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I AM LUNA NICOLE “I am Luna,” I mutter as I sit back down, dropping my bag and jacket. “And which Luna goes to work at the pack house, hun?” Savvy smirks. “Eat up, I will drive you to school.” I am Luna. I keep repeating to myself as I sit. That is the second highest position in the pack. I will be in charge of so many things and people. I won’t have time for myself. What about school? My plans to leave the pack and explore the world. How about my search for a second chance mate? Wait. If Savvy claims I am Luna of the pack now, does that mean they have accepted me? “If what you’re saying is true, does that mean they have accepted me?” “Yep, dear cousin. Your evil and dumb mates finally realized their mistakes and want you as their mate and Luna,” she winks at me. “Luna.” “But, they didn’t want me before. What made them change their minds?” I wasn’t only eager to know why they changed their minds, I also want to know why they rejected me in the first place. Why make me go through so much pain, physically and emotionally? Why make me lose my wolf and then change their minds? I can’t stop my mind from churning out images of that day. Flooding me with details of the deep hate in their eyes, the tone and strength of their voices as they said the words. The joy I felt as I perceived their intoxicating scents. My heart, spirit and soul in ecstasy at finding my other halves. A joy quickly evaporating, and in its stead a wave of excruciating pain, fear and shock. I heard the whimper and groaning of my wolf in my head. Felt her part of the pain, fear and shock. Merging with mine. It was supposed to be her debut. Her first time to feel and see the earth. To meet her mates. I close my eyes, willing myself not to dwell in the past. “Don’t overthink the reason or reasons why,” Savvy breaks into my thoughts. “They had their reasons for doing so and you can always ask them why. They owe you that much.” “They owe me nothing. I want nothing from them other than to leave me alone.” “I wish you luck with fending them off,” Savvy scoffs at me. “Stay put. I will be down in five minutes.” She says to me as she leaves the table and head upstairs. “Why are you suddenly defending them?” “Who says I am defending them?” she stops and turn to me. “Then why are you not supporting my wish to not accept them?” “Nikki, you know me. I am your number one supporter,” walking back to me. “But, when it comes to mate issues, one has to be very careful in how we support each party. I know you think you don’t want to have anything to do with them now. But, what happens when the mate bond starts to work its magic?” “I don’t feel the bond. My wolf is gone.” “I saw what happened during the meeting. Your wolf may be gone or hibernating, but the bond is still there. Besides you haven’t rejected them,” folding her hands across her chest. How come her Beta blood always shows though her actions even when she’s being her normal self. “What exactly are you saying? You want me to accept them? After what they did?” and she’s confusing me more. “What I want doesn’t matter. What they or any other person wants, doesn’t either. What matters the most is what you want. What do you want, Nikki?” poking my shoulder with a finger as she ends her talk. “Think about that before I come back,” She raises her brows at me before walking away. “Your mates are going to kiss the ground you walk on.” She says over her shoulder. What do I want? I want to go on with my life. Finish high school and further my education here. Or I could leave for a university at another pack. I could meet another mate there. Or just travel round the packs, round the world. Discover myself and the world. There’s a knock at the door, breaking me from my thoughts. “Coming,” I say as I go to open it to reveal the only two people in the world, who can take my breath away. It hits me suddenly as I look at their tall, muscled frames outside the door. I have been attracted to them since when I can’t remember. Both had on blue sweatpants that fitted perfectly to their lower body. White plain tshirts that hugged their muscled torsos, their tattoos peeking out from the sleeves, running down bulgy arms. Unconsciously, I close my eyes, filling my lungs to the brim with their scents. I still remember their scents. Cedarwood, Sandalwood and musk. Though, one seemed weaker than the other, but it still made my insides stir. Opening my eyes to roam their faces, taking in their lips. I am wondering how soft they would feel against mine. Their grey eyes…gosh! I can’t control my thoughts and as if in a trance my hands start reaching out to touch them. Letting go of the door, I move closer to them, both hands reaching for them. My eyes hold theirs, as if seeking permission and instead, I see the plea, shock and anticipation in their eyes. The softness in their eyes, takes my breath away. They seemed to be holding their breaths as they waited for the contact. Vince licks his lips, his eyes are darting between my hand and face. While Vance hasn’t stopped gazing softly at me. Just before my hands touch their chest, I snap out of my trance, blinking hard and slowly coiling my fingers and pulling my hands away and dropping them to my sides. This earns me two soft growls from them. “Why did you stop?” Vince asked softly. I turn away from them, hiding my embarrassment and the colour splashing all over my face. I am sure my ears are as red as a tomato right now. As they follow me inside, I ponder over Savvy’s words.
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