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SHE’S MY MATE! “Nicole!” Vance and Vince screamed in unison as they barged into the guest room, their eyes darting around the room. “Her scent is still fresh,” Vance noted, dashing for the bathroom with Vince following behind. But the empty space greeted their worried eyes. “Where can she be?” Vince groaned, darting out of the room, heading for his room. Vance followed closely behind him. In the corridor, they met their parents. “Could she have left for home?” Drake asked, his gaze searching their worried faces. “I doubt it. We all agreed she was safer here with us,” Vince replied with a heavy sigh, pushing past his parents towards his room. She wasn’t there. “Let’s check yours,” he suggested to Vance. “She can’t be in there,” Vance stopped him in his tracks, sending him a knowing look. Drake and Malia saw the exchange of looks between their sons. “You never can tell,” Vince huffed, heading for Vance’s room, freezing when he saw the condition of the room. “Who did this?” he stepped inside, surveying the chaos. Vance was speechless as he took in the sight of his trashed room. Nothing was left untouched. “Who could have done this to your room, Vance?” Malia asked in shock. “This looks like someone has a grouse against you, like an angry lover,” She turned to Vance. “Which girl is it? Or are you still with Billie?” “Mom!” Vance groaned. “You know that chapter is closed.” “Then who could have done this? It looks like the person wanted to tear you apart. “Look at everything,” Malia persisted, waving her hand through the room. “Are you sure there’s no other person?” Drake questioned his son. “I am certain, Dad,” Vance sighed deeply. His mind racing to find who it could be. “Even your bathroom is trashed,” Vince’s voice echoed from the bathroom. “Looks like someone smashed something. Ughhh!” he groaned before emerging. “It smells like your new scent in here.” Rushing to the bathroom, Vance’s eyes narrowed on the scattered bottle of cologne on the floor. His heart began to pound thunderously as he recognized it. “Vance, honey,” Malia called from behind him. “Are you alright?” Vance didn’t reply as his mind was busy connecting the dots. That was the bottle of cologne Billie gave him. Only Vince, Torin and Billie knew about it. Torin was downstairs, Billie was in a cell and Vince was here. All three were accounted for. Only one person hated the scentl and she was missing. She was the only one upstairs. It had to be Nicole. Was this her wolf raging at the smell of another on him? Did she know he was reeking of Billie’s scent? “I think it’s Nicole,” he whispered slowly, as he walked out of the bathroom. “Nicole? Why would she do this to your room?” Malia asked, frowning. “I know you two rejected her, but Nicole can’t do this. She’s not aggressive. Not this aggressive.” Vance glanced at Vince. “I know.” “What was that?” Drake pressed, noticing the looks exchanged by his sons. He knew they were hiding something. “Nothing,” Vance quickly replied, swallowing hard. “It’s not nothing. What are you two hiding this time around?” Drake asked in a firm tone. Vince shrugged. “I have nothing to hide.” “For now,” Vance shot back, his gaze narrowed at him. “What are you two hiding? Again?” their father emphasized the last word. Yet both of them remained silent, silently exchanging words in their link, while their father once tried to break into their conversation. Again, he is unable to leading him and his wolf to growl in frustration. “Are you two going to tell us or start fight again?” Vince simply moved away, heading for the door. But then he spotted something brown peeking out from beneath a pile of shredded clothes on the floor. Frowning, he retraced his steps, squatting down to investigate. His eyes widening as he discovered Nicole’s sleeping form on the floor. “Nicole!” he exclaimed, relief flooding his voice as he uncovered her. His parents and brother rushed to his side as he gently removed the clothes from Nicole’s body. The steady beating of her heart confirmed she was merely sleeping. He frowned as he wondered how they couldn’t perceive her scent when they came in. Probably because the stench on Vance was stronger in the room. “Why is she sleeping on the floor?” Drake wondered aloud. “Is she hurt?” Vance questioned no one in particular, reaching out to touch her, but Vince stopped him with a low growl, rising to his feet. Their parents couldn’t hide their surprise at this display of possessiveness over Nicole by Vince against his brother. “I will pick her up,” Vince stated with clenched jaws. “She’s my mate too. I can also pick her up,” Vance insisted, growling back at Vince. “Not on my watch.” Vance narrowed his eyes at his brother. “You think you can stop me from touching my mate?” Vince knew Vance was right. He couldn’t stop him from being near Nicole. She was their mate. “What’s going on between you two?” Drake interjected, cutting their staring match, his eyes flicking between them. “What’s with you stopping Vance from touching Nicole, Vince?” Malia asked as well. Vince raised a brow at Vance. “Care to explain to them what happened?” “It’s nothing that can’t be fixed,” Vance replied cryptically. “I am working on it.” “Hmph,” Vince sneered. “Let’s hope it’s not another foolish act.” “f**k off, Vince,” Vance spat at him. “Enough!” Drake thundered, seeing how the two were about to pounce on each other again. “Take her back to the guest room and join us downstairs.” Vince gathered Nicole gently into his arms, making her comfortable, smiling when she nestled her face on his chest. He gave Vance a brief look, whose eyes shone with both jealousy and longing. Serves him right. Vince thought inside his heart as he walked out of the room with his sleeping mate. Aware of Vance trailing behind him. “You know why you shouldn’t be near her,” Vince remarked when he entered the guest room. Looking down at her. A vision he would never forget. Sleeping peacefully in his clothes. This warmed his heart just like he imagined it would when he got the clothes for her. “I don’t have to explain anything to you,” Vance retorted with irritation, his eyes not leaving Nicole’s sleeping face, wishing he was the one covering her sleeping body with the covers like Vince was doing now. He longed to feel her smooth cheeks on his palms, but afraid of her reaction. “Like I said earlier, you don’t deserve her,” Vince spat out, breaking into Vance’s thoughts. “That’s not for you to decide,” Vance said softly, regretting again what he had said earlier. “Maybe I should start deciding how to protect my mate from you,” Vince declared, leaving the bed, fury simmering beneath his words. “You keep hurting her with your actions.” “News flash, asshole, we both hurt her from the beginning. Don’t think you’re cleaner than me. Who knows what your past holds?” Vance shot back, totally frustrated with Vince’s hypocrisy. “You can say whatever you like. I am done watching you hurt her. Stay away from her,” Vince warned in a determined voice. “That’s never going to happen because she’s also my mate, in case you missed that part, and I won’t give up on her,” Vance declared defiantly, his resolve unyielding.
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