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THE UNNATURAL BOND Billie managed to rise to her feet, her joints and limbs protesting with every movement as she heard the key turning in the lock. She braced herself against the pain, anticipation flickering in her eyes. A smile tugged at her lips as her scent filtered in from the door. Her smile widened as did the ball of hope bouncing in her heart. It only meant one thing, Vance was among them. The witch was right, her scent overshadowed his. He smelled strongly of her. Soon, he would smell only of her, completely hers forever. Having a father like Dean Ashton had its perks. His status as Gamma of the pack granted him access to a lot of people and connections within the supernatural world. He found the witch that concocted the potion to not only alter Vance’s scent, but bind her wolf to his. A deed done when they were yet to find their mate. A safeguard against any interference from their mates. Who knew Nicole would become their mate. This was her last card. As the door of the cell creaked open, Billie's heart raced with anticipation, her hopes pinned on Vance's arrival. True to her intuition, he stood at the threshold, his expression neutral but with a subtle glint of silver in his eyes, betraying the turmoil within. “Vance!” she cried out, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and desperation as she approached him, the chains rattling with her movement. “I don’t know how I got here. Some guards brought me here,” she pleaded, swiftly shifting into her damsel-in-distress persona. “Quit the act, Billie,” Vance's voice cut through her façade as Torin and Vince entered the cell behind him. “What act Vance? I don’t know how I got here! I am in chains,” she protested, feigning innocence. “Stop pretending,” Vince said in a firm tone, his gaze piercing through her deception. “Pretending?” she willed herself to look desperate and lost. “I don’t know what you mean. I was in the school cafeteria eating lunch with Millie…I…we were…just eating when,” she paused frowning as she pretended to remember. “We…I…she came to us. Calling us names and attacked me. Nicole attacked me. Ughh! I think I have a headache,” she held her head, groaning as if in pain. “When you’re done acting, I want to know why you changed my scent to yours?” Vance demanded, his patience wearing thin. “I already told you. I wanted you to be mine,” Billie asserted, the possessiveness strong in her voice. Vance growled in response, his eyes flashing gold. “I was never yours in the first place.” Before she could react, Torin approached, his presence looming over her. “So, this is the she-wolf?” Torin smirked, his gaze roaming over her. He doubted if she recognized him. “Billie, I suggest you cooperate with us or Torin won’t be gentle,” Vince warned. “I didn’t change your scent. We’ve been together for long, don’t you think that can change your scent to mine.” She countered back stubbornly. “I am in chains, battered and left to languish in a cell while Nicole roams free.” Vince snarled at her. “Don’t ever mention her name.” “What’s the name of the witch that helped you with the potion?” Torin’s voice was calm yet commanding, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. “What potion?” she saw something akin to liquid fire burning in the middle of his eyes. Something about this man scared her. Though he looked familiar, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that this man was powerful. “The one the witch gave you,” he slowly began to move his head side-to-side, compelling her to follow his eyes. “I…I…I…what,” Billie stammered, feeling a wave of heat rising within her as she struggled to form coherent words under his gaze. and couldn’t take her eyes off his. “I just want her name,” Torin pressed, his smile deceptively sweet as he held her gaze with a hypnotic intensity. “A...Agatha,” Billie finally managed to utter, her voice trembling as she succumbed to the mesmerizing effect of Torin's gaze. “A…Agatha,” she whimpered, her voice shaking as she spoke. “Agatha?” Torin sighed, a hint of resignation in his tone. “Why am I not surprised?” “Is it the same Agatha?” Vince inquired. “I want to believe so. She has the perfect tools for such a potion,” Torin confirmed, his attention shifting as he plucked a strand of Billie's hair. “Ouch!” Billie exclaimed, the sudden pain snapping her out of her trance. “Step back,” Torin instructed the two alphas as he opened his palm, where Vince’s and Nicole’s hair strands sat. “Come near me when I call you, Vance.” Vance gave a short nod, licking his lips in anticipation. Just like when he had gone to pluck a strand of Nicole’s hair, needed for this ritual. “Be a good girl and don’t move, she-wolf,” Torin winked at Billie who was looking at the three in confusion. Torin started chanting, his palms emitting an orange glow, quickly bathing the entire cell in its warm light. As he chanted, the hairs on his palms rose up in the hair, swirling and dancing, their colours bleeding into the luminous glow. Like colours in water. “What’s he doing?” Billie whispered. Nicole and Vance’s colours swirled towards each other, a natural gravitational pull between mates. Torin observed this calmly, unsurprised by this. His expression didn’t change when a dark smoke materialized out of nowhere, joining the dance of colours. He was expecting it and the level of potency it wielded. “That’s the dark magic,” Torin gestured with his jaw towards it, glaring at Billie when she tried to move away. “I won’t do that if I were you.” Without warning, the black smoke suddenly yanked Vance’s dark hair colour away from Nicole’s brown strands. Torin followed its movement with keen eyes, watching as it guided Vance’s colour towards Billie’s blond hair. The two hues began to mix, swirling around each other like dancers. He frowned at the unexpected twist in events. “Face her now!” he ordered Vance, as he mustered more energy for his next move. Vance stepped forward, facing Billie who didn’t look totally alarmed any longer. “Vance, don’t let him do this,” she pleaded, desperately, realizing what Torin was going to do. Though the witch had guaranteed her the bond couldn’t be broken, she was still afraid that whatever Torin was doing would be successful. She could feel it in her bones. “Don’t listen to anything she says, or what you feel,” Torin cautioned him as the dark smoke vibrated in the air, straining against the orange glow from his palms. Vance sighed deeply, feeling a strange tug in his heart, torn between conflicting emotions towards Billie as he observed the intertwining of their hair colours. Torin closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before exhaling. When he opened his eyes, they were no longer green, but a golden green. “Inacte!” Billie screamed as the heat inside her intensified, searing through her cells and bones. “Stop!” Vance felt the tug in his heart growing stronger, yet he was losing strength in his bones. Nicole’s brown hair vibrated strongly in the air, releasing a piercing shriek, bleeding a dark brown colour, that formed a ball. It’s colour gave it an angry appearance as it surged forward, heading towards the intertwining colours. It leaped up into the air about to land into the black-gold swirling mass only for an invincible barrier to repel it. The ball kept on hitting at the barrier and every time it kept getting repelled. Torin frowned at the three strange events. “Inacte tus mico!” he chanted, releasing more power into the orange glow, feeling it ripple inside the glow, heading straight for the dark smoke. But despite his efforts, the colours of their hairs refused to separate with the dark magic infusing itself into it. Electricity buzzed in the center, lighting it up. The bond was strengthening. And not only that. Something else was forming. The more he pumped power into the glow, the more it seemed the bond grew stronger. Billie screamed, Vance got weaker. And Nicole’s dark brown ball continued rebounding off the unseen barrier. The dark magic was feeding off his powers, creating a stronger bond. “s**t!” he gritted out as he realized what was happening. “What is happening?” Vince inquired, alarmed at what was happening. His eyes moved from the orange glow to his brother who looked like he was going to collapse anytime soon. He felt Vance weakness through their bond. “I need to stop,” Torin declared urgently. “Why?” “The dark magic is binding his wolf to hers, using my powers.”
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