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NICOLE AND ANAYA Nicole found herself in that same grassy place again. The night was quiet with a full moon standing proudly in the sky surrounded by twinkling stars. The wind blew over the grasses, making them bow as if it was their king. She moved her fingers, feeling the soft fur underneath them. A soft whine rumbled through the furred body near her. Meeting the sad purple eyes of her wolf. “Anaya,” she whispered with a sad smile breaking over her face. A replica of her broken heart. Her eyes misted with tears. “They didn’t want us because we are omegas.” Her voice trembled with deep sadness and hot tears rolled down her face. Anaya whined and released a low growl, and licked her human’s cheek with gentle affection. Her anger mingled with the sorrow in her heart as she did so. “They find us unworthy,” Nicole whispered again, clutching tight to Anaya’s fur, as she sought solace in the comforting presence of her wolf. Anaya pulled her close, feeling the pain and sadness of her human. VINCE I can’t sleep, I can’t stop thinking of Nicole. I can’t shake the image of her crying, broken and sad. My heart shatters into a million pieces. We did this. Vance and I. We caused her to cry. We caused her to hate herself. I saw the look in her eyes when she learned the truth. The way her eyes lost whatever little light was left in them. How they dimmed finally before she collapsed to the ground. I heard the trembling sadness in her voice as she said the words. What would be my punishment for doing this to her? If someone did this to her – made her cry like this, I would make the person regret ever even thinking of hurting her, let alone doing the deed. Who will punish me? Who will punish Vance and I? I want to be punished. I need her to punish me. To make me pay for my sins towards her. How do I erase that day? How do I make her believe that she’s more important than even our lives? That I would gladly lay down my life for her. My room suddenly feels alien to me. I can’t be sleeping when my mate is crying her heart out. Especially after she let out that loud wail after we left her room. I felt the cords of our bonds stretching. Almost breaking and I found myself praying for help. Praying it wouldn’t. I don’t know what I would do if she said the same words back to me. I don’t deserve to sleep. I don’t deserve any peace. I stole her peace, mine should be stolen too by her. She’s already doing that. I can’t even close my eyes without seeing her eyes. Since we returned from her place, I have been pacing about my room, muttering to myself like a mad man. Ares hasn’t stopped growling and howling in my head, begging to be let loose for a run. But I know I can’t let him out. He would go on a damage spree, destroying anything in his path. I know Axel would most likely join him. Out two of them together and the entire pack would not have a good night’s rest. We don’t need our parents and pack members thinking we’ve gone feral. My thoughts roam to her again. What could she be doing right now? Could she still be on the floor? Ares snarls at this thought, struggling harder to shift. “Stop, Ares!” “Let me out!” he growls at me. “I need to let off some steam.” “Destroying things.” “If you can destroy her why can’t I destroy things too!” I sigh at his words. “I am sorry, Ares.” It hits me now. She is also his mate. Her wolf is his mate. And I have never apologized to him for keeping him away from them. “Accept my apologies, Ares. Please.” He huffs at me and reclines into a corner, scowling. “I want to see her, now,” he demands. “Or else, I will break through our wall and total control.” Shit! I need to go see Vance. VANCE I swirl the drink in my glass, following the amber liquid with my eyes. The colour fascinates me, reminding me of her eyes. Downing a mouthful, I wince at the burning sensation in my throat, pouring myself another round. My eyes trail the empty bottles beside me and I count them. Seven. It’s going to take more than that to get me drunk. I am a werewolf and an alpha wolf. Since we returned from her place, I have been here, drowning in guilt and remorse. Neither Vince nor I had the stomach for a chat. It took great effort from us to leave her as she wished. I can’t stop playing her voice in her head as she asked us to leave. Or the heart-wrenching wail that erupted behind us when we closed her door. Her wailing shook me to the deepest foundations of my heart. I felt the bond stretching about to break and it scared me. I was scared she would say the words and it would be over for Vince and I. If I lose her, I lose everything. This fear consumed me. Vince and I shattered her, and the weight of that realization crushes me. I doubt if I will ever sleep well again without those beautiful brown orbs, glistening with tears and sadness, forever haunting me in my sleep. Who says I deserve to sleep? My Brown eyes standing before me, sad, broken and full of misery. She should be looking at me with love and affection. A happy smile should be decorating her face. Instead I made her cry. I made her sad. I caused her to be broken. I broke my mate. Vince and I broke our mate. I will take whatever punishment she gives us. I will do anything to make her see that I can be a better person. A better mate. A better partner for life. A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I wonder what she’s doing right now. Is she asleep? Or still on the floor crying? “Most likely,” Axel snarls inside, breaking through. “Still where you left her. And you know this is the second time you two are leaving her on the floor. Remember that day she clocked eighteen?” His words refresh my memory, each memory a dagger thrust into my heart. He is right. “I am sorry, Ax.” He stalks forward, baring his teeth at me as his golden eyes glare at me. “I wish I could claw you out from the inside.” I remain mute, listening to my wolf’s tirade. He is justified. I kept him from his mate. “Did you think such a day will come when you were prancing round town with that Ashton slut on your arm?” “Remember what you did after rejecting her?” “Who you were with on that day?” “What you were doing?” “What you said in your heart while on the bed with Billie?” “Axel. Stop!” “I begged you to stop that night. Not to reject her.” “Axel, please,” I sobbed as the images formed in my head, swirling in my vision. Tears stood at my lower lids. “I begged you to claim her that day.” “I am sorry.” I should have claimed her. “I begged you for three years. Three damn years! I begged you for my mate for three years!!” he roared, scratching the wall that divided us. Hitting it with all his strength. "You don’t have a right to sit down here and wallow in pity. Get up and take me to see my mate, now!” Just then Vince enters. “Vance?” “Vince.” “Are you okay?” Raising my teary eyes to him and sniffing, I ask, “Do I look okay?” “Neither do I,” he sighs, taking a seat beside me. “Axel right?” I nod as I pass the glass to him, feeling the weight of our shared burden. “He wants to see her.” “Ares too.” Being twin wolves, I am not surprised they want the same thing: their mate. “We should let them see her.” “We owe them that much.”
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