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"Finally!" Tim exclaims when Savvy and Mira usher me into the kitchen downstairs. "The house smells nicer now." He reaches out for me and squishes my head into his chest. "You smell nice now." After the bathroom - bedroom drama, all three of us come down in new clothes. Savvy is in black jeans and green t-shirt while Mira has on a brown short skirt and white blouse, she took from my wardrobe. I know I smell nice too. I feel nice too. And enjoy the cool night breeze dancing over my skin, which has a shade close to tomato colour. Thanks to Mira. "Really?" My voice comes out tiny. "We were suffocating and would have passed out if..." He was saying till Savvy cut him off. "Shut up, babae." Savvy hushes him and pull me away from him. She pulls out a chair from under the kitchen dining table for me to sit. Like a robot, I do as she says. Plunking my pyjama-clad butt on the chair. She hovers around the cabinets, picking out things. "Did you have to scrub her this hard? She looks like a tomato." Tim chuckles lout oud, taking a seat too. "I had to. Too much grime," Mira says, taking the seat beside me. "My hands hurt and she bit me." Giving me a mock glare which I ignore. I put my head down on my palms which I have placed on the table. "Let me see..." Tim stretches his neck to see. "That's a mean bite." He notes jokingly, narrowing his eyes and hissing. "Yeah, can't wait to bite her back," Mira throws over my head. "You wouldn't dare!" I dare her as I suddenly find myself saying with my head snapping up. The two of them are stunned by my outburst, glancing briefly at each other. Savvy slowly turns away from the burner to look at me. Equally stunned. "Yes, I will. And I will do so right now." Mira says breaking the silence before attacking my sides with her fingers. "Mira stop!" I shriek, the tickles causing me to release truckload of giggles. "Stop!" I shriek again as I try to dodge her fingers. In between I hear Tim’s laugh. "I love this sound," Savvy says before she joins Mira, attacking my other side. Soon, both turn me into a laughing and giggling mess with tears streaking down the sides of my face. Squirming between the two. My cheeks are aching from too much laughing. My sides feel raw with the amount of pressure there. I am grunting as I gasp for air. Even when I tried to run away, they hold me down. Like I had anywhere to run to. "Say sorry," Mira continues to tickle me. I enter into another round of giggles, hiccupping. "S...sorry...sorry," I manage to bring up in between giggling and laughing. "Ple... please stop." "That's better," Savvy says before pulling away. I collapse my back on my seat, holding my sides as the laughter bubbles simmer down inside me. "Guys..." Now I notice only my voice filling the entire kitchen and look around me. All three of them were looking at me strangely. "What?" I ask, pulling myself up. "It's good to hear and see you laugh again," Savvy says with a soft look in her eyes. The main door opens and closes. Aunt Mabel peeps in from the corridor. "Was that Nicole laughing?" she asks as she walks to us. "And she's clean too." She pulls me into a tight hug. "Finally, we can breathe." taking a deep breath, releasing it and pushing me slightly away. "It's good to see you getting back on your feet." "You make it sound like I was stinking," I say with a mock sour face. "Oh honey, stink is an exaggeration. You were the stink in stinking." She says. "Told you," Tim quips in. "It wasn’t that long," I groan and return back to my position. "I am hungry." "And she's hungry too," Aunt Mabel looks round the faces. "The goddess must have heard our prayers." "Yeah, thank the Goddess who sleeps on or is it in the moon now," I spit out in sarcasm and anger. “Can you make me those tasty rolls?” "I wouldn't mind to whip up something for you, Nicole darling, but I have a big day tomorrow. The alpha meeting is tomorrow and we are looking at a lot of people attending." Aunt Mabel says. "Why the crowd?" Savvy asks, looking at Tim. "Some crazy alpha is on a power searching rampage. Looking for one knows," Tim answers, scratching his chin. "Leave it to alphas to be crazy." I hiss and stand up from my chair. The four of them remain silent, but their eyes are still and cloudy. Mindlinking each other. Since I lost my wolf I have also lost the ability to do that. "So, are you done talking about me? Because I have something to ask you, Aunt.” I know my question is going to be a surprise to them. “Shoot, honey,” aunt Mabel says. Biting my lips as I frame my request. “Can I help you tomorrow…at the meeting?” I am right. Their eyes almost pop out. “Are you sure, Nikki?” Savvy asks with narrowed eyes. I nod but not meeting their eyes as I also wonder if I am sure I want to join Aunt Mabel tomorrow. Better to face the facts than keep hiding in my room, crying about the rejection. “Yeah, I am sure.” “You know they will be there.” Mira says. “I know, Mira. My life has to go on irrespective of my rejection.” “Nikki,” Tim starts. “Are you sure you are ready to see them?” “I will never be ready if I don’t get out of the house. It’s a pain I am sure will pass with time. What more can they do to me? They clearly don’t want me.” “That was before…” Tim starts again but Savvy cuts him off. “Babae, what are you talking about? Weren’t you there?” Savvy lashes at him. “I know, babe, but they do…” “Can we not argue about them, please?” I plead looking at the two lovers. My problem with my mates shouldn’t cause a problem between them. “Whatever decision you take, Nicole, just know that I am with you and proud of you. Always.” Aunt Mabel says, drawing me in for a hug. “And yes. You can help me out tomorrow.” “Mom!” Savvy wails. “It’s her decision, honey. She’s now an adult according to our laws and can make her own decisions. Nicole, it’s black and white for tomorrow. Either a skirt or trouser.” “Thanks, aunt Mabby,” I give her a sweet smile as she leaves us. Turning to find Savvy scowling. “What? You told me I shouldn’t be hiding.” “I am proud of you, Nikki,” Tim pats my hand earning a scowl from his mate. “Come on, babe. She can make her own decisions now.” “Sure she can,” she smirks at him, narrowing her eyes. “Just like I am making a decision concerning a certain someone who is going to be spending the night alone.” She turns and starts walking upstairs. “Babe, don’t be like that,” Tim pleads as he runs after her. Mira and I break into a fit of giggles as we watch the couple. “I wish to have what they have,” I say to Mira when we stopped laughing. “What you have with Mel.” She pulls me close for a tight hug. “I know how much you were looking forward to meeting your mate. I don’t know how it feels to be rejected by a mate. I can imagine the pain and sadness you are going through. But, I know you will get through this.” She pulls away. “Maybe you will get a second chance mate soon.” “You think so?” “It happens,” she shrugs. “And from what I have heard, they readily accept their mates.” “Maybe. But I want one second chance mate.” As I lay on my bed at night, my mind kept twisting round the idea of meeting a second chance mate. And I found no comfort in it. Only fear. What if he rejected me like Vince and Vance? What if he rejects me because I have already been rejected? Will he find me pretty enough to be his mate? A thought creeps into my mind as sleep slowly settles on me. Why did they reject me? In the quiet night, as my eyes close, I hear two wolves howling, sadly. Their howls seem like they are calling me. “Mates,” a familiar female voice whispers softly inside me. “Mates,” I mutter as I finally give in to sleep.
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