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HELP ME, MATES! NICOLE Vince reluctantly leaves after Savvy comes around. He only agrees to do so when Savvy says she’s joining us. His eyes hold fear as he warns me to be careful. It’s strange seeing him so worked up about me going out with them. I wonder what could possibly happen to me in the pack? I have lived here all my life, and apart from the bullying at school, no one has ever dared become physical with me. He offers me his credit card to use, but I decline it. There was no way I’m going to take his money. Our relationship hasn’t reached that level where I get to use his money. I can’t even call it a relationship yet. It’s just a bond that tied us together. “Done daydreaming?” Mira nudges my side as she throws her jacket over her shoulder. Her face was looking just like a bride-to-be’s would. I am so happy for her. “Not day dreaming,” I scoff. “Could have fooled me. Let me guess. A handsome, grey-eyed alpha with dark hair and impressive muscles.” “No way am I day dreaming about him,” I spring up the lie, bending my head, blushing. “You’re a bad liar. You didn’t want him to leave,” she giggles. “He’s your mate, don’t feel bad, even if what they did was wrong,” she dusts flour particles off the front of her clothes. “It’s up to you what you want to do. Whatever your decision, I will support you.” “Support who?” Savvy’s voice has us turning to her as she walks out of the shop. “Whatever her decision is about her mates,” Mira replies. “Hmm,” Savvy grunts. “Mira! Savvy!” Aunt Mabel calls both of them from inside. They walk back in to meet her, leaving me alone outside. I sigh deeply, raising my face to sky, thinking about everything that has happened since I got rejected. I missed my birthday, got stuck in a coma, fought a witch, missed school, Billie and Millie attacked me and I fought back. I, an Omega beating the crap out of a Gamma. I can’t wait to meet my wolf and ask her how we pulled it off. I don’t even go for trainings. And of course, the main people that caused me the greatest pain of my life, who happen to not want to let go of me. They keep popping everywhere and… “Nicole,” the wind suddenly carries a soft and sweet voice into my ears, like a gentle whisper. I twirl around, searching for the person. My eyes find no one just the people in my aunt’s shop and none of them was looking at me “Nicole, come to me,” the voice softly commands and the wound on my side starts to itch. An itchy, burning-like sensation that seems connected to the voice. Every sound around me dies down, except my beating heart. I feel like I’m in a huge vacuum and suddenly feel afraid. “Follow my voice and come to me.” My legs start moving towards it. It’s as if the voice is the only thing that can calm the sensation on my side. “Come, my love. Come to me,” the voice urges me, spurring my legs to start moving far from my aunt’s shop. Something wells up inside me, causing me to struggle against the command of the voice, dragging my steps. It’s painful as I struggle against the command. A low growl breaks somewhere inside me but doesn’t escape my mouth. I feel like I am housing two different entities inside me, both fighting for domination. One wanted me to go to the voice. The other was fighting to not go. I feel a heat radiating from my inside. It’s a ball of anger that is growing to a ball of fire and about to explode if I don’t open my mouth and let it out. I try to call Savvy, but a swift sensation passes over my body and I find I can’t talk. “Follow my voice,” the voice softly whispers. The ball of anger s***h fire rises to my lips, almost reaching my throat when another sensation washes over me, taking control of my entire body. I am being controlled. My eyes widen in alarm as I find myself walking away, farther from the shop, towards the forest on pack grounds. Panic rises high inside me. In my mind I keep screaming for help, though I can’t mindlink, but I am hoping a miracle would happen. “Savvy!” “Mira!” “Uncle!” “Aunt Mabel!” “Alpha Drake!” “Luna!” No one answered. How come no one has noticed my absence? Maybe I should try my mates. Moon Goddess, please, let them hear me, I prayed silently to her. “Vance!” “Vince!” “Nicole!” both their voices instantly slam into my mind, relief flooding my entire system. “What is it?” both chorus in concern. “Help me!” I scream lowly in my head, feeling a sharp jab of pain at the back of my skull. ‘Where are you?!” “Walking towards the forest. I can’t control…” before I can finish, the sharp pain races from the back of my head to the front, enveloping my entire body in excruciating pain. A loud scream leaves my mouth, but I can’t hear my voice. “Don’t worry. I will be done with you before they find you,” the soft voice suddenly changes to a harsh masculine one, breaking the connection to them. A round hole with yellow flames licking around it suddenly appears before me, drawing near to me. My legs rise and pass into the hole, and I find myself inside another part of the forest. The trees seem to cover the entire sky, shrouding the forest in darkness. I am still in the vacuum, my fear has not disappeared and my body is still being controlled. The struggling entity inside me is still active, growling and wanting to break free from whatever cage it was placed in. That must be my wolf! “Anaya!” I call out, hoping she will hear me. “Is that you?” She replies me with a loud snarl. “Can you hear me? I can’t move. We need to stop moving,” I cry out to her as my feet take me deeper into the quiet and dark forest. A series of loud growls and snarls reply me. I can feel the anger and fear coming from her. She is as helpless as I am, unlike before when she came out to help me. My only hope right now is for my mates to find me. In the middle of a stony pathway, my feet stop moving. Before me stands a man with the most electrifying eyes I have ever seen. I can’t place their colour as they keep changing into different hues. The one thing I see in them and which sends a strong shiver down my spine is the fierce possessiveness as they look down at me. While my mates were soft in their possessiveness towards me, this man’s eyes shine with raw intensity. Even his steps as he stalks towards me, hint at how he wants to own me. No. It was as if he owns me. Like I was a lost possession and he was going to claim me and never let me out of his sight. When he reaches me, his eyes drink me in, looking me from head to toe with child-like fascination. A child who couldn’t believe he had just been gifted back a favorite toy he had lost. “Beautiful,” he whispers, dipping his head into my neck to sniff me. He sighs in satisfaction as he pulls back. “Untainted I see,” a look of satisfaction crosses his face before he moves my hair away from my neck. “Saves me the stress of killing someone.” He is here to claim me? “Yes, I am, my Firewolf. I am here to claim you,” he smirks, seeing my widened eyes. My panic reaches a crescendo. My heart can’t stop beating even with the loud growls of the beast inside me, challenging him, warning him to stay away. His narrows his eyes at me, pulling his lips apart to show his elongated canines. A loud thud hits my heart as I realize he is a werewolf. No! I scream inside and desperately try to connect with my mates again. “Vince! He wants to claim me! Vance, help!” I yell in my head not caring if it worked or not, but hoping it would. There’s no way I am going to be mates with this strange man. Another round of headache rips through my skull again, pulling black dots into my vision. “You’re going to pass out if you continue doing that, pumpkin” he chuckles and in one swift move, he jerks me forward into his arms and flush against his chest. “Shall we?” he grabs my hair, pulling it away from my right shoulder, exposing my neck. A silent sob escapes my lips, envisaging what my future held with this man. “So beautiful,” he says gently, brushing the back of his fingers softly against my skin. “A perfect canvass for my mark.” “Get away from me!” I yell inside. He lets out a small laugh. “You will speak once we reach home.” Home? My home is here. I don’t want to leave everyone. “Hurry with it, will you?” a familiar female voice sounds behind him. “We don’t have much time.” My brows crease in confusion. She’s supposed to be dead. “Stop worrying your head off. I am not dead,” her green eyes mock me when she appears behind him. “Miss me?” The witch is alive?
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