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THE RESURRECTED WITCH They walked in silence to the morgue. Torin was anxious to see Agatha’s body. Glad when his request was granted by Vince. He had to confirm that she was truly dead. “Seeing is believing.” He thought grimly. But his intention to see her body wasn’t only for closure; there were things he needed to retrieve from her—the Fire of Selene and the Coven’s Totem in form of a necklace. Agatha had stolen the necklace using dark magic. Stolen it from his mother. The memory still burned within him, fueling his determination to take these two things from her. At the morgue, an attendant led them down to the room Agatha’s body laid. As all five of them entered, the attendant paused in his steps, making the people behind him stumble into one another. “Why are you stopping?” Vince asked in annoyance. “She…we…we…” the attendant stammered, pointing to the empty table. “She’s gone.” They spread out from behind him, their eyes trailing his finger till they fell on where he was pointing at—the empty table. “Gone? Gone where?” Torin stared in disbelief at the empty slab. He bent to pick up a white material from the floor. He raised it to his nose and sniffed. “This was used to cover her.” his gaze found the blood stains on the material. Narrowing his eyes, he twisted the cloth between his fingers, feeling for moisture. “She’s been gone for long,” he murmured, his voice laced with dread. Vince turned to the still shocked attendant. “Who else has access to this room?” “All of us. Everyone working here at the morgue,” the attendant replied, his voice shaky. His fear oozing all over his aura. This was his alpha after all. “Get me a list of everyone who has entered this place since the day of the attack,” Vance ordered briskly. “Tim, we need to check all the cameras in the hospital.” “On it,” Tim nodded, swiftly leaving the room with the attendant. “What are you doing?” Drake asked Torin, who he noticed had closed his eyes and silently muttering. Torin stayed that way before slowly opening his eyes. Understanding and fear clouded each orb. “You won’t need a list of names for this,” he announced. The brothers and their father waited expectantly for him to continue, his revelation hanging like heavy weights tied around their limbs. “Say something, dammit Torin!” Vance snapped impatiently. "Did someone move her body?" Vince also asked, his patience wearing thin. This witch’s silence irked him and his wolf. "No," Torin shook his head, dropping the blood-stained cloth onto the slab. "She woke up and disappeared." Drake's eyes widened in disbelief. "But she was dead. She had no heartbeat. The warriors who brought her here confirmed it. I did too." “You’re right, but she fooled you all,” Torin’s voice dripped with bitterness. “She used black magic to fake her own death. Your Firewolf must have given her a real beating for her to resort to such extremes. Regardless, she’s alive and most likely back with her boss.” “Damn witches!” cursed Vince, brushing his hair back as he boiled in frustration. Torin raised a brow at his words. “We aren’t all the same, Alpha.” He sneered. “Whatever. What do you think we should do next?” he asked, his fear growing now that the witch was still alive. “Plan on how to protect the Firewolf.” Vance inched closer to Torin, his expression and emotions, reflecting concern and frustration, mirroring that of his brother. “And how do we do that?” Torin released a deep sigh, feeling the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. This was getting harder by what he just learnt about Agatha. He had hoped to focus on stopping Kaden after reclaiming what the witch had stolen, but now the situation had become more complicated with Agatha’s resurrection. “Torin?” Vince called him, breaking into his thoughts. Torin glanced at him and his twin, observing the turmoil evident in their eyes and washing over them. Their emotions were all over the place. Fear being the most heightened. Vance had mentioned the Firewolf was close to them. How close, he wondered? A sister, cousin or… Tim came in stopping his thoughts. “The cameras are ready.” All five of trooped out of the room for the camera room. “Alphas,” the men greeted the alphas, but received no response from them. The men knew not to remain seated, jumping out of the way of their leaders. Vince sank into one of the seats along with Vance, their eyes fixed on the paused video displayed on one of the computer screens. “Play it,” Vance commanded. “Wait,” Torin interjected. “Can they excuse us?” “Leave!” Vince ordered abruptly, without thinking of Torin’s reasons. Torin couldn’t help but smile at this. When the men left, Vince tapped on the play button and all five men huddled around the screen, their expressions shifting from shock to disbelief as they watched the video recording The sight of Agatha awakening on the slab, chanting, and vanishing into thin air left them speechless. Torin's ears caught something subtle—a chant indicating a mark cleverly hidden in the chants just before her disappearance. “Amazing,” he whispered in astonishment, pulling back, leaving the others still fixated on the screen. Bewildered and fearful of what he had just watched, Vince asked, “How powerful is this witch again?” Playing the video again. “How did she do that?” “Black magic.” Torin glanced at him, sensing the intensity of his fury. “We need to do something about this,” Vance ‘s resolute voice hit the room. “ “How did she even get her hands on black magic? And why is she helping that damned Alpha!?” Vince’s voice trembled with rage. His anger seething beneath his words. A witch that could resurrect was after his mate. “That’s not relevant, Alpha,” Torin cut him off, giving him a taste of his own medicine. “What’s relevant is me knowing all you have to tell me about the Firewolf in your pack. This is no longer business as usual. What you saw is just a tip of the iceberg.” “What do you mean?” Vance asked. Torin gazed round their faces. “What you saw is a testament to how powerful this witch has become. Not only can she not be easily killed but she has the power to manipulate the Firewolf, wether for herself or her boss.” Vance and Vince growled furiously, their wolves snarling loudly in their heads. “I need you to confirm if what I heard is real,” Torin continued, his gaze piercing each of their faces. “What did you hear?” Drake asked. “Did the she-wolf have any mark on her when you found her at the hospital?” A heavy silence spread round the room. The four men exchanged uneasy glances. Torin licked his lips. “By your silence, I want to believe the answer is yes.” Vince’s sudden outburst punctuated the tension in the room as he stood up and delivered a sharp kick to his chair. Vance followed suit, kicking his chair back too, both growling and cursing under their breaths. Torin watched as the chairs crashed to the floor and the swift destruction engulfing the room. “Calm down, both of you!” Drake reprimanded them. “I will kill that witch!” Vince roared. “Where was she marked?” Torin asked, ignoring the alpha on rampage. Vince sighed, helplessly. “The side of her stomach.” Torin nodded thoughtfully. “How does it look?” “We don’t know. We didn’t quite look at it.” “I have to see it.” “Why?” Torin chuckled, shaking his head slowly as he weighed his options- say the truth or lie. The fierce gazes of their wolves glared at him like he was the one that had attacked the she-wolf. “It could mean a lot of things,” he answered cryptically. “Like what?” Vince’s voice came out menacingly. “She could turn it into Kaden’s claiming mark,” Torin replied, not surprised by what followed next. His response elicited thunderous growls from the twins, their bodies trembling as their wolves strained against their human forms, eager to lunge at Torin. Drake and Tim sprang into action, swiftly restraining the twins in their arms. "Control yourselves!" Drake's authoritative growl reverberated through the room. The twins growled back at him, their golden eyes swirling with rage as they asserted their dominance. Tim, though submissive, held onto Vance tightly, his forehead glistening with sweat. "Axel, Ares, Torin is not the enemy. He is only trying to help protect Nicole." Tim’s words seemed to have the desired effect on them, penetrating the haze of anger clouding their minds. Slowly they calmed down, yet still snarling, their bodies going slack, eyes slowly returning to their normal shade. Their protruding canines and claws, easing back to their places. The tension in the air gradually receding. Torin wasn’t intimidated by what he saw. He was confident in his ability to defend himself against any wolf or creature. Avoiding unnecessary conflict, especially with those he considered allies against Agatha and Kaden was mostly important. He understood their concern. They had to be deeply connected to this she-wolf. And it was more than just family ties. “Who saw the wound?” he proceeded with his questions. Vince disentangled himself from his father’s embrace, taking a deep breath to compose himself before adjusting his clothes and hair. His brother also doing so after leaving Tim’s embrace too. “The doctor that treated her,” Vance replied him. “In case he doesn’t remember how the wound looks like, can I speak to her…the she-wolf and see the wound. I have to before it heals.” Torin requested urgently. The brothers exchanged looks before nodding at him. “You can, but we don’t know if she will agree to it,” Vance scratched the back of his head. “” “She’s a very private person,” Vince finished his brother’s sentence. “It’s important I see that wound,” Torin insisted firmly. “I think Savvy can convince her,” Tim interjected. “Savvy?” Torin raised a brow at Tim. “My mate, her cousin,” Tim gave him a small smile.
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