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THE STUBBORN LUNA 2 NICOLE My body doesn’t immediately register the pain from my sides till something sharp and hard pierces my left thigh, when we finally stop rolling, eliciting a painful scream from me. Like a deep howl. It echoes deep into my brain and I think I am seeing dark spots even in the darkness. I close my eyes breathing hard through my nose, as I try to process the pain and confusion. Above me a rogue snarls menacingly at me, it’s yellow eyes glaring at me, with its snout dripping with blood. Peering down at my thigh I see blood gushing out from a nasty wound on my thigh. That has to be my blood. This ugly thing just bit me! A harsh realization as I try to think of all I have learnt about rogues. They are smelly, rabid and feral. It yaps loudly at my neck, but I raise my hands up to protect my neck. I may not be a fighter or warrior, but I know that as werewolves, we always guard our necks. With each assault, I slowly crawl away from the smelly rogue, ignoring both the pain on my thigh and sides, plus the ones he is giving me with each scratch of his claws and teeth. My arms are already bloody. “Anaya!” I reach out desperately to my wolf. I need her to shift. That is the only way out of this nightmare. I can’t call anyone because they are all busy. Especially Vance and Vince. Sounds of paws come from behind me and a brown wolf jumps over me and lands on the rogue, toppling both to the ground and they start fighting. I crawl further from them, laying against a tree, and trying to think of what next to do. There’s no way I am calling out to my mates. I must not let them feel my emotions too. “Are you alright?” Luna Malia rushes to me, wearing a large tshirt that reaches her knees, her injuries healing. “Oh no!” she exclaims when she sees my wounds. “You need a hospital. I am linking your mates.” She raises her head, ready to send the link, but I stop her. “No,” I say firmly, wincing as pain racks my body. “They need all the focus they can get. I don’t want to be a distraction to them. The hospital will be better.” Reluctantly, she agrees with me again, grimacing as she helps me up. “Come on, then.” We start to move, navigating through the chaos, helped by our members who clear a pathway for us. At the bunker, we find Jonah and Harry with other warriors still on guard. Their expressions horrified upon seeing my wounds and how much I am bleeding. Both rush to us, with Jonah taking me from her. “Luna…” his eyes are wild with fear and horror as he checks my wounds. Maybe thinking of what my mates would do to him. “I am fine, Jonah,” I assure him with a weak smile. Note to self, tell my mates not to punish him. “She’s not fine. She needs immediate medical attention,” she tells them. “I will take her to the hospital,” Jonah offers. “No,” shaking my head as I wriggle out of his arms, ignoring the excruciating pains dancing all over my body. Landing unsteadily on my feet, I feel them almost giving way. Jonah helps me stand well as I sway on my feet. But I refuse to hide with the others. “Nicole, I know you are thinking like a Luna right now, but you’re bleeding. Your wounds aren’t healing. These are rogues. You need to allow Jonah take you to the hospital,” she pleads, her voice full of concern for me. “I know I don’t have fighting skills, but I am the Firewolf. That has to count for something,” It has to. I don’t believe being the Firewolf should make get special treatment. “I can…” The words are hardly out of my mouth when a black wolf barrels into the Luna, throwing both of them to the ground. In a swift move, she shifts to her wolf, shredding her tshirt and fighting fiercely. Her brown wolf biting down on the shoulder of the rogue. More rogues in wolf form pour in and start fighting our warriors, leaving me and Jonah alone at the entrance to the bunker. “Luna, you have to get inside, now!” Jonah screams. “No!” my refusal fueled by anger. I can’t be so powerful as they say and hide. I have to do something. “I am staying and that’s final! Okay!” I growl at him, making him bare his neck in submission to me. “Yes, Luna. But please stay behind me,” he instructs pushing me behind him. His back muscles rippled with anticipation, as he takes a defensive position “I need to inform the alphas.” “No! They can’t be disturbed.” “I know, Luna, but you need to be taken to the hospital. You’re bleeding too much,” he says jerking his head down at my bleeding leg, yet not taking his eyes off the fighting around us. He’s right. My blood trickles down my leg, pooling at my feet and I am feeling light-headed and weak. But he can’t pull them away from the fight because of me. They have a pack to protect. I need to think of something.
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