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CONFRONTATIONS 3 NICOLE “Why did she mix her scent with yours?” I spill out, a mixture of confusion and anger lacing my words. My mind has been swirling with this question since Vance’s confession. Now I know why I hated how he reeked of that ugly stench. That was Billie’s scent all over him. She was infusing her scent into his pores, mixing their scents together, till he reeked of her from head to toe. The scent was like Vance suddenly developed a new skin. That was her scent suffocating his scent. My mate smells of another female while I can’t get close to him. She was laying claim to him, while I remain in the background, unable to do anything. That’s how this looks to me. She wouldn’t have just done it because they were dating. No, Billie Ashton did it for a much greater reason. A reason that I now understand. A roaring anger simmers under my skin, fighting to claim what belongs to me. I want to claim my mate, but it looks like Billie has already beaten me to it. Though he said I was right to trash his room, as I was staking a claim to my mate, yet she was already doing that to him. “She wants to rid me off my scent so I won’t find my mate and my mate won’t be able to scent me,” Vance explains, locking gazes with me. Bingo. Nodding, I fill in the gaps, bitterness spilling over my voice. “She wants to erase your scent totally, so she can be your Luna,” “Yeah,” Vance nods. A feeling akin to being hit by a ton of bricks settles over me at realizing her intentions. I heave deeply and take a sit. I am not surprised Billie did that. With what she and her sister had said in Mates 101 class, I am not surprised at all. I only feel cheated. Why would she choose my mate to do that to? Why couldn’t she choose another? Don’t I deserve to be happy? Tears sting the corners of my eyes and I hold them back. I don’t want to shed any more tears. Why shed tears over something that’s already done? I have lost Vance to her. I didn’t even get a chance to experience my bond with him. Why even cry over the damn bond? He denied it even before it started. He chose her over me before our bond even had a chance to form. In a way, Billie is not to be blamed. She did what she did because of Vance. He is co-alpha to one of the most reputable packs, handsome, strong while she is a gamma. A good combo compared to being paired with an omega like her. Sorry, supposed omega like me. This feels so unfair and I can’t help feeling powerless and vulnerable right now. He never wanted the bond just like his brother. My eyes reach for Vince’s which I find already trained on me. What happens now to Vince if Billie is bonding to Vance? Will he also take Millie as his Luna? “What are you thinking, sweetheart?” Vince urges me with a nod. I know that I screamed at him to not call me that, I find him calling me sweetheart sweet right now. “What happens now?” I ask in a strained voice. “We are working on a solution,” Vance replies. “Torin has a plan on how to break…” “That plan is out of the question,” Vince interjects with a disapproving growl. “And do you have another?” Vance throws back at him. There’s a plan to break the connection? Hope flutters in my heart. There’s a chance for Vance to be free of her? But why is Vince against the plan? “Does it involve choosing Billie?” my gaze remains on Vance. “You said it has to be with her. What do you mean?” “I believe you should know everything that has been happening,” Vance starts. “Torin tried to remove her scent but couldn’t…” “Why?” “He discovered something else,” my mates look at each other. “You can tell me. I can handle it,” I assure them and myself. So far, I have been doing great with the amount of information I have been receiving since the incident at the forest. “Billie didn’t only change my scent, whatever the witch did for her is also binding my wolf to hers.” “The hell!” I scream in rage, flying out of my seat. “How is that even possible?!” How is she binding her wolf to his? How crazy is this girl? “We are as shocked as you’re, Nikki,” Vince’s lips twitch at the corners as he regards my raging eyes. “That’s still not possible. Torin is a witch. A strong one, right?” darting my eyes between them for confirmation. “He is, but that’s not all.” “There’s still more?” I doubt if I can handle any more surprises. Vince gives me a small smile. “Don’t freak out. We promise this is the last bomb we are going to be dropping on you concerning this.” “Okay.” “The thing is, Torin wasn’t successful because he discovered that his power has been designed by the witch to empower the bond. If he had continued using his power to remove the scent, he would have bound their wolves together. Forever.” “I AM GOING TO RIP HER THROAT OUT!” a loud growl erupts from me, the ball of anger bouncing around me insides. A primal feeling tearing at my insides, wanting to do exactly what I said. “Hey,” Vince’s soft voice follows his palms cupping my face. “She won’t succeed. We will get your other mate out of this.” Taking a deep breath as I calm down. “Okay,” I say, nodding, seeing the truth and determination in his grey eyes. Turning my gaze from him, I look at Vance whose eyes are full of longing and regret. Begging for understanding and forgiveness. My heart breaks seeing him like that. How did he allow her to manipulate him? I feel drained already listening to what Billie did to him. Anger and frustration fills my veins as I think more of it. AGATHA “Get me back into that damn pack!” Kaden growls at me, gripping my arms tight, his eyes ablaze with intensity. “It’s not possible. I need to rest,” I retort, maintain a calm composure, though I am scared to my bones as I meet his hardened eyes. “You’ve had all the rest you need. Now get me back there,” he insists, showing no sign he was asking. I haven’t rested for a day, and he wants me to return to the Firestone Pack. Back to Torin. Someone I never anticipated seeing there. Or that he would be supporting the members of that pack. “That would be reckless.” “I don’t care if you’re weak or not. You have to take me there. I need to get that damn Firewolf,” he snarls in my face, shaking me like I was nothing but a ragdoll. “Do you understand me?!” he jerks me closer to his face, his fingers digging deep into my skin. At this point I can see his wolf flashing dangerously in his eyes. Shivers run down my spine. Leave it to werewolves to be inconsiderate, hot-tempered and forceful. How can he expect me to return there after using a huge part of my powers to open up that portal? If I didn’t have the powers from the ancient relics I had stolen from my coven, I would be weaker than I am now. “I can’t. My powers are weak. It won’t do any of us any good,” stating the facts again even if he won’t understand. “Then find a way to get stronger,” he insists again. “That’s why I need to rest for some days,” standing my ground. “You have just today. We return tomorrow,” he says with finality before shoving me away and storming out of my room. Jerk. Who is he to treat me like this? If not for my powers, would he have even set eyes on the Firewolf? Would he have even been this strong? He was just an ordinary alpha jerk with no pack or name. He was going round terrorizing packs with his band of misfits. Rogues who had been banished from their packs because of their heinous crimes. Though he helped me with destroying my coven, those snobbish and ungrateful witches. After slaving away for them, going through each process of the training needed for me to become a first-class witch, only for me to be cut off at the final stage. Why? They said I had no potential. No potential. No potential yet I was able to destroy them all, stealing the very things that made them stronger than me. I can never forget the look in the Coven Mother’s eyes as I slit her throat and absorbed her powers. My only regret was that I betrayed someone. Someone who gave me the benefit of the doubt even when all the coven looked down at me, sneering at me everywhere I turned. I betrayed not only our friendship, but our love. A love just blossoming like the first leaf of a plant. A knock on my door turns me away from my thoughts. “Who is it?” “The alpha requests your presence,” It was Kaden’s beta. “Tell him I am still resting.” “He wasn’t asking,” he grunts out. He refuses me to take enough rest, yet he wants me. “I will be there,” replying as I whisper some spells for strength.
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