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WAKING UP NICOLE My eyes flutter opens to a white room. The smell of antiseptic wafts up my nose as well as Vince’s comforting scent. “She’s waking up,” A voice murmurs beside me. “Nikki,” Vince’s gruff, yet undeniably sexy voice reaches my ears, his warm breath fans my cheeks. Blinking slowly, I meet his grey eyes gazing softly at me with an emotion I never thought I would see directed at me – love. “How do you feel?” his lips curve into a small smile. "Like a volcano just erupted inside me, spilling its lava and eating up all my organs, leaving me both very thirsty and hungry,” I rasp in a tiny voice. “How’s the pack?” “Everyone’s fine, thanks to you,” Vince replies with a warm smile. Pride flashes in his eyes. “Move aside,” Vance voice comes from behind Vince. I look up to see him approaching with a tray of food and water. Vince moves aside, helping me up then joining his brother to arrange the food on my bed. And taking it very seriously, almost making me chuckle. The tray is full of all my favourite foods and snacks. Narrowing my eyes at them, I ask, “How did you know I would be hungry and thirsty?” “Torin,” Vance replies with a sideways glance. Vince picks a cup of water. “Here,’ he places it at my lips and when I reach for it, he pulls back. “Allow me, please.” Averting my eyes as a slight blush creeps over my face, I stop him. “You don’t have to feed me because of what I did. I only helped because the pack needed it.” “We know, but we want to take care of you. You’re our mate and it’s our job.” Vince insists, his eyes soft yet determined. “It’s the least we can do, brown eyes,” Vance joins in the conversation, holding a bowl of food in one hand and a spoon in the other. He scoops food on the spoon and stretches it to my mouth. “Open, mate.” Blushing further, wondering how real this can be. “Are you two serious, right now?” “As serious as the mate bond,” Vance replies solemnly, holding my gaze. “We have never done anything for you, Nikki. Now eat, please.” “I think she should drink water first. Thirst before hunger,” Vince pushes the cup to my lips again, his eyes darting between them and my eyes. “Come on,” he urges, pushing the cup to my lips. As I start to drink, I grab Vince’s palms, gulping the water furiously. Some splash down my chin, wetting my cloth, but I don’t care, just like I don’t care that I am making ugly sounds as I drink the water. My stomach makes hissing sounds like when water is poured on hot coals. “Is that your stomach?” Vince gives an amused laugh. “Torin was right.” “More, please,” I whisper, panting and licking my lips as I release the cup. Two soft growls fill the room and when I look up at my mates, their eyes are flashing gold. “What?” “Nothing,” Vince replies, swallowing hard, as if there’s a lump in his throat. Vance guides my face to his, pushing the spoon to my mouth. “He will get you more water, but first you eat. Okay?” he gives me a small smile which I return. I open my mouth, watching him watch me with slightly opened lips as I take the spoon in my mouth. “Hmmm,” I murmur as the taste of the mashed potatoes hits my taste buds. Closing my eyes as I feel the taste swirl round my mouth. “This is so delicious.” When I open my eyes, my mates are watching my lips with hungry golden eyes. “What?” darting my eyes between the two. “Nothing,” Vance replies, bending his head as his refills the spoon. “A sip,” Vince stretches the cup to me, urging me to drink again. This time he places a hand behind my back as I drink, rubbing circles. “Thank you.” Vince surprises me when he places a soft kiss on my hair. “My pleasure, mate.” I blush hard, my heart fluttering, dropping my gaze shyly. “Here,” Vance guides the spoon to my mouth, continuing to feed me, while Vince watches in silence. I can’t hide my embarrassment with how many times I have blushed and trying to avert my eyes from meeting theirs. Both haven’t stopped looking at me with care and affection. Their eyes dancing with determination to see me well fed. Doing so seamlessly as if they’ve been doing so for years. Yet, I don’t want to get carried away. “You shouldn’t,” “Anaya?” “Eat more because we’re still weak,” she says drowsily. “What’s with you always passing out?” “Technically, you’re the one passing out,” she scoffs. “How? You’re the one always half manifesting yourself, draining me of all energy,” I complain, licking my lips after taking a spoonful of food. Growling from my mates again. “Stop licking your lips.” “Why?” “Ughh! Never mind. Ungrateful, that’s what you are. I have saved and defended the both of us…” “Leaving me drained as usual.” “That’s because I am under a command, remember? Duh!” “What command? How can you be commanded when I haven’t even shifted?” I feel something smack the base of my skull. “Ow!” I exclaim loudly, wincing. “What is it?” both my mates ask with concern. “Nothing. Just Anaya being petty.” Both exchange glances. “Anaya?” “My wolf,” I explain as she growls in my head. “Do not tell them about me!” she fumes. “Why not? They know about you already.” “Just eat your food and drink your water.” “Attitude, Anaya,” I scold her which earns me another smack. “Anaya!” “You’re the one with a baffling attitude. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten?” I can feel her anger, pain and resentment towards them. “Anaya…” “Enjoy your meal, human,” with that she shuts me out. “Anaya?” I call out but she doesn’t answer again. “Everything all right?” Vance asks “Nothing to worry about.” “What was the argument about?” Vince asks. “She doesn’t want me to tell you guys about her.” “Did you ask her why?” Vance asks, glancing at Vince. “She shut me out,” trying again to reach her, but her walls are still standing. “I think she’s mad at you two.” VANCE Cold sweat runs down my back at Nicole’s words. Her wolf had every right to be mad at us, judging by what we did. Especially me with my tryst with Billie and the whole wolf bonding thing. I can’t take back what has happened, I can only ensure I do better now and in the future. That is what I have to let Nicole’s wolf know. “She has to see us do it,” Axel adds. “Yeah, buddy. We can’t have the Firewolf angry at us. I can’t wait to see her shift. I can’t even picture what she will look like.” “Beautiful, that’s what she will look like just like our brown eyes with the most interesting lips…” “Time out buddie. Our mate is angry. This is not the time for such.” “She’s angry at you, not me.” “Me, you, what’s the difference. I am you, you are me.” “Fighting with your wolf?” Nicole’s voice breaks our argument. “Something like that,” A bit of food sticks to the corner of her mouth. “You have something here…” I reach out to wipe it off, but she grabs my hand, sniffing me. “You smell…” she c***s her head at me before burying her face in my neck, “You don’t smell like her again,” her eyes widen in shock and relief. “Yeah, I did something about it.” Before she woke up, Torin had offered to cast a spell to temporarily cloak Billie’s scent on me. “He did?” she sniffs me again. “But you don’t smell like you?” her brows fuse in confusion. “I will smell like me soon,” I assure her. “Your food…” She gently smacks my hand away. “I am full. When is soon?” “Nikki,” Vince begins. “There’s something we need to tell you about your wolf.” Her head whips towards him. “I already know I am an alpha and the Firewolf,” she declares confidently. Vince trails his palm down her hair, looking at her in admiration and pride. “That you’re, but your wolf has been told she’s an omega for most of her life.” “She was commanded?” a deep frown mars her face. She narrows her eyes at him. “Yes. Someone did so to protect you and her.” “Who did it?” her frown deepening further as she whispers the question. “Our father,” I announce to her.
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