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SHE IS WITH US! Vance held tight to Nicole as he sat at the back of the car. Tim sat in the passenger side while Vince drove. “She’s important? As in her wolf?” Tim asked, turning to gaze at Nicole behind. Vance, gently brushing her hair, smiles, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and affection. "We don’t know yet.” “Could she be the one discussed at the meeting?” Tim went on. “We are only speculating, Tim. Now drop it,” Vince growled, irritatedly at him. “Come on, relax, Vince. I am as concerned as you’re.” Vince peered into the rearview mirror. “How’s she doing?” “Much the same,” Vance replied, still smiling and drooling over the unconscious female in his hands. At the hospital, Mel is shocked to see Nicole unconscious. “What happened?! He asked, urgently calling for a stretcher. “Did you reject her again?” Tim bursted into wild laughter, especially at how the Alphas growled and scowled at Mel. “Stop asking foolish questions, Mel, and check her,” Vince commands as he walked behind the stretcher. They bring her into a room and Mel begins to examine her “What happened?” “She was in a fight at school,” Vance supplied. “Fight? Was she hit anywhere? I can’t find any bruises…” “We don’t know the details. Your job is to check her,” Vince huffed at him. “You’re a doctor.” “And I need to know the full details of what happened so I can diagnose well.” “Just check with what you can see and diagnose…” “She shouldn’t pass out from a fight unless….” “Hey!” Vance barked at him. “Guys!” Tim intervened breaking up the trio. “Let’s all just calm down.” “Tell him to stop asking stupid questions…” “I am not stupid; I am only asking…” “Hey. Hey!” Tim’s voice rose an octave. “Mel just check her and tell us what is wrong with her. She got into a fight we didn’t witness. When Vince pulled her away from the person she was fighting, she passed out. That’s all we know.” “Thank you, Tim,” Mel gave him a short nod and continued checking her. “She looks good. Maybe just tired. Let’s hope she wakes up soon.” “Thank you, Mel,” Tim clasped Mel’s shoulder. “The Alphas are grateful.” Shooting the brothers a meaningful look. Both Alphas grunt their thanks. “Sure,” Mel replied and left. “Why does she keep passing out? First during the attack and now.” Vince mused. “Something’s going on with her and she’s not telling us.” “Definitely. That was her wolf talking to us at the cafeteria. She used the word ‘us’.” Vance added. “That means her wolf only comes out when Nicole is in danger. Or perceives her to be," Tim suggested. “But why is she doing so?” A slight frown mars Vance’s face. “The rejection,” Tim chimed in. “Rejection can make a wolf go into hiding or hibernation. But, we aren’t so sure she came out during the rogue attack.” “Then how do we explain finding her naked and the dead witch beside her, wounded. She had marks only a wolf can give.” Vince said in frustration. “I wish she can just trust us and tell us the truth.” He picked her palm and kissed the inside. “Do you know anything about her parents, Tim?” Vance asked. “Nothing. Even Savvy doesn’t. The Beta and his mate keep whatever they know about her well hidden.” “We could ask our parents. They gave the permission to have her join the pack,” Vince suggested. “We could and should. Hopefully, they will answer us. Oww!” Vance winced. “Savvy!” he groaned along with his brother. “Sorry guys,” Tim gave an apologetic smile to the two. “She’s been bugging me since for info about Nikki.” “Stop yelling, Savvy! You’re giving us a headache!” Vince growled at her in the link. “Then you shouldn't have blocked me. Where is she?!” Savvy yelled into the link. “My parents are going crazy searching for her!” “She’s safe with us! Stop yelling at us! We are your alphas!” “Whatever. How is she?” Vince and Vance slammed their links shut, catching Tim’s eyes going still. “Don’t even dare reply her, Tim,” Vince shot him a warning glare. Tim whimpered at the command. Torn between listening to his mate and obeying his alphas. “I am sorry, babae,” Tim croaked into the link. “I am under alpha command not to tell you where she is.” “Tim!” “I am sorry, babae,” Savvy huffed and growled as she left the link. “I am sure she’s going to turn the entire pack upside down, searching for Nicole.” “And we will be waiting for her,” Vance answered. “Sons, where are you two?” their father’s voice immediately hit the link. “Have you seen Nicole?” “She’s with us,” Vince replied. “Oh, great.” relief flooding his voice. “Her folks are worried. We heard of the fight at school.” “We did too. She’s resting now.” “Is she at the hospital?” “Yes, dad. We brought her after she passed out from the fight.” “Is she okay?” the worry evident in his voice. “Did that girl harm her?” “No. She just passed out after I pulled her off Billie,” Vince continued, giving him the details. “That’s strange.” “More strange when you hear what we saw,” Vince nodded at his brother. “What did you see?” “We will tell you when we see you. We need to also know more about her.” “Why?” “We think she’s the one.”
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