? Didn’t he say he was going to fight for my love? Two soft palms hold my cheeks, gently steering my face away from the door where Vance has disappeared into. “Don’t cry, honey,” Luna Malia’s voice trembles as she speaks. I blink back my tears and nod, meeting her red, puffy and sorry eyes, making me wonder what really was going on. She hugs me tightly, rubbing my back in a comforting gesture. Behind her is Alpha Drake, looking as tense as his sons. Only Torin displays a calm attitude, yet even he has a worried frown on his face. “Where did you get the chocolate bar?” Vince’s warm voice reaches me. His voice and presence seem to partly comfort me. “One of the warriors. I was hungry and told I was not allowed to cook or leave,” my anger resurfacing as his mother releases me from her embrace. “My fault. Sorry about that,” he gives me a sheepish look as he apologizes. “Come on, let’s go in.” As Vince guides me inside, the weight of Vance’s snub lingers heavily inside me, leaving me more unsure of what is to be of our bond.
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