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CONFRONTATIONS 2 VANCE Her eyes widen in shock, losing focus for a moment before she holds her breath. I silently pray she doesn’t pass out. “Breath,” Vince whispers gently and soothingly into her ears. “Breath, sweetheart.” Damning her reaction to my smell, I grab her hands, rubbing soothing circles on them as Vince does the same to her shoulders. Both of us tapping into the calming power of our mate bond to calm her. “Please, breath, brown eyes.” She inhales deeply and slowly looks up at me, still clearly taken aback. “I didn’t know. I swear on my wolf,” I plead, releasing her hands to cup her face in my palms. “I am sorry I allowed another to change my scent.” “Keep apologizing,” Vince advises in the link. “Nikki, you’re the only one I want to mark me and the only one I will mark,” I know it sounds cheesy right now with everything that has happened, but I don’t care. “You destroyed my room because you and your wolf hated the scent of another female on your mate. I am sorry, brown eyes. Please, say something.” She blinks a few times before slowly detaching herself from us, sitting down at the edge of the bed. She raises a palm to stop Vince when he moves to reach her. “Should we call her aunt or Savvy? Or mom?” I ask Vince in our link., running my hands through my hair in frustration and fear. Lately, these two have been my major predominant feelings. Fear of Kaden taking Nicole, fear of Nicole rejecting us or having a second chance mate. All these fuel my frustrations. Vince shoots me a brief scowl before turning back to her. “No. We will handle this ourselves.” Honestly, I beg to differ. I want to scream at him to look at her. She sits in total silence, her eyes wide open, staring into space, her palms resting on her lap like a statue, save for the slow rise and fall of her chest. Once again, I curse the day I chose Billie as my girlfriend. I regret the day I rejected Nicole. Regret the day I took that damn cologne from Billie to use. “How long?” her voice breaks the heavy silence in the room. VINCE Deciding to tell Nicole the truth was something I never thought I would do. At least not this way. I should have paid more attention to our surroundings, especially when Ares started becoming antsy in my head, while Vance and I argued. He was still adamant that he was going to do what Torin had suggested. We should have heard her door open, noticed her scent in the corridor, but we were too consumed with our argument. Her loud gasp caught our attention and when we opened the door, her shocked and broken face filled our eyes. Her outburst not only surprised me but made me admire her honesty and courage. It takes great strength to ask your mate to reject you. It took even more for her to demand that Vance look at her and explain why he’s been avoiding and ignoring her. Now that she knows the truth, I’m curious to see what she will do next. No, this is not a test or me judging her. Far be it from me to ever test or judge her. This is me getting to know my mate. Knowing my Luna. She has shown nothing but control with all that has happened. Even with what we did to her, she refused to tell our parents what happened. She also had her folks agree to do the same. Any other female would have spread the news throughout the pack and even outside it. Her perfect revenge on us. Indeed, Uncle Oscar and Aunt Mabel did a remarkable job raising her. Even Savvy, who was Nicole’s die-hard defender and protector, did nothing aside from the outburst at the hospital. A true mark of a Luna -the ability to maintain calm in the face of a storm. “How long?” her voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I exchange a quick glance with Vance. “We think a few years,” Vance whispers, looking at her regretfully. Her head swivels to him. “Years?” I nod, finding a seat. “Torin believes so.” “When did you find out?” she asks again. “Some days ago?” Vance answers her. “Did my reaction have anything to do with you finding out?” Vance takes a deep breath. “Sort of. When you kept reacting like that, I…we became suspicious and when…” How did she do it?” she asks, interrupting Vance. This is the hard part. Though I am not the one who did the crime, yet, I could get punished along with Vance. “Should I?” Vance asks in our link. “Don’t even think about keeping it from her?” I growl at him. We have come too far to hold back anything, no matter how little. If we want her to accept us, secrets are not allowed. Vance shuffles over and squats in front of her, gauging her reaction. When she doesn’t recoil from him, he begins. “She was helped by a witch to mix her scent into a cologne she gave me as a gift.” Hurt flashes across her face when she looks at him. “Did you know what it was?” “No. I just thought it was a cologne,” Vance quickly answers, shaking his head vigorously. “So, you didn’t know she had mixed her scent with yours?” “No, brown eyes.” “And you didn’t notice any change in your scent?” “No,” Vance looks behind at me. “It was when you began reacting that I realized something was wrong. Remember when you asked me why I smell different? Vance also said he noticed the change.” My brother needs my help right now. “I noticed it before you began to react to it. I thought he was just using a new cologne. What you did to his room further confirmed it.” “I am sorry,” she whispers, looking away. “I just found it offensive.” “No. I should be the one apologizing. You did what any other person would do,” Vance grabs her hands in his. “Don’t ever apologise for staking a claim to your mate.” “Okay,” she whispers and bite her lips. Yet there are still hidden questions and emotions in her eyes. She removes her hands away from his and stands. Vance’s eyes follow her as she walks to the window, then shoots me an apprehensive look, to which I shrug at him. “Nicole.” Vance calls her name. “Hmm,” she whirls back at us and I swear on my wolf, that I can see purple rings around her eyes. “Her wolf,” I link Vance as we both notice the changes. “She heard everything,” he confirms. “What are you thinking, brown eyes? You must have a thousand questions going through your mind. Please ask them.” “Why exactly did she mix her scent with yours?”
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