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REALITY 2 NICOLE I feel the bed dip heavily behind me and suddenly get scooped along with the covers into strong masculine arms, before I am placed on male laps. A hand gently pulls off the covers from my head, though I still hold onto them. "Hiding won't help you, Nikki," My Uncle says softly as he holds me on his laps. "It hurts. Make it stop." A little whimper escapes me and I curl more into him, reaching my arms around his waist and start to cry. I had hoped they would leave me. My nights were spent reliving the scene of my rejection over and over again. Hearing those words again and again, playing like a song put on permanent replay. Those pair of grey eyes holding so much hate for me. What did I ever do to make them hate me so much? And why are they suddenly full of concern for me? Sadness. Confusion. Fear. All wash over me. My emotions right now. And the others I couldn’t understand. No one says anything for a long time as I continue to sob and finally yield to sleep. I wake up to the glowing rays of the sun upon my face, the next morning, on my Aunt's bed with Savvy and Mira at my left and right. I don't need to know who brought me here. The door opens and she enters. "You're awake, honey." She's dressed in a blue pencil skirt and white cotton top with sleeves up to the elbows. Her brown hair like mine is pulled into a bun at the back of her head. A hint of pink lipstick on her lip. "Oscar brought you in after you slept off. These two..." Pointing to my sleeping companions. "They refused to let you sleep alone. We all were worried you would lock yourself in again." "I am sorry, Aunt Mabby. I didn't mean to scare you all like that," I feel my eyes starting to water and hate that I have to cry again. "It's okay. We care for you that's all. Like any good family should. Now go back to sleep." She goes into her walk-in closet, searching for something. "Are you going to a party?" I ask. "No. Just meeting the Alpha and Luna to finalize the plans for tomorrow." My heart makes a loud thump at the mention of where she was going. "Are you going to tell them?" I still don't want them to know who did this to me. She comes out to stand beside the bed, holding a warm and sad smile on her face. "Nicole, you're the most selfless person I have ever met. At least for your age. Despite everything you're thinking of others first." "Alpha Drake and Luna Malia have been good to me. To us." In spite of everything, these two people still hold the same place in my heart. Not even their sons' actions could change that. "Well, I am not going to do or say anything without your consent." She looks at the wall clock on the wall. "I have to go. You girls have fun." Taking one more look at the mirror before leaving. Once the door shuts behind her, I return to my former sleeping position, throwing an arm over Savvy's waist which she pulls and wrap hers around. "You're my hero, Nikki." She murmurs and goes back to sleep. When next I wake up, I am all alone on the bed and in the room with a bladder begging to be emptied. Swinging the covers away, I scurry into the bathroom, throw open the toilet seat, sit and relieve myself. Done with it I wash my hands at the sink where a round mirror stands on the wall. I turn off the water after I am done, raise my eyes to look at my face. Yeah, I look much the same. Just the emptiness in my eyes. Groaning at the person in the mirror, I head out and crash straight back on the bed, fixing the covers over me, praying no one comes to disturb me. They should stop worrying about me. I am going to be fine as long as everyone leaves me alone to cry and sleep off my pain and sadness. The next time my eyes open, I find out that it's already evening and Savvy is by my side, leaning against the headboard, reading something on her phone. She’s spotting a huge frown, making me wonder what’s so serious that she’s reading. She has on a brown shirt top that reached almost to her knees and white leggings and no shoes on her feet. Her red hair spots a left parting, the ends tucked behind her ears, cascading down her shoulders. Her make up looked normal. "Now that you're awake, how about a shower," sounding like a suggestion and command at the same time, without looking at me and still spotting her frown. I sigh in annoyance, turning away from her and curling back into the covers. "Not going to work on me, Nikki. Get up and go into that bathroom now." "No." "Nikki." "No." "I am losing my patience." "You're not the one who got rejected and lost her wolf." Silence. Finally, what I want. But it is short-lived. The covers are yanked sharply away from me and she drags me out of bed to the floor, holding both my hands in hers. "Let go of me!" I yell, scratching and biting her hands as she pulls me along with her towards the bathroom. She doesn't let go even when I draw blood. "Let me go, Savvy! Let me go!" I wonder how my voice turned this hard. She releases one of my hands to open the door, but with my struggling she finds it difficult to do so. She releases my other hand which gives me more time and chance I need to dive back into bed and run under the covers. I barely jump in when she grabs me, this time around the waist and haul me out of bed. My hands go scratching at her hands, reaching back to grab her face and hair. Somehow she manages to dodge my flailing arms. My anger knows no bounds as I bend over using my teeth on her arms that feel like metallic rods around my waist. Damn Beta! The door bursts open and Mira enters, rolling up her sleeves and walking towards us, unfazed. Did they plan this? "Pick her legs up," Savvy orders her, still holding my thrashing body in her steel-like arms. Realising what Mira is about to do, I start to kick my legs out at her, dodging her hands but she also manages to catch both my legs in her hands. "I hate you! I hate you all!" I scream at the top of my lungs, willing to break free, thrashing all over them. “I hate them!” I try wriggling my body, doing all my best to escape their hold as they haul me inside the bathroom. "Turn on the tap," Savvy's breath comes out laboured as she dishes out the order. Mira turns it on, the sound of water hitting the tiles. "Let me go!" Both of them push me into the shower, holding me back as I struggle harder to escape their hold and the cold water. "Let me go!" I bend down and bite hard at Mira's hand, just above her elbow. "Nicole, stop!" Mira winces in pain, trying to get me off her. Savvy pinches my nostrils, cutting my air supply off, which gets me to remove my teeth from Mira's arm and breath through my mouth. She uses this opportunity to push me back under the water, slamming my back hard against the wall, pressing me back with her arm curved and elbow against my chest. With her other hand she steadies herself, her palm spread out on the wall and wedges her knee between my legs. Keeping me in place as the water drenches us all. Try as much as I can to push her away, she doesn't budge. Her blue eyes glaring at me, daring me to move. Mira starts to cut the t-shirt I have on with a scissors I didn't know she had on. Savvy's eyes never leave mine nor do their intensity change. The cold wall kisses my back as Mira pulls away the torn t-shirt from my body leaving me naked. How could they do this to me? Leave me naked. Didn't they know this was how I felt that night? Naked before the whole world. Naked before my mates as they rejected me. Naked without my wolf. "I hate you," I sob softly and drop my head and hands in defeat. Sagging against her like a rag doll while she holds me tight. "We know this is not you talking. It's the pain and anger talking. Not the Nicole we know. So we don't hold it against you. We love you and will always do." "Make it stop, please," I sob into her chest. "I wish with all my heart that I can take it all away, but I can't, Nikki. And I won't promise you that the pain will stop soon. It takes time for one to overcome what happened to you. Just know that you have a family and people that do care for you. You have to get through this. Crying and hiding won't stop the pain. Facing it will." Savvy rolls out, encasing me in her arms. Mira pours some shower gel on a sponge and start to wash my body while I continue sobbing.
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