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ALPHAS MEETING. The alphas sat in the main hall of the Firestone Pack. Each with their Betas. Every face grim, every heart full of dread as they listened to the speaker. “He’s searching for a wolf. A she-wolf,” Alpha Zane of the Moonlight Pack was speaking. “One with a promise of immense power both for him and the children they will have. Even creating a generation that will continue with the powers.” He looked round the faces. “Beyond that, with the power of this she-wolf, he will conquer and rule all supernaturals.” Murmurs rose all around the hall. “I don’t need to tell you all what that portends for werewolves,” He went on further. “Not only will the other supernaturals target us…” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “They will wipe us all out if they join forces against us.” “How do you know all these?” Another alpha asked. Alpha Dane from the Northern Pack. “I have my sources,” He looked behind the alphas at a hooded figure sitting in isolation at the extreme left of the hall. “And how does your source know all these?” Drake asked, seeing how Zane’s eyes settled on the hooded figure. “How do we know you’re saying the truth?” Zane turned to Drake. “I can assure you everything I have told you all in this hall is the truth. You are also a witness to the ruthlessness of this being. The only difference in this situation is that your pack is the only one that was able to defeat both the rogues and witch.” “Yeah, he’s right. How did you do that, Alpha Drake?” A silver-haired alpha asked. Drake looked at his sons before looking back at the men in the hall. “We fought them just like we would any other rogue…” “And the witch?” the hooded figure asked. “How did you manage to kill her?” a hint of suspicion in his voice. All eyes darted to the owner of the voice. Drake narrowed his eyes at the figure. “And you are?” “He is with me, Alpha Drake,” Zane answered, pleading with Drake with his eyes. “One of our warriors managed to do that at the expense of his life.” Drake lied, knowing not to draw attention to Nicole. Though the way she was found with the witch still bothered him and he was still going to grill her about it. It was still his duty to protect her as a member of his pack. The man removed his hood, revealing short blonde hair, deep green eyes and a handsome face with a bit of royalty in it. “Just an ordinary wolf?” His green eyes shone with suspicion. “Yes, just an ordinary wolf,” Drake statted, taking in the various tiny tattoos that decorated the man’s fingers. “What are you? You don’t smell like a wolf.” Zane sighed deeply before saying his next words. “He’s a witch.” Closing his eyes as the hall erupted in loud murmurs arose at this revelation. “What?” “What is he doing here?” “You brought a witch to our meeting?” Drake noticed the lack of fear in the male witch and could feel the power radiating off him. If he was here with Zane, there was a reason why? Zane was a level-headed alpha. “Gentlemen, I am sure our fellow alpha had a reason why he brought the man here. Let’s listen to his reason.” Zane gave Drake an appreciative nod. “Just like Alpha Drake said, I have my reasons for bringing him here.” He turned to the witch. “Torin.” Gesturing to him to take the floor. The man stood up, to his full height, a tall figure with a slim body, yet with a fierceness about him. His green eyes roamed round the faces around him. “The alpha is right with all he has said about this maniac alpha on the prowl for a she-wolf. And he won’t stop until he finds her.” Looking at Drake briefly then back to the alphas. “I am Torin Thanakos of the Northern Coven of the Crags of Andalicia…” “I thought everyone in that coven was dead?” Drake interrupted with a frown. Years ago someone wiped out all the members. “All except me. No thanks to this same maniac we are speaking about. I was away on a rite of passage…witches in my coven pass through when we turn eighteen.” His green eyes flashed green with anger and pain. “While I laid in the cave, harnessing my powers, my coven was being wiped out by a rabid dog. No offense meant to you all.” Silence fell over the hall “He was able to do this with the help of a witch in the coven,” His eyes stayed on Drake’s. “A rebel who had dabbled into dark magic. She helped him steal something entrusted to us centuries ago, by the moon goddess herself. The fire of Selene. The only clue to finding the Firewolf.” He finished, noticing the changes in Drake and his twin sons’ eyes. VINCE I can’t stop the dreadful feeling I am having as I listen to the male witch talk about the fire of Selene. Didn’t someone mention a strange fire with the witch on the night of the attack? Why do I feel like he is talking about Nicole? Is she the Firewolf? I swing to my right to look at Vance. His brows are scrunched together, listening attentively to the witch. “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” I ask over the link. He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know, bro. But, I am scared. Real scared of losing her to that mad wolf. I will kill him before he lays a finger on her.” “Same here.” The witch continued. “She has to be protected at all cost from this mad alpha. He must not mark or mate her. Or else there will be a great war.” Deep growls filled the hall at his words. “Gentlemen, let’s take a break,” Our father says to the hall, hoping to deescalate the situation. Fury boiled inside of me at Torin’s last words. Ares snarled inside my head, huffing. Just then a mixture of sweet vanilla and dark chocolate wafts up my nostrils. Instantly calming my wolf and I. Our mate was here Allowing my senses to guide me, I make my way out of the hall, beaming inside along with my wolf at the thought of seeing that beautiful face again. Hoping she would talk to me. Or that her folks would allow us see her. Vance heads out ahead of me. reaching outside on the lawn where a large tent stands housing chairs and tables for our guests. On top of long tables covered in white fabrics, sat different delicacies prepared by Nicole’s aunt. As I search for her among the people, a low growl catches my attention. Vance stands some feet away from me, his body slightly trembling, his fists clenched at his sides. His alpha aura seeping out slowly, drawing some attention to him Following his eyes, I see the one thing that makes me see red. Ares charged forward with a loud snarl. Nicole is with… Not one wolf. But two wolves. Twin alphas from their looks. And she was smiling at them. At something they were saying. Her smile is driving some warm feelings all over my body. Especially down south of my body. That smile is for us. She’s only to smile like that at me. At Ares. At Vance. At Axel. Not another wolf. Not another man. Without any thought I release my own growl joining that of my brother, instantly drawing all eyes to us. VANCE After our father called for a break, Nicole’s sweet scent invades my senses. “Mate, is here! She is here!” Axel chanted, standing at attention with his tail wagging. “Get up!” He swung his paw smack at the base of my skull. “Ouch! Stop doing that.” “Get up and move. I want to see her. There are a lot of alphas here. They can approach her.” That gets me up and sailing for the door, pushing through people and muttering apologies as I head for her. All joy at seeing her dies when I see the two alphas talking to her. Twins just like Vince and I. She’s smiling at them shyly. Biting her lips in a way that travels down south my body. Her brown hair is wrapped in a loose bun on her head, leaving some strands around her neck and dropping over her face. My hands itch to move those strands away from her face, to see her beautiful brown orbs. And run my fingers around her slim neck. My lips itch to plant soft kisses on her neck, shoulders and lips. “Get her away from them!” Axel growls in my head, breaking me away from my daydreaming, attempting to come out but I hold him in. This is a gathering of alphas on our pack. Any form of aggression could lead to a war and that was the last thing we need right now with what the witch just told us. “Calm down, Axel,” even as I try to calm him down I am already growling with my fists clenched. How dare she smile so sweetly at them like that? That smile is meant for Vince and I. Who are the two alphas by the way? They look younger or could be the same age as us. A bitter feeling creeps up my throat. Is she moving on? Are they her second chance… A louder growl comes from behind me. Nicole shakes in fright, her gorgeous brown eyes full of shock and fear as they dart from mine to Vince’s. A low chuckle escapes me as I follow Vince to meet her. All eyes are on us, but I bloody care. I won’t stand by, watching, without laying claim to her.
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