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Chapter 29 WISH YOU WERE MATES WITH HER. "I don't ever want to see her broken like that," Vince breathes out when we hit the corridor, the weight of our guilt hanging heavy in the air. "And what does she mean by pranks? Who was she referring to?" His face contorts in pain and confusion, as he paces about. "Why would she think so?" Muttering to himself as he continues wearing out the floor, in torment. I share his torment, knowing exactly who said those words to her. When she mentioned the word “girlfriend”, I knew who she meant. And my heart tightens at the thought of what she would have felt when they had said those things to her. It was all my fault. Our fault actually. We gave them the upper hand over her. “I think I know who she’s referring to.” He turns to me. "I think she's referring to Billie and Millie." Confessing as I brace myself for his reaction. "What?!” he releases a deep and menacing growl. “I am going to kill both of them! Those two trashy, scheming, girls?" I let out a weary sigh, shaking my head at a loss of what to do or even think of doing. She begged us to stop pranking her. Dear goddess, what did we do? How come our mate thinks we are pranking her? "This is all your fault," he charges towards me, his shoulders raised, face contorted in rage, Ares at the forefront. "If you hadn't gotten involved with her, this wouldn't be happening." "Are you really blaming me for everything, Vince?" I retort, refusing to bear the entire blame. "You're the one to blame for this too. We both agreed to reject her, so don't blame me." I throw back and face him. "Don't you dare point an accusing finger at me." "You're the one always begging me to tag along with you and your skanky girlfriend. And look at what that caused us. Nicole thinks we are playing her because your stupid girlfriend and her sister told her she's not good enough for us!" "Really? Aren't you being a hypocrite right now, dear brother? They're only echoing what we thought." I argue, not willing to let him evade responsibility. "At least I made it clear from the start that I didn't want to have anything to do with either one of them.” Vince snaps back. “Now I get punished alongside you." "Oh, shut up. If it makes you feel any better, I can walk in there and tell her you are not Millie's boyfriend. Let's see how that changes her perception about us." I scoff, leaving his front to start pacing. Damn! "We need to fix this. We need to change her perception about us." "Yeah, like I don't know." "And we need to deal with those girls." He grunts out with clenched fists. "How dare they?” "Stop blaming them, Vince and let’s start taking the blame for our actions." "I am ready to apologise for rejecting her..." he concedes, but I cut in completing his thought. "And for avoiding her for three years after finding out she's your mate," I add, as it dawned on me that we had a lot of apologising to do. "Or don't you think she needs to know." "One thing at a time, Vance. Stop rushing things like you always do," he yells at me. "Come on!" admonishing me and venting his frustration. "Haa! Look at who's talking. You're the one who brought it up as soon as we discovered she was our mate.” "And you were so fast to agree to the rejection. So you can continue with your gamma b***h,” Vince retorts, bitterness lacing his words. “Don't fool yourself into thinking laying the blame on me will make this whole s**t easier. Because it won't. We are already in a deep mess, so get your ass off..." "Says the one who's refusing to see his own part in this whole “s**t”, like you said." "The rejection apart, your girlfriend and her sibling said terrible things to our mate,” his voice softening as he continues. “Did you see her face while she sobbed? Did you feel the pain or see the look in her eyes? The sadness, fear and mistrust?" How dare he think I felt nothing? How dare he think I didn't see the emotions swirling in those gorgeous brown orbs? "I saw it all, Vince! I felt it too! She's my mate, remember!?" Axel stirs, charging back at him, echoing my anguish. "Then what do we do?!” he demands again with a mix of determination and desperation in his eyes. Mr. Heartless really did have a heart. “How do we make her accept us? Because, I am not losing her to anybody. If it means me having to drag those two bitches here and have them go in their knees to beg her, I will." "That's a good start." Really, it was. I have to admit. "Where are you two?" Our father's voice comes into the link. "At the hospital." We both replied. "I am on my way. Stay there." he commands before cutting the link abruptly. "You know we have to tell him and Mom the truth." I don't want to imagine how our parents are going to process the news when we finally tell them. "Wow, man," Vince sighs heavily, sitting down and rubbing his eyes. "That's one heavy weight, I want to drop as fast as possible. It's been dragging me down too much." "Me too," agreeing with him Our parents would definitely be disappointed. Dad especially. As the Alpha of the pack, this revelation would threaten both his reputation and respect he’s earned. Externally it would be worse. Mom will probably start yelling while slapping us. Even at our ages, we still feared her slaps and winced at her yells. After a moment of heavy silence. "The sparks and tingles, did you feel them?" Vince's asks, lifting his head to meet my gaze, a genuine smile playing on his face. His eyes twinkle with a boyish excitement. “No one is ever prepared for that.” My smile mirrors his own. "That's one of the best moments of my life. She felt so perfect in my arms," I admit, remembering the way Nicole fit so perfectly in my arms when I had carried her. There was no way I was going to let Vince carry her back from the bathroom. Her soft, smooth skin, the touch of her fingers, the rhythm of her heartbeat –every detail stayed glued to my memory. "And I want more of that?" Mel comes out of her room. "Alphas." "How is she?" I ask standing, Vince following suit as we surround him. "She wants to rest and I will advise you allow her do that." "She won't be doing that. I need to talk to her," our father's voice booms from behind us as he strides towards us, looking the ever formidable and ruthless alpha he is known to be. His eyes carry a no-nonsense directive. "Come with me," He commands, brushing past all three of us into her room. Inside Nicole’s room, tension fills the air when she sees us all. Her eyes dart anxiously between Vince and me before settling on our father. Axel can't help but purr at seeing her face, reveling in the subtle quiver of her pink lips. "How are you feeling?" our father asks her softly, his gaze sweeping over her body. Axel growls low, my eyes flash gold, a possessive instinct triggered in us by watching another man scrutinizing our mate. "Calm down, he's only checking her injuries." I reassure him. "Ares throwing a fit down here too," Vince links me. "I am fine, Alpha," she answers him in a small voice. I can’t wait to hear that voice say my name. "I am glad to hear that," he responds, turning his attention to Mel. "Anything I should know?" Mel shakes his head. "She's fine. Just the wound on her side." Our father turns back to Nicole. "Nicole, I need you to tell me what you remember." "I don't remember anything." Nicole answers, avoiding his gaze. My wolf and I can sense she’s lying. "Nothing? Not even how the room you were in got burnt or how you were found on a dead woman with blood on you?" His eyes are boring down on her with an intensity suggesting he knows she’s not being entirely truthful. I hope he doesn’t use his aura on her. Nicole shakes her head. "Nothing." He gives a resigned sigh. "Fine. If you remember anything will you let me know? please?" She nods, looking briefly at him then at us. "Where is my family?" she asks. "They're fine. We still haven't let anyone out of the bunker yet. Savvy and your uncle are helping to sort out the rogues for burial. Your aunt is helping the Luna with the women and children. They will all be here as soon as they're done." "Okay. Thank you, Alpha." "Sure." he says frowning. "You and I have a lot to talk about, Nicole. I will wait until you're stronger and out of here before we do that. And I pray you won't hold back anything from me." She meets his eyes. "Okay, Alpha." "You can rest now,” he gives her a small smile. "Malia will be happy to see you." With that he leaves her side. "Let's go, boys. We have some interrogation sto do." We follow him silently out of the room, moving from the corridor to the nearly deserted hospital reception. Since last night's attack many people have gone home to be with their loved ones. Every attack on a pack is a potential for losses, especially, when it involved rogues in such numbers. Rogues are feral wolves who have lost their link to a pack. Especially, to their alpha. A pack and an Alpha are the two important things that helps a werewolf remain in perfect synergy with both his human and wolf nature. Rogues lack these two things, making them lose all sense of obedience to leadership and connection to the pack link. “Have I ever told you that I wished one or both of you would be mates with Nicole?” My father shocks the hell out of my brother and I with his words.
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