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TICKLES NICOLE I awaken in my room, feeling weak and drained. Just like that time at the hospital when that crazy witch appeared. Groaning slightly, I rouse myself up from my bed, holding my head as I do so and head for the bathroom. My legs protesting with each step I take. As I go about my business, the encounter in the cafeteria replays in my head. What’s with the crazy voice in my head and this weakness? First it was with the crazy witch and now Billie. Billie and Millie accused me of stealing Vince and Vance from them and I lost it. Pouncing on Billie and punching her non-stop, the voice in my head and the unexplained strength and power that flowed through me. I can still feel how her face felt against my fist. It didn’t feel like me at me. But I loved it. I loved the fact that I had an upper hand for once against Billie. Loved how I sat over her, squeezing her neck… Wait, this can’t be me being happy that I almost killed someone. Even if that someone was my greatest nemesis. Am I wrong to have done that? Is it wrong to be happy that I kicked her ass? Gosh! I cover my face in front of the mirror. Partly out of shame for finding pleasure and satisfaction in hurting Billie. And partly because I love what I felt and how I felt at that moment. Beneath the guilt, there’s a hint of something - a flicker of pride in standing up for myself. What kind of wolf do I have? She only comes out in times of chaos and conflicts, I have noticed. Always putting me in the center of events. I am sure someone must have noticed. I can always deny like before if anyone asks me about what happened. And why won’t she just speak to me and let me shift into her? My bathroom door bursts open and Savvy saunters in like she’s the bloody queen of somewhere, her blue eyes sparkling as if she wants to deliver a speech to her subjects. Leave it to Savvy with such dramatic entrances “What’s taking you so long?” she asks, joining me at the mirror. “Practising your wedding vows?” she smirks behind me in the mirror, arranging her hair. “You forgot how to knock? Right?” raising a brow, teasingly at her. “I Was thinking it was an emergency.” she shrugs casually, her tone light. “And your grand entrance was going to save me?” I retort, a hint of amusement in my voice. “How are you feeling?” she ignores my question, genuine concern in her tone. “Good. How long was I out?” “Three hours after the fight and four hours after you came back from the hospital,” she informs me matter-of-factly. “What?” I gasp moving to the window to look outside. My mouth drops open in disbelief. It really is dark. “That long?” “Yeah. So gist me. How did it happen?” she pulls me along with her out of the bathroom, more like dragging me, and pushes me down on the bed. “You got into a fight with Billie Ashton and according to sources, you gave her the beating of her life,” she shrieks in excitement. “Tell me everything!” I gather my thoughts before responding. “She said some mean things to me…” “She said some mean things to me…” “What things?” Savvy interrupts eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the confrontation with Billie settling heavily upon me. Even with my pride dancing alongside it. “She called me…the two of them called me a mate stealer.” She releases a deep but short growl, her blue eyes clouding with anger. “I wish you had broken both her legs.” She mutters fiercely. I chuckle at her response, not surprised she supported me. My pride rose a notch higher. “You should have seen her. She couldn’t even raise a finger to stop me.” “I know from what I was told. She had to be taken to the hospital first before being deposited at one of the cells in the dungeons.” “What?” “Yeah. She’s sitting in a cell right now. As ordered by your mates. Or is it ex-mates now.” “What?” Billie sitting in a cell? Who would have imagined such happening to her? “They did that?” I never imagined Vance would order that. He did that? “Yep,” the ‘p’ comes out with a loud pop. “She’s sitting in a cell as we speak as ordered by your mates. Or is it ex-mates now.” she casually adds, her words punctuated by a hint of sarcasm. I mouth a ‘wow’, as the news sinks in. It’s difficult to process. I struggle to imaging Billie behind bars and Vance ordered it. “Don’t look so shocked. They’re doing what they should do. Now tell me how my perceived to be weak cousin suddenly beats up that Gamma b***h,” she remarks with curiosity tinging her to tone. “I don’t know, Sav. I guess my wolf showed up.” “Could be. You heard her?” Nodding, I recount, “She kept ranting about breaking Billie’s face so that she will never disrespect us again.” “I like her already. When is she coming out?” “I wish I knew. She leaves me totally drained when she suddenly shows up, gives me a power boost and then disappears,” I shrug my shoulders helplessly, frustrated with my disappearing wolf. “Your wolf is supposed to do that, but the drained part, I am not so sure. Maybe because she’s not fully out.” Savvy speculates, a thoughtful look on her face. “My thoughts exactly.” Agreeing with her as I flop down on my bed. “How did I get…you said I was at the hospital. who took me?” “Your precious mates.” I spring up abruptly. “How did they know?” “You don’t remember talking to them?” I shake my head, the memory eluding me. “No.” “The pack link buzzed with the news of the fight at school. Vince and Vance rushed down there and found you on top of Billie.” How come I don’t remember seeing them? Or even talking to them? Was this my wolf in action again? Why would she block me? My frustration with her is tripling right now. “I don’t remember seeing them,” I admit, furrowing my brows in confusion. Savvy sighs deeply. “No problem. We will figure that out later.” “So, they brought me here and left?” a wave of sadness slightly washes over me at them just leaving me. Didn’t they say they wanted to talk after I came back from school? Why am I suddenly sad about this? “Yeah, they had something important to do,” she confirms in a neutral tone. More important than me, right? “They are in charge of the pack now, so they must have very important things to do.” I reason, a miserable attempt at quelling the pang of disappointment gnawing at me. Savvy c***s her head at me, frowning deeply at me, yet her eyes are sparkling with mischief “Are you angry that they didn’t stay with you?” “No. I am only stating the facts. They probably have to work with the warriors or…” ‘The warriors?” “Or…or…or patrol the borders or they have to meet people.” “Just say that you wish they had stayed till you woke up. Hm? No one is going to kill you for it,” Savvy teases gently, her tone softening “Savvy!” I protest, picking a pillow and burying my reddening face into it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble into the fabric. “Someone’s missing her mates,” Savvy whispers in a sultry voice, her fingers starting to tickle me mercilessly. “Stop, please!” I plead, squirming under her relentless assault. “Not until you admit it,” she insists. Our laughter echo through the room as we engage in this playful banter, momentarily distracting me from the weight of the events that transpired.
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