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NICOLE RIDE TO SCHOOL WITH MY MATES “Good morning, Alphas,” I greet them as they stroll in, closing the door behind them. Still recovering from embarrassment, my eyes remain fixed on the floor, my heart slowly regaining its composure. “It’s Vince,” he growls at me. “And Vance.” “You’re the Alphas now,” I sense the change in their auras, stronger than ever. Even their scents and looks have transformed. “And you’re our mate,” Vance adds, grabbing the top of a dining chair while his brother perches on the edge of the table. Their scents engulf me, overwhelming my senses. A deep silence reigns between us as their eyes stay on me, while mine continue to hug the floor. “We need to talk,” Vince’s deep voice breaks the silence, a hint of apprehension and exhaustion evident. “I need to get to school.” “You can miss school for a day,” Vince says. “I’d rather not. I have spent enough time away. I want to graduate with my class.” “We will take you then,” Vance replies, leaving the chair and rising to his full height. He picks my bag and jacket. “Come on.” “Don’t bother. Savvy is driving me. She won’t be long,” my heart rate increases at the thought of being taken to school by them. How am I supposed to endure their scents, voices and presence? Their eyes stilled, clouding. I know they’re linking someone. “She won’t anymore, we’ve sent her a link,” Vince says, stretching out his hand towards me. Does he expect me to take his hand? Do I look like a child? “Why do you even want to drive me to school?” “We will talk about this when you get back,” Vance supplies me his version of an answer. “Left to me, you won’t even go to school today,” Vince says. “Why?” I frown at his words. “I am sure Savvy told you what happened yesterday.” “It changes nothing,” why am I arguing with him when he is saying the exact thing Savvy just told me. “I am happy for you, but my life goes on.” “Brown eyes, we becoming the alphas changes everything for you,” Vince gives me a soft look as he speaks. “It changes nothing for me. Only for you and your girlfriends.” Both of them wince at my words, clenching their jaws. “Can you not call them our girlfriends again?” Vance pleads with his eyes avoiding mine. “Everyone knows your relationship with them. Why are you denying it?” “Nicole,” Vince closes the distance between us, filling me up with his cedarwood and musk scent. “Can we just drive you to school and talk later?” his grey eyes full of fear and regret, hugging my brown ones, pleading. “Come on.” He stretches out a hand to me. “I can walk on my own,” I mutter, as I brush past him, sparks sweeping over my arm. Outside, I spot their black jeep parked in front. I stop beside it, waiting. A clicking sound comes up. Pulling the handle of the backdoor, I pause, noticing the height. Suddenly, two strong arms clasp around my waist, lifting me off my feet. “Allow me, little mate,” Vince’s hot breath bathes my ears and neck, sending shivers down my back. Sparks and tingles break over my skin. “I am not little,” I reply defiantly as he settles me in the seat. “I am fine; you can let go.” “Not until I strap you in,” he gives me a devilish smile. One that looks completely alien to him. Is this Vince Stone smiling? “I can do it myself,” I assert, fuming, attempting to take it from him, but he doesn’t release the seatbelt. The other door opens with Vance dropping my bag and jacket beside me. “Having problems with my mate, Vince?” he looks at me while speaking. “Just keeping our mate safe, but she’s throwing a tantrum.” “No, I am not!” “Oh, she is, brother.” “She’s going to be a handful, this one.” “Will you stop talking about me like I am not here? And hurry up. I am getting late for school.” What is their problem? I am barely minutes away from getting late. “Don’t worry your beautiful brown hair off, brown eyes. We will get you early to school,” Vance says, winking at me before closing the door. sThere we go again with those two words. Vince pats my lap gently, smiling as he pulls away and closes the door. He walks around the car to join his brother who is already in the passenger seat. No one speaks throughout the ride to school, though I catch them watching me a few times. Vince from the inside mirror, while Vance used his side mirror as I was at his back.Top of Form Arriving at school made me realize what mess I had put myself in. The alphas driving me to school is going to be the talk of the entire school today. “s**t!” I mutter under my breath, sliding down. Both turned to me, their expressions full of questions and alert as if I was in danger. “What?” both ask at the same time. “You just made me the talk of the entire school.” I peep out and see numerous eyes on the car. Their appearance at school is obviously surprising. And it’s going to be more surprising when I come out. A scandal more like. An omega stepping out of the new Alphas car. The omega named, Nicole Bennyson. Triple scandal. Why did I agree to allow them bring me? And why did Savvy even agree? “What’s wrong with that? You’re our mate,” Vance says “Yeah, right,” I scoff, rolling my eyes.” “We will talk about this later,” Vince says as he steps out of the car. Vince follows suit, leaving me alone at the back. Both doors open with each of them holding the handles. “Nicole,” Vince calls me. “You wouldn’t happen to have a hoodie or cap stashed somewhere in your car?” I wish I had something now to cover my face. “Are you ashamed of being seen with us?” Vance chuckles, taking my bag and jacket from me. “Goddess!” I groan as I shuffle towards Vince. “No!” I yelp as he picks me out of the car and walks with me in his arms, bridal style, round the car and puts me down where the majority of the students were standing and everywhere goes silent. A pin could drop and we would all hear it hitting the ground. “Come here,” Vance smirks as he brings my jacket to me. “Arms out.” smiling all through, his grey eyes full of mischief, as he helps me wear it. “You should see your face, brown eyes. You look like you want to kill me.” he whispers near my ears. My body convulses as his breath hit my skin. “And me too,” his brother chimes in, spotting the same smile and mischievous look. I wish I can swipe off the smiles from their faces with a punch. These two are the worst mates one can ever have. First, they reject me, and now they’re announcing to the entire student body of the school that I am their mate. I can only stand still as both my mates arrange my jacket on me. One would think I was being prepared for something more than just going to school. “All done,” Vance says with a satisfied grin. Both of them pull back to look at their handwork, oblivious to the curious and judging eyes around us. “Let’s walk you to class,” Vince announces, pulling me to his side and swinging an arm over my shoulder. Vance picks my hand and start to swing it as they usher me inside. Can today be any worse?
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