1060 Words
NICOLE I AM THE LUNA 2 “I AM THE LUNA!” my outburst quietens the room instantly. For the first time, I feel a surge of authority flow through me at my declaration. A terrible and horrible weight lifts off me, like a boulder was removed from a road, easing the flow of traffic. My insides feel lighter, an opening forming, something pushing through it and flowing around my body. Beneath my skin, something is stirring, waiting to break free. “Liar!” Millie yells, pointing a finger at me. “They didn’t announce you as their Luna at the meeting last night.” “These girls are so dumb,” Mara groans. “And you’re the first person I am going to send to the dungeons…” Billie is cut off by Mara. “Keep living in your fantasy world. Alpha Vance already announced that it is officially over between you and him. How does that make you our Luna?” “So shameless,” Tina hisses, shaking her head and turning away. “Your friend here is the shameless one. She’s the one claiming our mate to as hers.” “I am their mate, not you,” the hot lava is swirling in my head now, about to explode and I can’t handle how hot my head is. “If you’re their mate, why didn’t they announce it to the pack?” “I am their mate. They brought me to school and everyone saw it. And as the mate to your new alphas, that makes me your Luna. If you think I am lying, you can ask them yourselves.” Turning to the crowd, “And as your Luna to be, I call you all as witnesses to the accusations of Billie and Millie Ashton. Billie Ashton called me a mate stealer, Millie Ashton called me a witch, claiming I have bewitched the alphas. Billie Ashton also threatened to make all omegas of the pack seen and not heard and plan to demote omegas permanently to a location in the cafeteria. Not forgetting how she yelled at you all to shut up, and mocking me for receiving flowers from my mates and insinuating they have received better,” I confidently read out all their crimes according to our laws concerning mate issues and the power wielded by a Luna. “Do I have witnesses?” Hands spring up in the air, immediately. If I decide to press the charges as the Luna, I have enough witnesses to make them face trial and receive their punishments. Their crimes were against me, their Luna, and the members of the pack. My pack. Their lies, accusations, threats to the omegas and rudeness, would give the Council enough arsenal to use in meting out punishments to them. Do I really want to press charges against them? After all, Billie has been Vance’s girlfriend for long. Their families have been friends for long too. Am I sure the brothers aren’t playing a prank on me? Are they going to accept me as their Luna? Was Helen a part of the prank? Was putting the flower on my tray, a prank as well? “Nonsense! No one believes you,” Billie retorts, snorting. “When the time comes for them to be tried, I need volunteers, warriors, to help effect their arrests.” I say to the room. “You wouldn’t dare! Who are you to arrest us?” Millie fumes. “I am your Luna! And I command you to shut up!” I roar fiercely at her, horror written all over her face at my command. A heavy hush falls over the room. “You can’t command her!” Billie growls defiantly, swiping away at my lunch with a palm. My eyes follow the tray as it flies off the table, clattering to the ground, spilling my food to the floor. Fruit juice seeps into the flowers, wetting them and slowly changing their red colour to black. With an evil smirk on her face, she lifts her leg and stamp it down on the wet flowers, crushing them. That was it. Whatever was scratching to come out from beneath my skin, burst out. Growling loudly, I jump over the table, on to Billie, taking her down with me and start raining punches on her. A strange energy pulsates through me as my punches connect with her face. My vision is clearer, my senses heightened. Around me, I can hear voices, but a wall forms in my consciousness, blocking all the sounds, making my entire senses, laser focused on the female under me. And my number one goal right now is to make her never ever disrespect me… “Disrespect us,” the voice in my head growls. “I am going to break her entire face!” After dropping their mate at school, Vince and Vance went on a tour of the pack. Tim joined them as their Beta. Together they visited the different parts of the pack, sitting at meetings as they got acquainted with members of their pack. At the training grounds with the warriors, while discussing with Adam, the chief warrior, the pack’s mindlink began to buzz with excitement, bombarded with links at the same time from the students at school. The brothers had to pause and concentrate, wincing slightly as the voices registered. Being their first time hearing their members all at once, they had to sift through the chatter till they heard something about a fight at school. “Alphas, there’s a fight going on at school,” Adam said with a worried look on his face. The wind blew his golden locks softly around his forehead. Their eyes stilled and clouded as they concentrated, till they heard a voice say, “Alpha Vance, Billie is fighting with an omega.” Both tensed at the mention of an omega. The ears of their wolves perked up, both jumped to their feet, their eyes alert. “Who is the omega?” Vance asked stiffly. “Nicole Bennyson.” That was all they needed before rushing off the grounds and heading for the school. “I am going to kill her!” Ares roared as they sprinted away. “Not before I do,” Axel growled loudly. Running behind them, Tim, Adam and two other warriors.
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