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NICOLE CLAIMING ME For the umpteenth time I sigh at my reflection in the mirror. The black skirt Savvy dug out of my wardrobe hugs my body from the waist down. Easing out all my curves. Wait when did I get them? The white short-sleeved shirt, tucked into the skirt, hugs my upper body, pushing out my breasts in a way I find too obvious. Ughh. Both clothes make me too obvious. Make me too… No need to bother. Savvy won’t allow me out of the house if I change into something else. Or dare to button up the remaining two buttons at the top of the shirt. “Flaunt it. You’ve a great figure.” Her words as she searched for the clothes. Great figure indeed. I arrive at the lawn, finding aunt Mabel dishing out instructions to her staff. “Nice of you to join us now,” she gave me a soft glare, looking me up and down. “You sure took your time.” “Savvy’s to blame not me. What do you need me to do?” I ask skirting my eyes over the busy lawn. The huge white tent was a flurry of activities as waiters dressed in white and black like me hurried here and there. “Join Mira at the drinks table.” Mira’s brows almost touched her scalp, her mouth forming a big “O” with wide eyes, when she saw me. “Is that you or your twin?” “Close your mouth,” I picked a glass and start to wipe it with a white cloth. “You look amazing, Nik. Who would have thought you had such curves?” “Shocked me too.” “Wow.” “Can we stop with the wow and work?” “Your next mate had better appreciate all these…” she swipes a hand up and down my body. “You look…different and sexy?” “Mira! Stop embarrassing me!” “How? Can’t I pay you a compliment?” she grabs my shoulders, giving me another look from head to toe. “Nikki, you look differently beautiful. I wish I had the right words to say it. Your hips…” I swat her hands away and return to working. “Stop it and let’s work or my aunt is going to scream her head off if we are not ready when the alphas come out.” She nods and return to working. “Speaking of alphas. They are here?” I nod. Of course they will be here. As soon to be alphas, they are expected to do so. I notice her stare from my side. “Are you ready for them?” “I don’t have to be. They already rejected me.” I shrug even though my heart thumps at the word rejection. “Their loss and another man’s gain,” Mira says, giving me a small sad smile. Whose gain? Do I even want to have another mate? Won’t he just reject me like Vince and Vance did? “I am not sure I want another mate. At least for now. There’s much more to live for than having a mate. If you really look at this whole mate thing, the goddess is just making choices for us without letting us have a say in who we want or don’t want. Having a mate is like a life-sentence where you either accept who is given to you or go through excruciating pain when they reject you or you reject them. How does that favour me or any other wolf? Hmm?” I take a deep breath after my long speech, picking another glass. I start to work, chatting with Mira. She’s having her mating ceremony with Mel and we have to plan. There’s going to be loads of shopping, time at the spa and of course beautiful decoration of the hall. She refused to make me the planner for the event, giving it to Aunt Mabel. “Why would you give her and not me?” “You’re going to be like my chief-bride’s-maid. I am going to need you beside me all day.” She’s right, but I still want to plan the event. Something to keep me busy. “You’re right. But I am helping with the colours and decoration ideas.” “Are you sure about that, Nikki?” “What? What do you mean by that?” “Not to be harsh, but you don’t know about matching colours….” “Oh!” my mouth round in a circle. “Stick to the books, Nikki. Leave the designing to us.” My mouth remains in a circle watching her leave to get something from another table. I slowly close my mouth, blinking as I digest her words. Few hours later, the Alphas and their Betas start pouring out from the hall and immediately attacking the tables. My palms start to sweat as thoughts of seeing Vince and Vance fill me with dread. I rub them down my skirt, helpless on what to do. Why did Mira leave? Did she do it on purpose? I cite her helping my aunt at another table. But this is our table, why is she over there helping? Great. I can’t leave the table unattended. Aunt Mabel would skin me alive. I turn away from the table, as if help could come from behind me. “Excuse me, miss,” a deep male voice hits my ears from behind. Turning back, I see two male wolves, twins with their heads shaved at the sides, leaving a long length of black hair in the middle. Their dark eyes dancing with a look that makes my skin crawl and I want to run far away from them. “Hello,” I manage with a small smile. “Anything good on this table?” One of them asks without taking his eyes off me. Both have well-built bodies but not like how my mates are. Their faces are rough and matted with scars. Unlike Vince and Vance’s smooth and scar-free faces. Bushy brows over deep set eyes, giving them a kind of sinister look, unlike my mates whose grey eyes look so perfect in their sockets. I can’t help but smile and blush further at the…wait. Why am I making comparisons between these twins and my twins? Wait! Did I just say my twins? Gosh! My face burns with embarrassment. Burning further when one of them chuckles. “Sorry for making you blush. My brother and I always have that effect on females.” I feel like throwing up. And almost roll my eyes. I wish Mira was here. Or even Savvy. “What would you like to have?” I manage to ask, giving a polite smile, while my stomach is quietly on a rampage. “Apart from what’s on the table?” the other twin asks. Gosh their voices sound nothing like the husky, gruff… Okay, that’s enough comparisons. My smile remains as I answer him. “I am afraid; I don’t know what you mean?” “What my brother is trying to say is that, you’re a beautiful she-wolf. Your eyes are amazing and that hair…woof!” Did he just do that? “Thank you for the compliment, but I am not looking for any…” “Shame about that. But then you don’t look taken.” “And I would like to remain so.” “You know it’s an offense to refuse an alpha…” I cut short the one that looks like the eldest. His words are cut short by a loud growl and immediately I freeze at the sound, jerking my head to its direction to see my mates looking at me. Vince stomps over, making my heart beat to quadruple at his grey eyes flashing an angry grey, almost turning silver.
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