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THE REJECTED GAMMA “Do that and the Council will summon you about Nicole’s rejection.” Dean said with a smug look in his eyes. With a fierce roar, Drake effortlessly with one hand, slammed him into the wall, leaving a substantial indentation. The room echoed with the impact, and Drake, fully embracing his wolf, snarled and growled, half-shifting. Canines bared, claws extended, he tore into the sides of Dean’s face, prompting a painful howl. “I command you not to shift!” Drake’s alpha voice reverberated round the room, seizing Dean in a half-shifted state. He sank his claws into Dean’s sides, drawing more agonized cries from him. The vivid red colour of blood contrasting with Drake’s golden eyes. He rained several punches to Dean’s stomach, each punch extracting painful groans from Dean. Lifting Dean once more, Drake hurled him against the wall, his authority ringing in the air. “You dare threaten me and my pack? I am your alpha!” He flung Dean into another wall, the impact accompanied by a crashing sound as both man and a wolf-themed painting met the floor. Not satisfied, Drake stomped towards Dean, unleashing a torrent of kicks fueled by rage, his wolf seeing only red. The flame of dishonesty, blackmail, and treachery that Dean had spread for years in the pack was now met with relentless fury. Drake, his fists clenched, aimed to extinguish that flame once and for all. To protect his pack and his sons. “I hereby command you to tell me everything you have planned and what you know about Nicole’s…” Drake paused as a voice cut through the chaos. "Drake!" Malia's scream echoed from the doorway, halting Oscar and the twins in their tracks as they rushed towards the confrontation. “Stay back! I command you!” Drake bellowed at Oscar and the twins, the alpha command keeping them frozen. “Tiger! Stop!” Malia pleaded, desperation evident in her voice. “Please!” Drake met the gaze of his mate, a mix of confusion and fear in her eyes. “He threatened us,” Tiger grunted, turning back to Dean and delivering another punishing kick. Malia hurriedly approached Tiger, her touch gentle as she placed a palm on his shoulder. "Let Drake come back, Tiger." "Let me kill him, mate," Tiger growled, his gaze fixed on Dean's battered form. Dean stirred, groaning and clutching his sides. "If you kill him, we won’t know what he has done," Malia pleaded, cupping Tiger's face in her hands and smiling up at him. "Tiger, calm down and give Drake control." Frustration etched Drake’s features as he cast one last glance at Dean. Relenting, he turned to Malia, pulling her close to his chest. Burying his face in her neck, he inhaled her sweet and calming scent. "Mate. Mine," he purred, inhaling more of her essence. Malia felt his tension gradually dissipating. "Yes, yours," she reassured, patting his back. "Now let Drake in." Her eyes surveyed the aftermath, anticipating more work for the omegas. Pulling back to peer down at her, Tiger's eyes had returned to normal, but the anger lingered. "I am sorry for the mess," he apologized, sensing her thoughts. "It's okay." Oscar and the twins sighed in relief as the alpha command released them. "I hereby reject you, Dean Ashton, as my Gamma and the Gamma of the Firestone Pack," Drake declared, eliciting shocked gasps. "You’re nothing more than an ordinary member of this pack from now on. And I command you to not to heal and tell me what you have done." The bond snapped, breaking and dissolving. Dean groaned at the loss of the bond, his wolf working double-time to heal physical injuries and the shattered connection. "I won’t tell you because you can’t command me to," Dean slowly crawled to his feet. He met their stunned faces with a wide grin. "I have been spelled by a very powerful witch to prevent your command from working on me. You can never know what I did." Grateful for his precautions, he added, "I always think everything through." “Bastard,” Oscar yelled at him. “Just like your niece,” Dean c****d his head at him. Vance and Vince rushed at him, pinning him to a wall. “Don’t you ever call her that,” Vance warned through clenched teeth. He locked gazes with them, smirking deeply, as madness danced in his eyes. Soon, they would all be family and all would be forgotten. “I suggest you listen to your father and do what he says.” He shoved them off. “I accept the rejection…for now. I am sure you will reconsider your decision when everything settles down. Drake issued another command, his voice cutting through the charged air. "I command you not to leave this pack." "I have nowhere to go, alpha. I am already home," Dean retorted. "I command you to also remain indoors." "What?" Dean grappled with the alpha command. "Good. Now get out of my sight!" Drake hissed. Dean turned to leave but glanced back. "I believe you know what is more important." Silence enveloped the room as everyone waited for Dean to exit before speaking. "What does he mean by we should listen to you?" Vance asked. Drake gritted his teeth, "Nothing you two should worry about." He then turned to Oscar. "Still don’t want to tell me who this asshole is?" Oscar exchanged quick looks with the twins, whose eyes were downcast. "I think Nicole should tell you herself." "And I have a feeling she won’t. Though I can use my aura on her…" Drake stopped at the low growls from his sons. "It’s just a suggestion." A faint smile played on his face at the realization that his sons were already getting attached to Nicole, taking his suggestion about her as a mate seriously. "I don’t think we should do that now, honey. She just woke up, and we don’t even know if she has gotten her wolf," Malia added. “That’s more mystery surrounding your niece, Oscar. No one knows how she defeated that witch.” “I wonder too. She’s locked herself into her room since she returned and has refused to speak to anyone.” “Give her time. I will drop by tomorrow.” Malia said with a smile. “We will appreciate that,” Oscar replied sincerely, understanding the need to reinstate their almost broken friendship. “This is just too much. A lot of things are happening and I have a feeling it is all pointing to Nicole. First, the rejection. Then the rogue attack and the witch in her room. Now Dean. How did he even know about the rejection? I thought you said only family members knew?” Drake said into the link to Malia and Oscar. His sons didn’t need to know. “Beats me too, Drake. Mel doesn’t look like he would tell anyone,” Oscar replied. “And her friend?” “Mira is the only friend she has her. They’ve been together for years. I doubt she will do that.” “So, who could it be?” Drake hugged Malia again, needing to inhale her scent to calm his restless wolf, who was still pinning to deal with dean. “I honestly don’t know what to do. And we don’t know what that i***t ex-gamma of mine has done.” He closed his eyes, inhaling more of his mate’s rose scent. His mind churning out possibilities, trying to understand how all three events connected to Nicole. “Vance?” He pulled away from his mate. “Do you still want to continue with B…” “No!” Both brothers declared loudly. “That’s good.” Drake nodded at them. “And what I discussed with you?” “About that…” Vance began. “We would like to say something…” “We can talk about that later. Have you called the alphas?” “Just about to do so when we heard the crash.” Vince replied. “Dad, what did he mean?” Vance pressed. “It’s nothing important,” Drake said. “Just get the alphas here quick. Oscar, have some people watch Dean. I want to know everything about him and his family. When I say everything, I mean everything. By the hour and daily.” He grabs his mate’s hand. “Come on, honey. I am hungry.” “Do you know what is going on, Uncle Oscar?” Vince asked when their parents left the room. Oscar glanced at both. “I think he should tell you himself. Since you both have your own secrets too.” “Uncle, we are sorry.” Vince said with full sincerity. “You know the person you should say that to.” “And we have begun the process and will not stop doing so for the rest of our lives,” Vance added.
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