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CHAPTER 88 VINCE The anger within me boils like the lava of an erupting volcano. Ares rages along with me at Vance. I can’t believe he thinks distancing himself from Nicole is the right thing to do. I vividly remember the fear in her eyes and the beat of her heart as she searched for the i***t in the forest. Her eyes not believing that he didn’t offer her comfort like I did after we saved her from Kaden and the witch. Thank the goddess we arrived in time before Kaden could mark her. The mere thought of losing her to him sends a shiver down my spine. I don’t know what I would have done if he had succeeded. What I would do if she was lost to me. I have always imagined what it would feel like to have my fated mate. Having my parents as good examples had prepared me for the joy of having a fated mate. I envisaged how it would feel like perceiving her scent for the first time or the feel of the sparks and tingles all over my body. Not even my parents’ relationship prepared me for the beautiful experience when it all happened. Her scent that day, three years ago, enveloped me like a drowning man in water. Her scent the water. When I touched her that day at the hospital, I felt jolts of electricity pass through my body, like lightning coursing through my veins Nothing prepared me. That she called out for us while in trouble, was the last thing I imagined she would do. Judging by how she had been refusing to hear us out. This shattered my assumptions about her feelings towards us. She clung to me, relief flooding through her when I held her. Even while Vance and I were fighting Kaden, I could feel her fear for us. I also heard her wolf call out to us as her mates. The echo of her terrified voice still rings in my ears. Even now, as she is upstairs in the room we prepared for her and us, I still can’t stop being afraid that Kaden could come for her again. I don’t want her to feel rushed by being too possessive or too much around her. Also, she has a lot to think about. Anyone who just had such an amount of information shoved at her, needs a lot of time to process, plan and prepare. But I want to be there for her when she’s done processing. I don’t want her to only look to her folks for guidance. I want to be part of whatever she plans to do. I want her to look at me for help. I want her to call on Vance and I, just as she did at the forest. But my foolish brother is always complicating matters. He had to get himself involved with that devilish girl resulting in her mixing his scent with hers. Thereby, causing our mate to hate his new scent, recoiling in disgust when she nears him. That’s why he’s keeping his distance, thinking that is going to solve anything. Instead, it’s creating another problem for him and me. It’s driving a wedge between us and her. She enjoys my presence and hates his, something that could make her rethink her bond with us. It could spiral into us losing our bond with her. I could lose my mate which I don’t want to happen. I have looked forward to this right from when I discovered what mates are and I am not losing her because of Vance’s recklessness. Even if I almost lost her by rejecting her earlier. I am still going to fight to get her forgiveness and heart. “What the hell was that?” I growl at Vance as I enter the living room. “Keeping your distance won’t solve anything.” “Then what do you want me to do? Keep seeing her squeeze her face in disgust at me?” Vance spits back at me. “At least you can stop your negative emotions from leaking out of your eyes. Man up and stop looking pitiful!” “I am being a man by not forcing myself on her. Unlike you, using every opportunity to touch and hold her.” “I didn’t ask you to be foolish enough to lose your natural scent to that b***h!” Don’t you dare insinuate that I am forcing myself on her. She’s my mate,” Ares surges forward, matching Axel’s aggression. “And my mate too, yet you’re the only one she wants,” Vance growls, shoving me back. I shove him back, harder. “You’re to blame for that. Not me. You refused to listen. Instead you enjoyed burying yourself balls deep into her f*****g hole! So don’t you dare blame me for your foolishness.” “f**k you, Vince. You think you’re clean? You think you’re so perfect with no skeleton hiding in your closet?” he sneers at me, envy dancing in his eyes. “At least I know not to do it close to home,” I sneer back at him. We are in each other’s faces, right now. “I can’t wait to see your face when the table turns.” “Who says there’s a table to turn?” “We shall see,” he chuckles sadly, leaving my front. “Where are you going?” I reach for him, but he jerks his hand away. “Let go!” Axel’s voice morphs with Vance’s. “Where I go is none of your f*****g business. Go ahead and enjoy touching and holding her. Maybe she will open up her legs and let you f**k her.” Ares releases a loud snarl, followed by mine as I raise my fist and punch Vance in the jaw. “Don’t you ever disrespect my mate like that!” Axel snarls back. “She’s my mate too.” “You don’t deserve her,” I spit the words out, feeling the truthfulness deep in me. If Vance can say those words about Nicole, then he didn’t deserve to even look at her face let alone call her his mate. His expression shifts from shock to sadness. “TAKE IT BACK!” “YOU DON’T DESERVE HER! YOU DESERVE THAT b***h!” The words are hardly out of my mouth when his fist connects with my face. “Take it back, Vince,” he croaks sadly, his fists clenched as his body trembles. His features start changing as Axel starts emerging. Ares yanks me back, surging forward, ready to face his twin. “No, I won’t,” I declare, feeling Ares shifting. In a flash, we both transform into our wolves, our roars echoing through the room as we launch at each other and start fighting. Fangs clash, claws rip through flesh, and the air is thick with the scent of blood and fury as we fight. VANCE “Stop making her sad,” Vince growls at me through the mindlink. “Sorry, bro. I can’t help it,” I reply quietly, watch as he leads her upstairs. I still can’t forget the disgusted look on her face when she sniffed me. She’s not at fault. I don’t understand why Billie’s scent still clings to me even though I have stopped using that damn cologne. I yearned to hold her in the forest after we saved her, to sniff her sweet scent like Vince did. I crave the calming effect it had on him. I want to be with my mate. Every fiber of my being longs for her. Axel whines pitifully in my head as he watches them together. Surprising me by not throwing a fit complaining or cursing. Instead, he consoles himself by admiring her beautiful face. I promised him I was going to fix the problem. There has to be a way to get rid of the scent. That is the only way I can be a part of what she plans to do with all the information she’s just learnt about herself and her family. And also secure a place in her heart. “Problem in paradise?” Torin’s voice cuts through my thoughts. I briefly glance at him before easing myself to the nearest chair. “Nothing,” I mumble. A faint surge of energy surrounds me, then dissipates. “Could have fooled me,” he remarks, twirling his fingers in the air. He gives me an intense look. “Your energy level is…” he stops twirling his fingers, c*****g his head to the side. “Strange.” “What?” “How long?” “How long what?” “Your scent is mixed,” he points out. I remain silent, feeling the weight of his words. “Can you fix it?” “Only if I know what it is,” he replies. Well, he is a witch and a powerful one at that. If a witch did this to me, maybe a witch can also remove it. “Someone mixed their scent with mine.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “An ex-girlfriend, I presume?” I chuckle ruefully. “Regrettably.” “Hmm,” he muses, reclining in his chair. “You were foolish. There’s no need to cry over spilled milk. I don’t want to know the reason why you allowed or did not allow it or if you knew she was going to do it. But know that it’s not going to go away easily.” My heart thuds loudly in my chest at his words. “Why?” “Dark magic is always hard to break because of there’s always something to give. A sacrifice,” he explains. What did Billie sacrifice for this? As if reading my thoughts, he adds. “Only she or the witch can tell us.” “Can you force her to tell us?” “Us?” he raises a brow at me. “What makes you think I will help you?” Shrugging my shoulders. “A hunch, maybe.” He laughs. “Where was that hunch when she was chanting the incantation?” “An incantation?” I’m taken aback. “She probably did it while you were asleep. Even if so, your wolf would have heard the first words and alerted you.” “Axel?” I ask my wolf. “f**k off!” he snarls at me, clearly angry as usual with anything that has to do with Billie. Torin chuckles out loud. “Unless...” “Unless what?” “She drugged you or you blocked your wolf,” Torin explains, sending shock into my entire system. When did she do this? When did I block Axel? I try reaching out to him again but he blocks me. I jerk out of my seat. “Torin, please tell me more.” “The longer her scent lingers on you, the harder it will be to remove it.” “Can you change that?” I ask urgently. “I need to see the girl.” “I will take you to see her right away,” Thankfully, Billie is still in the cell. “But she’s no longer the same.” “It doesn’t matter. As long as I have access to her.” Just as we finish speaking, Vince charges into the living room, livid with anger. Now the storm is about to start.
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