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THE STUBBORN LUNA 1 NICOLE “How can you agree to that?” I frown at Vance, realizing why Vince was against the plan. “That is the only solution to all of this,” he says with conviction, yet his eyes are soft begging for understanding. “Says who?” frustration filling my words. Just how difficult is it going to be removing that damn girl's claws off my mate? “That’s the only solution you see.” “Torin believes it will work.” “Torin doesn’t know if it will work. It’s just a guess,” Vince chips in. “It’s still a shot,” Vance stubbornly refuses to change his mind. “Torin could be wrong,” I argue, throwing my hands up in frustration, agreeing with Vince. How can Vance decide to do this? Losing his wolf or even his life because he wants to rid himself of Billie. I want to slap the life out of her while yelling at her to leave my mate alones. Mates actually. The b***h could end up with the both of them if the connection she has with Vance isn’t broken on time. Shivers trail down my spine at the thought. “We can always ask…” before Vince can finish speaking, a blaring sound suddenly rocks the room from outside, cutting him off mid-sentence. That’s the emergency horn, a signal the pack is familiar with when we are under attack. “That's an attack,” both announce and start to leave the room, with me following closely behind. Both of them stop at the door, blocking my path. “Where are you going?” they ask. “Outside with you,” hoping they won’t say no. “No you’re not,” Vance pulls me back into the room. “You will stay here with the warriors that will be here soon.” “We don’t know if this is Kaden or rogues,” Vince adds with concern. “There’s no way I am staying inside here,” insisting stubbornly. Both sigh deeply. “Nicole, this is for your safety,” Vince pleads. “Have you forgotten that they can open a portal anywhere,” c*****g my head to the side as I remind them and watching as they realize the truth. “s**t! Both curse, exchanging a glance. I use that opportunity to slide through their middle and start walking towards the stairs. “Hey!” Vance yells as both run after me and catch up. A small smile touches my lips as their footsteps reach me. “I am not staying holed up here when the pack is in danger. “Fine. But the warriors are going to lead you to the bunker where the women and children are,” Vance relents, half-heartedly, while Vince just grunts. “Fine,” I agree as we run down the stairs. Our eyes meet total chaos outside. Sounds of fighting, snarls and growls as our members engage whoever these wolves are. Mothers hold their babies to their chests, calling and comforting their other children as they all rush inside the underground bunker. Others clutched whatever family members they found, heading in the same direction. My mates steer me towards the bunker. “Jonah! Harry!” Vince calls out to two warriors among the ones guiding the bunker. “Yes, alpha,” both chorus when they reach us. “Take her with you and do not let her out of your sight,” Vance instructs them. “She’s your Luna.” Both turn immediately to me without hesitation. “Come with us, Luna,” one of them says. “Stay with them, brown eyes. Please,” Vance whispers into my ears as he hugs me tightly. Sure,” I whisper back, trying not to be affected by his still pungent smell, but know I will miss his arms around me. Vince ruffles my hair gently, giving me a small smile. “Don’t leave the bunker no matter what.” I nod, watching as both leave, breaking into a light jog before shifting smoothly into their black wolves. A feeling or pride settles over my heart as I witness their smooth transformation. “This way, Luna.” The one called Harry says, pointing towards the entrance. “I am Harry.” I nod and smile at him before we join the queue. “Nicole.” As we jog back to the line, I stay back to help the pack members rushing in. “Luna go in,” Jonah urges me. Shaking my head. “No, let them in first. I will go in last,” Insisting. It doesn’t feel right that I should go in. There are mothers with children, even pregnant women that needed to be safe before me. “I will help you with them,” “Alpha said…” “I know what they said. Just let me do this,” I almost whisper ‘they’re my people’ as my gaze roams round the frightened and anxious faces of my pack. Really, they are my people. I am their Luna. That is if I agree to accept my mates. But beyond that, I am not one to put myself first. Looking at the scared faces of the people dashing past me causes me to ponder on the fear and uncertainty that follows an attack on a werewolf pack. No matter the strength of a pack, an attack is still a life-threatening event attack. Lives will be lost and injuries sustained. Little kids clutch the hands of their mothers, whimpering and sobbing as they hurry inside, crying for their daddies. The old men and women, once formidable warriors in their prime, now depending on the help and protection of their leaders. The young wolves, not yet ready for battle, undergoing training, rush in with wide terrified eyes. I can see the terror clearly decorating their faces. These are my people, and I feel a deep desire to help them, instead of hiding inside the bunker alongside them. “Nicole!” a familiar voice rings from the darkness and above the noise. I swivel round to see Luna Malia, her usually well-dressed hair is in disarray and there’s blood on her blouse. “Luna!” I scream in terror as I run to her. “What are you doing outside?” her usual soft voice is harsh as do her eyes. “Whose blood is that?” I ask instead, ignoring her question, as I look her over with alarm. “It’s not mine. You should be inside with them,” she replies, pulling me along with her towards the bunker, but I stop her. “I know. But think they should go in first before me. I want to help.” “Your mates are going to be angry if they know you’re outside,” she warns me. “ “They don’t have to know. It’s just till all the people enter.” Reluctantly she agrees. “Fine,” gritting her teeth as she let go of my arm. “Okay, let’s help them in,” she stands on one side, while I stand on the other and we start guiding the people inside. Suddenly she screams my name at the same time I feel something barrel into my side, sending me and whatever it is tumbling to the ground, rolling far away, from the bunker.
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