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SOMETHING NEW IN THE AIR. NICOLE Even before I open my eyes I can feel the change in the air. Taking a deep breath as I stretch my limbs and release a wide, loud yawn. The air smells different. Feels lighter on my skin. The air surrounding me stirs something inside my body. The hairs on my skin seem to sway to a calm current in the air, flipping them back and forth. I take in another deep breath, filling my lungs to the brim, before releasing it slowly. Feeling each molecule bouncing around my lungs, releasing a kind of peace I have never felt before. I release the last one from my lungs with a loud ‘ahhhh’ sound. Outside, I can hear the chirping of birds. Their sound mixing with the warmth of the early morning sun as its rays hit my curtains. My bedside clock shows it’s a few minutes after six in the morning. I mouth a ‘wow’ as I slide out of bed, amazed at how long I had slept. After leaving Mira yesterday evening and came home, I changed and immediately fell asleep, not bothering about food. I was really tired. Grateful that my family didn’t come to wake me for dinner. Standing in front of my wardrobe, I start to search for what to wear. I have to resume my duties at the alpha mansion and resume school. Judging by how long I was in the hospital, a ton of school work would be waiting for me to catch up on. A short, sleeveless, yellow dress catches my eyes. My mind showing me the perfect footwear to go with it. I throw it on the bed and head into the bathroom. Downstairs, I find Savvy eating alone, still in her sleepwear. “Did you sleep well?” “Yes. Does the air smell different?” I ask as I join her and start to put food on my plate. “Yeah, it does. I love the dress. Brings out all your curves, shows your long beautiful legs and makes your hair and eyes come out more.” she rolls out. “Load of complements. Thanks,” I bite into my sandwich. “You’re going to turn heads today,” a knowing smirk on her face. “Certainly going to cause trouble.” “Hopefully, not the ones I don’t want to turn. I don’t need any trouble right now.” “Dream on, dreamer,” she scoffs, biting into her sandwich. “Where’s everyone?” usually, my aunt and uncle would be here for breakfast with us. Except when Uncle Oscar had Beta duties would he be missing. “Busy at the alpha’s place. Helping Alpha Drake with stuff.” “What stuff? Is it about last night’s meeting?” “Sort of.” Savvy’s acting strange with how she’s avoiding my eyes. “Why was the meeting called?” “Alpha Drake made an announcement…” “Oops! I am going to be late,” I hastily bite the last piece of my sandwich and rise from my chair. “Where are you rushing to?” “Work.” “Work as in at the alpha mansion?” her eyes narrowing. “Yeah,” I drop my glass after downing the last drop of juice in it. “Like I have been doing for years.” I grab my bag and jacket. “Nikki, wait,” Savvy stops me. “What?” Savvy drops her sandwich back to her plate and place both her elbows on the table. She gazes softly at me. “What’s wrong Sav?” “You can’t work anymore at the alpha mansion.” “Why? Did I do something wrong?” “No,” “Then what’s wrong? Why can’t I work there anymore?” “Things changed last night, Nikki.” “Things? What changed?” “Alpha Drake passed the pack to Vince and Vance last night.” I felt something flutter in my heart as a loud bang hit it from inside me. “They are now the alphas,” Savvy continues. I shrug my shoulders. “It still changes nothing. I can still work there.” Like seriously. “Really, Nikki?” Savvy c***s her head at me. “You don’t know this changes everything?” “Yes. I just go in as usual and do my job and get out of their way. As usual.” “You can be dumb sometimes. Just sit down and eat.” “No. I have to go to work.” “I swear on the goddess, if you don’t sit down, I will tie you to the chair and force feed you,” Savvy threatens me. “No! Because they’re ruling the pack now doesn’t stop me from working at the mansion,” I will still carry out my part in the pack irrespective of who my mates are. Besides, they rejected me and my life has to go on. “It does. They’re your mates, Nikki. Have you forgotten?” “And have you forgotten that they rejected me?” “I know, but them being the alphas now, changes everything. Don’t you still get it?” Savvy rolls her eyes upwards. “Goddess, where is her brain?” “I don’t. And I do have a brain, right here!” I point to my head. “And it’s working perfectly.” “If it is, then you will know that them being the alphas makes you the Luna of the pack, dummie.” My eyes widen in shock as her words hit home. Goddess above! I am now the Luna!
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