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THE REJECTED MATE. Adam trailed behind the warriors, flanking the unconscious Billie. Her groans pierced his ears, causing him to wince. He clenched his fists, shoving his emotions aside, staying true to his duty and obeying the orders of his alphas. He purposely positioned himself at the back of the group. He wasn’t sure he could control himself not look back at the groaning girl. He feared his emotional response upon seeing her bruised face. It could betray the calm exterior he was maintaining right now. Deep down, he knew that even the slightest crack in his composure could reveal the secret he harbored. The one he had kept well hidden from anyone. Venfa, his wolf, was already a whimpering mess inside him, restless, uneasy, complaining and wailing. “She doesn’t want us, Venfa.” Adam admitted in a resigned tone. “We can convince her,” Venga urged. “I want her.” “I want her too, but you saw what happened.” FLASHBACK The memory played vividly in his mind as he remembered the moment he first caught her scent. It was a cool afternoon at the pack. The pack’s warriors lounged on the field after training. A gentle breeze blew around them, bringing with it the intoxicating aroma of lilac. Filling his senses, perking Venfa’s ears. “Do you guys smell that?” He had asked the guys as he kept filling his lungs with the intoxicating smell of lilac. No one could smell it. “Get up and search for the owner,” Venfa had prompted him. He followed the trail of the scent, letting his wolf guide him, loaning him all his senses, as they both searched for the owner. “It has to be our mate,” Venfa squealed in excitement. Adam’s heart beat increased at the thought of it being true. Could it be true? He was already 27 and still not mated, making him anxious and waiting in anticipation Most wolves usually found their mates between the ages 18 and 20. His prolonged bachelorhood was already a worrying concern for him and his parents. The idea of spending the rest of his life with a chosen mate didn’t appeal with him. He wanted the one made for him. The other part of him. He wanted to feel the sparks of the bond just like he was taught in school and had heard from people who had met their mates. He yearned for his mate. He wanted that. And it was becoming a possibility. He followed the trail that led to the back of the Alpha’s mansion, feeling the scent getting stronger. Passing the left side, he was almost at the front when the scent hit the strongest and at the same time a blond-haired female appeared. Billie Ashton. It hit him like a lightning bolt striking the earth. From the wild look in her eyes, he knew she had felt him too. “Mate! Mate!” Venfa chanted non-stop in his head, doing cartwheels. “She’s beautiful!” Indeed, she was. Her green eyes shone brightly, awed at seeing him as he was at seeing her. Her wolf beautifully shining through her eyes, stirring emotions inside him. But, wait! This is Billie Ashton! She was Vance Stone’s girlfriend. Everyone knew she and her sister were pinning to become the Lunas. Did the goddess just deal him a twisted hand by making him Billie’s mate. “Go to her and stop gaping at her like a fool,” Venfa growled, urging him forward. Before he could think of what to do, his wolf took control, dragging him to her. In an instant, he found himself in front of Billie, pulling her by the waist close to him, locking eyes with her, and tasting her lips in a spontaneous kiss. They had spent an hour in his apartment, on his bed, their limbs entwined, their bodies moving in sync through multiple rounds. Adam poured all the love he had kept safe for his mate in his heart into each round. Pouring all his emotions into each moment, telling her with as much words as he could how much he wanted her. Conveyed his commitment through the bond about how he would treasure and care for her, and be the best mate possible. That he would give her his everything because she was his mate. His everything. Their connection continued in the shower, the water cascading over their wet skin as they bathed. He savored the sensations – her smile, giggles, touch, lips, taste, and voice. Venfa, his wolf, purred in contentment, a testament to the strength of their mate bond. This was what it meant to be connected at such a profound level. While he was dressing, she had dropped a bomb shell that shattered his heart. She uttered the words no wolf ever wished to hear their mate say to them – a rejection. She had rejected him, leaving him on the floor as he clutched his chest, Venfa howling in pain as both their hearts broke into pieces. She took his heart, his love and body, then left him as he had feared she would. Without any remorse even as she held her chest, feeling the pain as well. She left with a warning, “Don’t ever mention this to anyone.” He spent the rest of the day on the floor of his room. Not minding that his folks found him in such a vulnerable state the next day. He vowed to accept her rejection and move on. There was nothing that could change her mind. Not even the mate bond. He had to before the bond grew strong, and his wolf start taking him places he wouldn’t want to go. PRESENT He sighed sadly, as his mind returned to the present. Pain stung at the corners of his heart, seeing her head roll about as she groaned in pain. Though she had rejected him, he still felt her pain. Remnants of the bond they still shared. A bond that would be totally broken soon. At the hospital, she was checked by a doctor. “She will be fine. Her wolf is already healing her,” he announced before leaving the room. “I need to clear my head,” Adam announced to the other warriors, checking out of the room. His head was swarming with many different thoughts, his emotions running wild. His wolf not helping matters, whining and whimpering at the state of his mate. “Quit, giving me a damn headache!” he growled at him. “She fought with another female.” “You don’t know what happened. She could be innocent.” “You think?” “Let’s wait till she wakes and ask her. Stop assuming s**t!” “I am not asking her anything! I am sure the fight was about Vance Stone. You know who she is to him. Or was to him! Don’t tell me you don’t know how she fights off females over him.” He growled back at him. “Stop waiting for her to accept us. She never will.” “You don’t know. She could change.” “Change? You’re unbelievable. Have you forgotten what happened at the meeting?” His heart broke again at the memory of what Vance said at the meeting and how his mate had disgraced herself. “What do you think people will say when they find out she’s our mate and that she rejected us for the alpha?” “He has been touching her all this while. He should pay for that!” Venfa growled, wanting to force a shift. “Don’t you dare!” Adam growled, forcing his rebellious wolf back. “Make her take us back!” “No, I won’t! I am going to accept her rejection!” “She’s woken up, Adam,” A warrior linked Adam. “I will be there soon.” he linked him back. “Be kind to her, please,” Venfa pleaded as Adam walked back to the room.
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