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ALPHAS AND THE WITCH 2 “In your pack?” Torin’s gaze narrowed as he asked Drake. “And why do you think so?” Vince shifted uneasily on his feet, muttering under his breath, his unease palpable. Vance shot him a look of disapproval, but Vince ignored it, choosing instead to take a seat near his father. Torin’s keen observation didn’t miss the tension between the twins. “Is there a problem?” Torin probed, his voice calm but firm. “My son has reservations about us sharing this information about this individual with you,” Drake admitted reluctantly. “But I don’t, Torin. I can call you that, right?” Vance hastily interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension. “Of course,” Torin replied, grateful for any semblance of cooperation. “I need to know who this person is and why you think she is the one.” Vance hesitated, his words catching in his throat as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. Tim smirked knowingly at his discomfort. “Well, this person has been showing some…displaying some signs…” Vance started but was cut off by Torin. “What signs?” “This person…she…um…she…her…” Vance stumbled over his words, frustration evident in his furrowed brow. Torin furrowed his brows also. “Is she someone close to you?” he asked gently. “Yes,” Vance replied, nodding. “You can trust me with any information,” Torin assured them earnestly. “My coven has been safeguarding the secret of the Firewolf for generations. I need to know everything you know about this person.” His tone full of his sincerity. “Tell me why you suspect she’s the one.” “When the rogues attacked, there was a message in our link about a woman paralyzing our members,” Vince narrated. “She wielded a flame in front of her.” “The fire of Selene,” Torin murmured, his expression grave. “Please, go on.” “She…this woman found her way to the hospital, guided by the flame, we believe, until she reached the hospital room of the person we suspect is the Firewolf.” “Why was this she-wolf in the hospital? Is she a doctor?” Torin noticed how quickly the twins tensed up. “It’s not relevant,” Vince snapped in a defensive tone. “What’s her name?” Torin asked. “It’s not important,” Vince snapped again at him. “If you want my help, you'll need to provide me with all the details," Torin countered firmly, refusing to back down. “Do you want to hear what we know or not?” Vince countered back with a strong glare, pouring out his aura. Torin wasn’t frazzled by the display of power Vince was releasing through his aura, but for the sake of what he needed to know, he backed down. Bloody mutts! “Continue, please.” “The two engaged in a fight and the she-wolf killed the witch. She shifted, we think, because we found her naked beside the witch’s bloody body.” Vince blinked back the memory of her soft skin on his as he carried her. Torin processed this and at the same time questions arose that he needed to ask, but Vince’s reluctance to open up totally about the she-wolf, was a major hindrance. “What other signs has she shown?” he asked. “She growled at our father, while he was still Alpha of the pack,” Vance offered. “Nothing strange with that. Don’t wolves growl?” Torin mused. Drake leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “This she-wolf was supposed to shift on her 18th birthday, but for some reason, she didn’t. Her hospitalization was related to this. We believe her wolf emerged when the witch appeared.” “Interesting,” Torin remarked. “She growled at me in anger, speaking in her wolf’s voice and lastly, she fought and defeated a high ranked pack member. Beating the hell out of the person.” “If I may ask, what exactly happened to her on her birthday?” Torin inquired further. “That is not important,” Vince replied him. "It's crucial if we're to help her," Torin insisted firmly. "Enough with the secrecy." "You just need to know what we tell you—" Vince began, but Torin interrupted. "Do you think hiding facts will protect her from the danger she's in?" Torin's voice rose with frustration. "Do you know what awaits her if that maniac finds her?" "He won't touch her!" Vince snarled, jumping to his feet, his eyes blazing with gold. Then tell me what I need to know!" Torin shot back, his anger matching Vince's intensity. "Vince, sit down," Drake commanded, stepping between the two. "Torin, we've told you enough to offer your help," Vance interjected, supporting his brother. "I need to know why she won't shift," Torin persisted, his gaze fixed on Vince. "If her wolf is present, she should have shifted by now." "Can we discuss that later? What's your plan for now?" Vance urged. "I have to inform Alpha Zane—" Torin started, but Vince cut him off. “You will do no such thing!” Vince growled at him. “I believe my brother is right, Torin. No one has to know. At least yet.” Vance added, supporting his brother, again “But why? The more people know, the more we can protect her,” his confusion showing in his voice and frown. “Protect her how? What do you think other alphas will do when they hear she’s here?” said Vance. “They are your kind, they would want to keep her safe,” Torin furrowed his brows still confused. “Won’t they?” Drake chuckled, seeing that Torin knew nothing of the werewolf specie. “Once news gets out that she is here, every Alpha will want her for himself and pack. They will fight to have her.” Torin’s face fell as Drake’s words hit him. He realized his mistake. “I didn’t think of it that way. But, should they?” “Didn’t your own kind kill your entire coven for power?” Vince sneered at him, earning him a smack in the chest from his brother. Vince growled at him. Torin winced at the reminder, his chest tightening with sorrow and guilt. A flash of the dead bodies of his coven members, lying on the floor, flashed in his mind. “Werewolves are naturally power seeking creatures, Torin,” Drake said. “I apologize, Alpha” Torin apologized, remembering something vital about the Firewolf. He would reveal it when the time was right. “So, what is our next move?” Vance asked. “Has she found her mate?” Torin asked, his curiosity ignited once more.
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