1648 Words
MY FIREWOLF VINCE In the heat of battle, my mind is full of worry for Nicole. Not that I don’t trust our warriors to protect her, but my natural instinct as an alpha wolf, the need to protect my mate, was eating away at me. Especially with how she had refused to remain indoors. I believe my mate has a stubborn streak about her. Now back to this damn rogue horde, snarling and growling as they fight senselessly like the mindless beings they are. Their minds full of nothing but inflicting violence on my pack. How they were undetected till they had overrun our boundaries, baffled me. All our boundaries are under siege. Vance took and Dad took a boundary each, our head warrior took another, while Tim and I took this one. The one closest to the bunker, closest to Nicole. Our forefathers developed this fighting style. Concentrating the leadership of a pack within one boundary was suicide. And for centuries it has worked for us. As I tear out the neck of a rogue, a sudden surge of pain blasts through me and I know it’s not coming from me or Vance. It must to be Nicole. Anger ripples through me as I fend off another rogue. Shit! I curse as my mind fills with questions and fear. “Mom, is Nicole with you?” I urgently link her. “Yes,” she calmly replies. “Is she okay? I feel a pain and I know it’s not Vance.” A brief silence before she replies calmly again. “She’s okay.” Releasing a sharp exhale, I close the link, calling out to Tim’s wolf as a rogue sneaks up on him. “Ezra, behind you!” Ezra whirls around, catching the sneaky rogue midair and hurling it into a tree. The crunchy sound of bones breaking fills the air before it collapses, whimpering in pain. “Any news on the other boundaries?” I mindlink him as we are accosted by two more wolves. Ares jumps on one of them, sinking his claws into its sides, relishing in the painful howl it lets out. “As tense as our side,” he replies as he fights the wolf. We press into the horde of rogues, slashing, clawing and tearing flesh. Blood matts our furs as they pour out. Just how many are these sick f***s! Just as Ares prepares to dig his claws into the neck of a wolf, a ball of fire rains down from the sky, hitting and enveloping and starts burning us. No. it starts burning the wolf, but not me. The flame dances harmlessly over Ares’ fur, leaving us perplexed. Turning to Ezra, I see the same happening to him and the rogue he was fighting. Ezra and Tim are as perplexed as Ares and I. “Ares, are you okay?” I ask him. “Never felt better. The flames feel cool on my fur,” he purrs contentedly. “Same here,” Ezra confirms, equally puzzled. Surveying the scene, we notice that our members aren’t injured too. Only the rogues writhe in agony. “Vance! Mom! Dad!” I call out to my family. “Are you all seeing this?” They are far from me and I need to know if they are fine and seeing this. Though I am yet to feel any pack link sever. “Seeing what?” My father’s gruff voice hits the link with irritation. I forget how he hates being distracted when fighting. “The wolves on our end are being attacked by balls of fire. And the fire isn’t burning us.” “What?!” Vance sounds weak even as he spoke in the link. “It’s Nicole,” my mother’s voice trembles with a mixture of amusement and pride. “I think she has come into her powers.” “What?” our chorus of disbelief echoes through the link. Loud gasps break out around me, drawing my attention. Turning, I find pack members gazing behind me in awe and a hint of fear. Following their gazes, I see the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life—Nicole on fire as she walks to me. Her entire body is covered in flames of different hues –orange, purple, yellow and red. Each colour distinct yet seeping into the other, like water ripples, but not mixing. The red is the one closest to her, tinting the tips of her hair, cascading and swaying like she’s under water. Her eyes are a deep brownish-gold, flames flickering inside them. Burning intensely, captivating me. Yet, amidst the inferno, her clothes and shoes remain untouched as do the grasses under her feet. Gorgeous. My Firewolf. She chuckles seeing my dazed expression. “We need your help to finish off these rogues,” her voice sounds like she’s under water, creating ripples as it reaches my ears. A melody mesmerizing me. “Vance has to join us.” Ares purrs. “Mate has finally unlocked her powers.” Ezra nudges her affectionately with his snout, prompting a laugh as she squats and embrace him. Ares growls jealously at seeing his mate hug another male wolf albeit if he’s her brother-in-law. The colours of the flame follow every of her movements in a synchronized fashion. “She’s right, Vince. We need to end this now, so we can take care of our people,” my mother chips in, wearily. “Vance, get here right now.” “On my way,” he replies promptly. “He’s on his way,” I link my mother. “Should I shift?” She looks at Nicole who suddenly looks uneasy. Looking round, I see some members have already shifted, and standing in awe, looking at her. “Shift and get some clothes on!” I command everyone, snapping them out of their trance and watching them scramble to do as command. My mate shouldn’t be seeing other men’s naked bodies. “Only ours,” Ares snarls in agreement. “Come on, Ezra,” we both run to a tree and shift. As we get some boxers on, I send Vance another link. “Shift and get some clothes on before you get here.” “Done that already. I can see what you mean. Wait. Is that Nicole?” “The one and only,” Tim replies as we walk out from behind the tree. Closing the distance to her, attempting to touch her through the flames. “Nicole?” Her burning brown gaze meet my grey ones and a surge of power seems to ripple through me. It’s as if I am drowning in the burning pools. My jaw drops open seeing this with my own eyes. Just like Ares did. The hues ripple with every move she makes. Even the movements of her eyes. The red hue burns brightly, splashing across her cheeks as she darts her eyes quickly away from my bare torso. Is the Firewolf blushing? “Brown eyes?” Vance’s incredulous voice breaks me out of the spell as he approaches us. The red hue burns brighter again, decorating her cheeks, at the appearance of Vance. She darts her eyes between us before looking at the floor. Our mother clears her throat. “We can get bedazzled later. For now, our pack is still in danger. I believe Nicole needs you two for something.” “Anything, baby,” Ares purrs in my head. “I have to send the flames to all parts of the pack,” Nicole explains, holding out her hands. Again that ripple feeling when she speaks. Vance and I watch with mouths agape as she speaks but I don’t think we hear anything. “Guys!” our mother’s sharp voice jolts us out of our trance. “Step close to her and hold her hands.” Vance and I share a look. “Think that thing will hurt us?” he murmurs in the link. “No, it came on me and didn’t,” I reply as I step close to her. Vance hesitates. “I won’t hurt you, I promise,” she assures him, as she stretches her hands out to us. “Take my hands.” I grab her hand. It’s softer than I remember. Vance does the same and relaxes when he doesn’t feel any pain. “You’re the alphas of the pack. You have a direct connection to them. When you feel the jolt of power, channel it into the link,” she explains, looking between us. All the while she’s speaking, my eyes focus on her lips. Following their movements, imagining them on mine. My tongue in her mouth, hers on mine. “Did you get that?” her question pulls me back from my reverie. “All of it, my Firewolf,” Ares flashes through my eyes, making her blush once again. “Let the power flow.” “Vance?” her burning pools dart to Vance. He blinks, rousing from his trance as well. “Yes, I got it.” With a chuckle, she tightens her grip on our palms, closing her eyes in concentration. Immediately a surge of power ripples through Vance and I, hitting us right at the back of our hearts, blowing out like a balloon, bursting with a loud pop sound, and flowing to every part of our bodies. “Now,” Nicole whispers. We open the pack link, finding the members that are at the other boundaries and channel the power into their links. Surprised gasps and murmurs fill. I can feel the relief flow through it and know they have also seen the same spectacle. And the questions follow. “We will discuss this later at the Pack Dinner,” I reply before switching off and returning my focus back to my mate.
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