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ORIGINS 1 “Has she found her mate?” Torin asked, his gaze flickering between the faces of the three men, noticing their agitated expressions. “Let’s skip that part,” Drake implored him. “There must be another question you can ask.” “Alpha, I will let this pass for now, but know that there will come a time when I will need answers to all the questions I am asking and the ones I will ask in future.” Torin said in a firm tone, showing that he is not giving up. “When that time comes, you will get the answers you seek,” Drake assured him. “Alphas?” Torin turned to the twins. “We promise,” Vance affirmed, while Vince merely grunted in agreement. “Fine. Let me tell you what I think happened,” Torin began in a steady voice. “On the day of the attack, the witch paralyzed your members with dark magic. Guided by the Fire of Selene she found the she-wolf and they fought. This she-wolf shifted into her wolf which helped her to kill the witch. That’s why you found her naked.” His gaze swept over them.” She growled at you and defeated a higher-ranked pack member, indicating her wolf emerges in moments of distress or perceived threat. Like normal wolves do.” “So, her wolf is somehow active?” Vince asked. “I am certain of it,” Torin answered. “After you found her at the hospital, was she awake? Did she remember anything?” “Vance shook his head, “She was unconscious when we found her, and she claimed not to remember anything.” “How was she when she woke up? Tired? Sharp?” Torin pressed. The twins looked at each other before Vance replied, “She seemed fine.” “When she growled at you,” Torin shifted his eyes to Drake. “Did you notice anything strange?” The three alphas shook their heads in unison. “During her fight with the ranked member?” Vance snapped his fingers, recalling something. “She had a purple ring around her eyes, and her wolf spoke using the word ‘us’.” “Us? "The higher-ranked member made accusations that her wolf didn't take kindly to," Vince reluctantly, supplied. "May I know—" Torin began, but Vince cut him off. "No, it's irrelevant," Vince stated flatly. Torin clenched his jaw, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Very well. This is another question for later. What else?" "There was an aura," Vince admitted. “What colour?” Torin’s eyes held Vince’s. “Red.” Torin shot to his feet, realization dawning on him. “The Firewolf displays only two colours: purple and red. Her eyes showed purple, her aura is red. Congratulations, Alphas, you’ve just confirmed that the Firewolf is in your pack.” Vince sighed in defeat, rubbing his eyes. His fears for his mate’s safety had come to life. His mate was a special wolf pursued by a maniac who desired to harvest her power through marking and claiming her as his. Raw anger coursed through his body even at the thought of another wanting to claim her. He has to fight not only the maniac but the other maniacs that would want to do so too. Meanwhile, Vance's face lit up with a warm smile, proud that his mate was special. Yet, he understood the dangers ahead and resolved to keep her safe at all costs. Drake shook his head in resignation, knowing the challenges that lay ahead for his sons. "Tell us more about the Firewolf," he requested. "Who is she, and why is she so special?" "I'll share if you tell me about her parents," Torin proposed, finally having something to leverage against them. Knowing who her parents are would help a lot. "We don't know much," Vince admitted, equally curious about the Firewolf's origins. "She was brought into the pack by her aunt as a child." "Which pack is she originally from?" Torin inquired. He had his doubts earlier with all they had told him about the she-wolf. Her red aura, purple eyes, winning a higher-ranked wolf, she growling at the former Alpha and killing Agatha. Everything pointed to her being the one, but still he had to know her real pack. Throughout their discussion, none of the men had mentioned her parents. He found it strange that they could talk about her without the presence of her family. He hoped the former alpha’s answer to his question would confirm if she truly is the one. The lost Firewolf. If his answer was different from what he expected it to be, then there has to be a plausible reason for it to be so. He had a haunch about what the answer would be. "We're not sure," Vince replied, turning to his father for confirmation. “Dad.” Drake sighed heavily, delving into the depths of his memory to retrieve Nicole's file. He knew a day like this was going to come "I think it's time you learned how she came to our pack." Torin smiled at Drake’s words.
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