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NICOLE I AM THE LUNA! “Good morning, Alphas.” “Alphas.” “Good morning, Alphas Vince and Vance.” The greetings trail us as we walk inside with faces that show enough shock and surprise to assure me that I was right. Students part slowly to let us through, keeping their distance. Some try to hide their disdain for me, while others openly show theirs. Hisses, scoffs, snorts and the likes follow us, each one breaking my heart. Even with the presence of the Alphas with me, I am still seen as undeserving of them. Am I not worthy of having such mates? Are omegas destined for nothing good? Is that our purpose in the werewolf world? Best at cooking and cleaning? And breeding? Only? These thoughts swirl around my head as we walk on. My heart breaking further at the stares of students as we pass them or they pass. Some even do a double take to be sure of what they’re seeing, whispering. Is she the reason why he rejected Billie? Billie is going to kill her. Why would they walk her to school? She’s not worthy of them. My mates growl and glare at them. “Welcome to my world. You just made me public enemy number one, I whisper as we reach my class. “This is my class,” I stop, making them stop as well. “Thanks for walking me to class.” “Don’t thank us,” Vince replies, with hardened eyes. “We will be back to pick you up later.” “You don’t have to—" “We will come and that’s final, here.” Vance cuts me off angrily, handing me my bag. “Be good, brown eyes.” Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I turn away and walk into class. Time to face the music. Classes pass by without any hitch. Except for the continuous whispers, evil side looks, and a few students moving their seats away from me. Teachers who usually are harsh to me, show a bit of softness today. Seemed like everyone had been warned. Of course. Seeing me and the alphas today must be the reason why. Did they announce I am their mate? Are they afraid of me because I will soon be the Luna of the pack? Are they afraid that I am going to be powerful now? The hostility in the air is palpable, and I can't shake off the fear of being the center of attention. The Alphas' presence may have shielded me physically, but emotionally, I feel exposed and vulnerable. I glance out of the window, wondering if this day will ever end. At lunch, the cafeteria suddenly goes silent as I walk in. All eyes are directed towards me, following me as I head to the counter to make my order. The lady at the counter gives me her usual sweet smile. “Hey, Nikki! Good to see you!” she chirps. “Hey, Helen,” she’s one of the few who are nice to me. “Looking beautiful.” “Thank you. May I have the usual?” “The usual coming up with something extra on the side,” winking as she starts to pile my plate. “Extra?” “Yeah. Certain alphas requested we place fresh flowers on your tray,” she winks. “Alphas? When?” “This morning. Fresh flowers for their Luna.” She brings out two fresh red roses and arranges them near my food. A smile slowly spreads out on my face as I sniff the flowers. No one has ever given me flowers. “I have to tell them about that smile. The flowers had the effect they hoped for,” Helen chuckles as she hands me the tray. “Enjoy, Luna.” “Don’t tell them anything, Helen.” “I have to or Alpha Vince is going to command me,” chuckling more with amused eyes. “Thanks, Helen. You’re the best,” I tell her as I take my tray and leave the queue, ignoring the eyes trailing me. Especially with the red roses making me more obvious. I can’t stop smiling as I search for a seat, ignoring the looks around me. My eyes catch an empty table with two girls, Tina and Mara, omegas like me. Ridiculed and ostracized. “Hey,” I greet them as I sit. “Hi.” “Hello.” “Mind if I join you guys?” “Be our guest,” Mara replies sourly, her blue eyes as dull as her voice. “Not like anyone wants to sit with us. “You’re actually like the only one who has ever asked for permission to sit with us,” Tina adds. She has a bright voice and her dark eyes look lively. “I am sorry about that,” I pick up the flowers and inhale their scent, smiling. “It’s okay. At least we have the star of the day with us!” Tina whispers excitedly. “Tell us about you and the alphas.” “Err…” “Don’t say it’s nothing. Those flowers can only come from them.” “They…” “That smile can only mean something,” she winks at me. “You’re their mate!” she squeals. “Mara, we are friends with the Luna.” Elbowing Mara. “Great,” her friend scoffs sourly, again. Is that her regular voice?” I ask. “Ignore her. She’s sure her mate’s going to reject her.” “Hun? Has she met him?” “Nope. She just had that epiphany one day. Back to you. What’s with you and them?” Tina scoots her seat closer to the table. Just before I make a sound, the familiar ugly voice breaks out around us. “If it isn’t the mate stealer herself.” Billie strides over to our table, her sister in tow, as usual. Just the perfect combo to destroy my lunch. “And she has flowers. Oh, you’re smiling because they gave you flowers?” “Pathetic,” Millie spits out. Here goes me being the center of attention again. Twice in a day. “You’re smiling like this because they gave you flowers, when Vance has given me more than flowers,” her words incite loud gasps and chuckles from the crowd. My face burns in embarrassment. “You think because they brought you to school, you mean something to them?” Millie chimes in. “Look at her blushing.” “Leave her alone, Billie.” Tina defends me. “No one is speaking to you, omega. Omegas don’t speak when the higher- ups are speaking,” Millie hisses at her. “Really? Says who?” Tina goes on. She reminds me of Mira. “Keep talking, omega. Just know that when I become Luna, omegas will only be seen and not heard.” Billie boasts, looking around the cafeteria. “Whose Luna? Certainly not alpha Vance’s. We were all there when he openly announced he will never take you as his Luna.” Tina bursts her bubble. “Shut up!” Billie shrieks in anger as the entire cafeteria buzzes with laughter and intrigued whispers. “Shut up all of you!” she yells at the crowd. Vance announced that to the crowd. Was that part of the meeting? “Who knows maybe she bewitched him to say that. No one truly knows her origin,” Millie quickly adds. “I didn’t bewitch anyone!” I yell back at her, springing to my feet. Anger boils under my skin, something eager to come out and snap the heads off these two evil she-wolves, accusing me of bewitching and stealing my mates. “If anyone is a witch, it’s probably the two of you.” “Is she accusing us?” Biilie blinks stupidly at her sister. “More like she is making a statement based on the fact that you both look like witches with your long nails, fake eyelashes, fake blonde hairs and the…” Mara starts to note in her sour voice. “Shut up!!!” Billie fumes. Her eyes bulging out of their sockets. “What is this? An Omega Convention? Where all the Omegas in the pack suddenly have a voice.” Turning to me. “You’re the cause of this. Just because you suddenly became close to the alphas, you think you have a say? Well, you don’t because as we are the Lunas to be we are hereby creating a permanent eating space for the Omegas.” “You’re not the Lunas to be,” I counter her. “I am. We are!” “No you’re not. I AM THE LUNA!” I roar at her.
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