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ORIGINS 2 “She’s from the Night Howlers Pack,” Drake began. Torin knew the answer even before he asked his next question. “Her parents?” “Dead,” Drake replied, catching the sharp intake of breaths from his sons. Both collapsed back into their seats. “Her father was an alpha,” he said to the room, but sent a mindlink to his sons, who were visibly stunned by the news, “Your mate is an alpha, just like the two of you.” “She’s going to be strong,” Torin grinned. Drake nodded. “Her mother was equally an alpha…” Torin sprang up from his seat and began to pace the room, catching their attention. “What is it?” Vance asked. “Nothing, please continue,” Torin urged Drake. “Mabel received a call one day from her mother…” Drake resumed. “Who’s Mabel?” Torin interrupted, stopping his pacing. “Her aunt,” Vince replied him “Ah, I see,” Torin nodded at Drake to continue. “Mabel was called to visit and returned with Nicole. Margot, Nicole’s mother, feared someone would find her daughter due to a prophecy foretelling her potential as a tool of destruction in the hands of a tyrant. She begged Mabel to hide Nicole in our pack and conceal her aura to protect her from this fate.” “But keeping her here doesn’t seem like hiding her. The person could have easily found her here,” Torin noted. He wanted to know how she was kept hidden. “How did you do it?” Vince and Vance glanced at their father, waiting for his reply. “I had to use my alpha command on her and tell her she’s an omega,” Drake said slowly, checking the reactions of his sons. He wasn’t surprised with what he saw. “That was the only way to keep her hidden.” “What?” Vince exclaimed in disbelief. “The only way?” Vince growled at his father. Ares seething, angry that his mate was being alpha commanded to believe she was an omega. Torin nodded in understanding. “No wonder she was able to defeat the ranked member and growl at you.” “I am sorry, sons. That was the only way I knew how to keep her safe,” he was only apologizing for the sake of it. He wasn’t sorry he did it. Silence reigned in their midst as Vince and Vance processed their father’s revelation. “What happened to her parent’s pack?” Tim asked, breaking the silence, speaking for the first time. “They were attacked few weeks later, along with surrounding packs,” Drake explained. "The Council swept in, installed their own alphas, but we never learned the full story. It's possible Kaden has been searching for her all this time." “That would explain a lot,” Vince mused, his determination to help his mate reclaim her heritage burning fiercely. “I am sure they sold them off to the highest bidder,” Vince sneered. “After everything, we are helping her get her inheritance back.” He linked his twin. Vance nodded at his brother. "I'd like to speak with her aunt, Mabel," Torin requested, grateful when Vince agreed without hesitation. "You were going to tell us about the origin of the Firewolf," Drake reminded Torin, prompting him to continue “The Firewolf is a special wolf with many abilities, created by the goddess as a gift to a particular pack. the Night Howlers Pack,” he explained, enjoying their stunned reactions. “Only that pack harbored the Firewolves.” “How come I have never heard about that? I doubt anyone has,” Drake wondered. “It’s a secret known only by my coven. The goddess made members of our coven swear allegiance to the Night Howlers Pack’s Alphas. We would train, teach and protect every generation of the Firewolf,” Torin revealed, smiling as he relished the impact of his words. “That’s why I am so invested in learning more about this she-wolf.” VANCE Sitting down slowly, to process all I have learnt about Nicole today. It’s shocking and surprising. I can’t stop my legs from shaking at the rush of information flooding my mind. Having suspicions that she’s the Firewolf was quickly accepted by me, even with Vince’s refusal. But, now, there’s information about her being of alpha blood and that in her genes runs the DNA that will continue the line of the Firewolf. This is amazing! My MATE IS AMAZING! I scream in my mind. Axel howls along with me. She’s an alpha and there’s a pack waiting for her to be claimed. Something Vance and I are going to help her do. I don’t care if she doesn’t want to. I will make her understand why she needs to claim her title, even if she doesn’t want to be alpha. She needs to have that experience of being an alpha. Whoever wants to lay claim to her for whatever reason will have to go through me, Vince, Ares and Axel. I throw up a prayer to goddess, thanking her for giving me the Firewolf as a mate, even though I almost messed it up. We almost did. Hopefully, Nicole will accept us. I can’t wait to see her after we are done with Torin. VINCE I started out reluctant to tell the witch about Nicole. I just hate the idea of anyone wanting to know about her and I am right. When he confirmed her as the Firewolf, my greatest fears came to life. Kaden isn't the only threat we face. Countless alphas will vie for her, drawn by her powers and abilities, which span generations. One of our children could face the same fate as Nicole if we're not careful. Her parents were killed while their killers hunted for her. If aunt Mable hadn’t gone to pick her and bring to our pack, she would have been in another man’s hands now. Vance and I have our hands full. We have a pack to run and a mate to protect from any threat. And a maniac to kill. And any other maniac who dares to want to lay claim to our mate. I will tear such to pieces, dislodging their limbs from their bodies without even a second thought. Nobody touches what is mine. What is ours. I offer a prayer of thanks for her safety and that she’s my mate. I almost lost her and would do everything in my power to keep her close to me always.
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