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VANCE THE ONE ROGUE I didn’t know what to expect when mom said Nicole had gotten her powers. Having never encountered anyone with powers before made it impossible for me to conjure an image in my mind. But seeing her in this blob of fire, will forever remain etched in my memory. I call it a blob because it follows her like a second skin. The array of colours surrounding her give her this ethereal look, each hue blending seamlessly into the next, but not mixing. A shifting blob of fire that moves along with her as she moves within it. Her burning mesmerizing pools draw me in, hynotising me, even though I hear what she’s saying. Axel, on the other hand, hasn’t stopped purring and drooling with his tongue lolling out. It took Mom’s voice to snap me out of my daze and refocus on the task at hand-the rogues had to be dealt with. Taking a deep breath, I follow Vince’s lead, reaching out for Nicole’s hand. Instantly sparks and tingles bombard me, stronger than the other times I have touched her. An incredible amount of current flows through me, coursing through my bones down to my insides and invigorating me. I feel the mate bond throb excitedly, my strength increasing, being renewed, just like our mate bond. After passing the powers down the link and hearing the relieved and shocked gasps from the link, I open my eyes back to her face. Slowly, her eyes flutter open, and I watch as they return to their normal colour. The flames around her follow suit, gradually retracting inward until they disappeared inside her body. Amazing! “You did it, Nicole!” our mother squeals in excitement, enveloping her in a tight hug. Someone starts clapping and soon people are clapping and murmuring excitedly. Nicole looks around shyly at the crowd, nodding, while still in Mom’s arms. “Thank you,” she murmurs as she pulls away from her. “The pack is forever grateful to you for this. You’re definitely going to make a great Luna.,” Mom’s eyes shine with pride while my heart beats with pride that my mate just saved our pack. “Thank you Lu…” her voice trails off as her eyelids begin to droop, she sways and before she can hit the ground, both Vince and I catch her. It’s been two hours since Nicole passed out. Vince and I are with Tim, my father and some warriors at the pack house. After rushing her to the hospital, Mel assured us that she was simply exhausted from using her powers. Torin confirmed it, excited to see her powers awaken. He adamantly refused to leave her room, choosing to stay and watch over her. A welcome relief for Vince and I, as we have to address the issue of the rogues and find out how they got in undetected. “How did they get in?” I question the patrols on duty. “We swear on our wolves, Alpha. We didn’t smell or see them till they were inside the pack,” one of them explains. Our father sighs deeply. “Nothing unusual?” he asks. “Nothing, Alpha Drake.” “Can you remember what you saw or heard before the alarm sounded?” Vince presses them further. They exchange glances with one another. “Everything was fine. Just the usual night creatures, nothing more,” one of them says and the rest nod their heads in confirmation. After drilling them further we dismiss them. It’s obvious they know nothing. The rogues had help to do this. “Keep our best trackers on the borders. Let them keep sniffing until they find something,” Vince orders. “Yes, alpha,” they all chorus before leaving. Vince sighs deeply, taking a seat as he speaks. “It could be Kaden and the witch.” “But we didn’t see him anywhere,” I counter as I take a seat too. “Could be a change of tactic,” he adds. I nod, considering it could be true. “But why didn’t he come in a portal like he did before? He wasn’t seen anywhere. If he was the one he would definitely be where Nicole was.” “You’re right,” he concedes. “Shame we didn’t capture any rogue for questioning.” “Not with the fireballs raining down on them,” Dad scoffs playfully. “Who would have thought that would happen?” “No one.” I agree. Someone raps on the door, interrupting our conversation. It’s Jonah. “Come in.” “Come in Jonah,” I know he’s the one. Jonah enters, nodding respectfully. “Alphas, Tim.” Vince and I shake his hand, thanking him for keeping our mate safe. “It was an honour, alphas. Luna is not only special but kind and selfless,” he says proudly. “She refused to enter, until everyone had gone in.” Pride blossoms in my heart at hearing this. Vince mirrors my emotions, nodding as he listens to Jonah. “When Luna Malia asked her to enter she refused, saying they needed the help more than her and that she was the Firewolf.” More pride blossom inside us at her declaration. Wait, did she announce she was the Firewolf? “Not good,” Dad links us. “She refused to let us link you both for help, saying you didn’t need to be distracted,” Jonah continues while we discuss in the link Nicole’s announcement. “She said that?!” I couldn’t help but almost yell. Jonah nods. “Yes. I could sense her trying to find another way of dealing with the situation, rather than call you for help. Even when the Luna rescued her from the rogue, injured and bleeding, she still refused to…” “She was bleeding?!” Vince and I shout at the same time, releasing our auras unconsciously, making Jonah and Tim bare their neck. “Guys,” our father softly calls us. “Rein it in.” “She was bleeding and you didn’t think it was necessary to link us?!” Vince charges at him, snarling over his head. “She could have died!” I add, remembering the stab of pain I felt while fighting. “I felt it too,” Vince grunts in the link, stepping away from Jonah’s tense form. “I apologize, alpha, but Luna’s aura was strong and she seemed sure of herself.” “Did anyone else hear her call herself the Firewolf?” Vince asks Jonah. “I don’t think anyone else did apart from the warriors with me. Harry, Kane and Michael.” “We don’t want word of this spreading out. Let the others know.” “Yes, alpha Vince.” “Okay, Jonah,” Dad starts. “Do you remember anything else from the fight?” “Yes. That’s why I am here,” Jonah sighs deeply, drawing our attention. “Before she started throwing the fireballs, there was a rogue. He looked quite different from the others.” “How so?” I interject, eager to know more. “He didn’t look like he had been fighting. His clothes were intact and he seemed to be searching for Luna.” “What makes you think so?” Dad asks. “He looked like a typical rogue, but for his clothes and words. If she hadn’t burnt him, I would have shifted into my wolf. He was the first wolf she burnt.” Vince asks, “What did he say?” Jonah looks round our faces before replying. “Finally found you and you’re coming with me.” “He said that?” I ask for clarification. “Yes, alpha Vance. And he’s alive.” One could hear a pin drop with the heavy silence in the room. “This is a lead,” Tim declares, finally breaking the silence. Relief bursts through Vince and I. “Where is he, Jonah?” Tim asks. “In the dungeon. I made sure he didn’t die because I knew he would be vital to knowing why they attacked us.” Our father links us. “Jonah will make a good Gamma.” “I agree,” Vince replies, while I nod in agreement. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Dad says, already at the door and nodding at Jonah. “You did well. I am sure my sons just found their Gamma.” VINCE As we head down to the dungeons, I link Mel for updates on Nicole. “Still asleep. Her friends are here too,” he informs me. “Friends?” Last time I checked Nicole only had one friend. “But your mate is her only friend?” “Well, she has now. Two of them and they don’t look like they are going to leave until they see her.” “Don’t let anyone in apart from her family or us,” I instruct him. We don’t know who these girls are and how close they are to Nicole. For now, no one can be trusted especially with what Jonah just told us. “What?” Vance asks seeing my worried expression. “Is it Nicole? Has she woken up” “No. Mel says some friends of hers are at the hospital, waiting to see her.” “She has no friends. Right?” “I told him to not let anyone apart from us and her folks inside,” by us I meant our parents and Tim. “Good. Besides Torin is there with her.” “Good thing we agreed to let him,” good thing indeed. The witch certainly has been useful since he remained in the pack. Down at the dungeons, the warriors greet us as we arrive. Adam among them, looking a bit different. “He is passed out,” he informs us as we enter the rogue’s cell, where he sits on a chair. His chin rests on his chest with silver chains tightly wrapped round him. The smell of burnt flesh fills the air. His wolf isn’t healing him. “Wake him up!” Vance barks, Axel flashing in his eyes. Someone pours a bucket of water on him. He jolts awake, growling, his yellow eyes flashing furiously with his deranged wolf, as he takes in his surroundings. He looks more feral with his burnt face. “Hey!” Vance punches him straight in the face, breaking his nose. “Who sent you?!” The rogue growls back at him, yanking at the chains, glaring defiantly at Vance. “f**k you all!” “That’s what I am going to do to you,” Vance replies, removing his shirt and tossing it behind him for one of the warriors to catch. “f**k you so much that your deranged wolf will beg me to kill you both.” “Go ahead. My only regret is that I didn’t get the b***h to her.” Vance’s fists connect with his face and other parts of his body. “Again, who sent you?” Vance huffs heavily. “Is that all the punches you have?” he spits out blood and teeth, a wide mocking smile on his face. “I thought you were an alpha.” “No,” Vance replies with an evil smile on his face as he strides to the table in the corner, full of torture tools of all kinds. “I haven’t even started.”
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