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EMBRACE AND RECOIL Vince and Vance growled loudly at Tim inside their mindlink, ripping him from the clutches of sleep and hurling him onto the floor in confusion. Savvy stirred beside him but didn’t wake up. “What the hell, guys!” Tim barked in irritation as he scrambled to his feet and went outside to meet them. “It’s late!” “And you should be patrolling, not hugging your mate like a damn pillow!” Vance shot back at him. Jealousy eating his insides. “First, it’s my off-day, and two I didn’t reject my mate,” Tim spat back. Axel growled menacingly, his golden eyes flashing with anger. “f**k you!” “Yeah, whatever, Axel,” Tim shrugged dismissively. “Why are you guys here again?” “We want to see her?” Vince said. “Again? She’s asleep.” “We know, but we just want to see her.” Vince insisted. “Let us in.” “Why are we even asking him? She’s our mate, and we are the alphas.” Vance asserted. “Then by all means do come in, Alpha Vance,” Tim mocked, making way for him. “Stop it you two,” Vince rapped, shooting a warning glance at both. “We are doing this for our wolves, Tim.” “Your wolves want to see her and not you?” Tim quipped sarcastically. “It’s complicated…” Vince trailed off “With you two, complicated is an understatement,” Tim sneered. “Just shut up, Tim,” Vince snapped in irritation. “Are you going to let us in or not?” “I hope Savvy won’t have my balls for this. You two keep pushing me towards a rejection.” And speaking of the devil, her voice joined theirs from behind. “I am glad you know that. Today could be the day, Tim” “Babae…” “Don’t, Tim,” she snapped at him before turning to the twins. “Came to make her cry again since that’s your specialty. Leave her crying on the floor.” Vince approached Savvy. “We didn’t mean to make her cry, but we just need to see her.” “Why?” Savvy challenged him. “Our wolves.” “Not you?” “We do too.” “Babae,” Tim snaked a hand round her waist. “Let them in. You know they are the only ones that can help her sleep well.” “Sleep well?” both brothers chorused in confusion. “Shut up, Tim!” Savvy snapped. “What happened to her?” Vance asked, his concern deepening. “She couldn’t stop crying when you both left…ugh!” Tim winced, clutching his side where Savvy smacked him. Vance and Vince exchanged a glance, without another word, they pushed past Tim and Savvy, making their way into the house and heading straight for their mate's room. “I warned you Tim,” Savvy narrowed her eyes at her mate, before turning back to the house. Vance and Axel entered Nicole’s room, their eyes immediately locking onto the figure lying on the bed. Their hearts clenched at the sight of her, a surge of protectiveness flooding through them. She looked fragile, delicate, yet there was an undeniable strength in her aura. It was faintly pulsing. “Do you feel that?” Vince asked his brother. “That’s definitely her alpha aura,” Vance replied. Tim and Savvy stood in the doorway, watching silently as the twins hovered over their mate. Savvy crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame, her dilemma rising. Though they hurt her cousin in the most wicked way unheard of about their kind, she noticed some changes in them. Ever since they saw Nicole in a coma, something had changed about them. They were alphas and were expected by all to maintain a tough exterior. Packs usually favoured tough and strong alphas as their leaders. And often frowned on them if they had weak Lunas. Especially omegas. But, she couldn’t give them a free pass because of this. She would choose Nicole over them no matter what. Yet, Nicole was their mate and right now she needed them to help calm her down to sleep well. Her mother’s sleeping tea wasn’t helping. The poor thing was still tossing around on her bed. She sighed deeply, her arms falling to her sides. “Mom had to give her sleeping tea. From the looks of it, I don’t think it’s working.” Savvy explained quietly. “She cried to sleep.” Their hearts sank at the revelation, guilt gnawing at them from inside. “We never meant for that to happen," Vince said in a sincere tone. Vance added, “We never meant to hurt her.” “But you did,” Savvy chuckled sadly, her expression softening slightly at their words, a flicker of sympathy crossing her features. Tim joined the three. “They are trying, babae. Give them a chance.” “Just don’t break her heart anymore.” Savvy said. Both brothers nodded solemnly, their resolves to be better mates, hardening. Savvy and Tim left them. Vance’s eyes caught the teddy bear on the floor. He nudged Vince to look at it. “That’s where it belongs,” Vince smirked. They removed their shirts and slipped under the duvet with her, welcoming her sweet scent. Nicole rolled towards Vince, snuggling into his chest and her body relaxed instantly. She sighed contentedly. “Mate,” she murmured, snuggling closer to him, rubbing her face against his bare chest. Vince felt an electrifying jolt in his chest. This was beyond the mate bond sparks and tingles. He felt his insides explode. He pulled her close, his heart swelling with tenderness. Vance grappled with his own emotions, he also wanted to feel her against his chest. He touched her shoulder and gently turned her to him, wanting her to snuggle to him too, but the moment she placed her face on his chest, she recoiled as if stung by his skin and turned back to Vince’s chest. Vance froze in place. Though he felt the electric jolt, it was the way his mate had recoiled sharply away from him, and how she had contorted her face in disgust at him, that froze him. “What was that, Vance?” Vince asked as he settled their mate’s head under his chin. “I don’t know,” Vance whispered, feeling a sudden emptiness develop inside him. “Do you think she hates me?” “She can’t hate you without hating me too,” Vince assured Vance. “But we will figure it out tomorrow. For now, let’s just watch her.” Vance nodded, scooting closer, gently touching her skin and feeling her tense beneath his touch. Despite her reaction, he refused to withdraw his hand. As Nicole’s breaths grew steady against Vince’s chest, her hand found its way over his stomach, her leg draped over his. Vince chuckled with joy, kissing the top of her head and burying his face in her amber locks. Vance couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the intimate gesture. “Keep enjoying it all,” he huffed in annoyance and envy. “Come on, bro, whatever that was, we will deal with it in the morning.” “Till then you’re hogging her all to yourself.” “Seriously, I am concerned. She can’t hate your smell and like mine. I promise, we will find the reason why.” “You’re right,” Vance grumbled, peering down at his mate. “Can you turn her on her back?” Vince gently guided Nicole away from his chest, eliciting a low whimper from her. “Mate,” she whimpered, refusing to let go of his hand. “Mate.” “I am right here, Nicole. I am not leaving.” he cooed into her ears, calming her. He glanced at his brother’s pouting face. “Seriously?” “If you were in my shoes what would you do?” Vance grumbled. “Until we know the reason, you can’t blame her. Stop pouting like a damn child,” Vince frowned heavily at him. Vance huffed again, settling back behind her. “What if she wakes up and sees us?” he whispered. Vince shrugged, unsure of how to answer. “I don’t know.” Contented with just having her asleep in his arms this moment. “She’s beautiful,” he smiled, caressing her soft cheek. His gaze lingered on her slightly parted lips, his heart swelling with affection. “Gorgeous,” Vince added, peering down at his mate’s serene expression. They fell into a comfortable silence, watching over her as she slept soundly. Both couldn't help but envision their future together, a life filled with love and happiness. If only. “This could be us in future,” said Vance, a sad smile playing on his lips. “It will be us,” Vince affirmed strongly, tightening his hold over her. “We need to redecorate.” His mind already drifting to how that was going to be done. “Or build a new room,” Vance suggested, his imagination running wild with possibilities. “Get a bigger bed and wardrobes.” “A bigger bathroom and bathtub,” Vance blurted out eagerly, spurred on by the images Axel was showing him. “What?” he asked at Vince’s glare. “Tell Axel to stop it.” “As if Ares isn’t showing you scenes.” Vance retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. Vince chuckled in amusement and disbelief. “Horny wolves.” “Like it’s only them.” Vance quipped, chuckling along with his brother. But their mirth was short-lived as Nicole suddenly stirred and shivered against them. Instantly both covered her body with their arms and legs, their protective instincts surfacing naturally. Vance's brows furrowed in concern, his eyes searching Nicole's face for any signs of distress. “Is she cold?” Vince gently turned her to face Vance. Who wrapped her in a comforting embrace and despite her resistance, refused to let go. “I hate this,” Vance murmured in frustration, but was thankful for a chance to hold her. “We will deal with this like I promised,” Vince assured him. “Just enjoy the moment. How does it feel?” “Perfect. Like home,” Vance’s smile was deep and genuine as he replied his brother. “Exactly.” “We can’t let her reject us.” “We won’t let that happen.” And so, they remained by her side, their hearts bursting with affection as they watched over her through the night. Inside them, their wolves purred lovingly, their love for their mate growing stronger with each breath she took.
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