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MATES After Torin stormed off, Vince and Vance returned home to attend to pack matters, while making sure Tim’s mindlink was constantly bombarded with questions about Nicole. They ignored his groans of annoyance. It was his punishment for abandoning them with Torin. Done with their work they headed to see Nicole. Though it was late, but they didn’t care. They just had this unexplained urge to see her tonight. “It’s late, don’t you have a watch to check the time,” Savvy blocked them from entering. Vance pushed the door wide, passing her as he walked in with Vince in tow. “Rude,” Savvy hissed, leaving the door. “She’s still up,” Tim told them. “Do you want to be rejected as well?” Savvy threatened as she joined him on the couch. “Never going to happen, babae,” he kissed her lips. “They’re already suffering, look at them.” “Yeah, whatever,” she hissed, leaning back into him. “I am sure you can scent her.” The twins ran upstairs, their legs spurred on by the thought of seeing her. Letting their wolves guide them through the corridor, they followed the trail of her strong dark chocolate and sweet vanilla scent. They stopped at a door where her scent was strongest. The door was slightly open. Vince pushed it slowly open to reveal her standing, looking out her window, lost in thought, unaware of their presence. “This is bad. She didn’t scent us,” Vance noted in the mindlink to Vince. Vince nodded in agreement. They had to find a solution to this. Anyone could sneak up on her. Especially Kaden and that damn witch, Agatha. They observed her restless demeanor. Shifting from one feet to the other and sighing several times. Through their fractured bond, they could feel the elements of sadness, doubts and uncertainty emanating from her. A reminder of the pain they had caused her. Being rejected like that was no easy feat for any female to go through. It was harsh and wicked. Her brown locks were tied up into a ponytail, exposing her slim and smooth neck that should be decorated with their marks now. Both winced in pain and guilt remembering Torin’s words. Vince balled his fists together while Vance just leaned against the wall. Remorse overwhelmed their entire minds. She sighed and left the window with downcast eyes, still not noticing them. “I can’t take this any longer,” Vance complained. “She didn’t even see us.” “Mate is sad,” Axel, Vance’s wolf purred sadly. “You think I don’t know?” Vance snapped at him. “And whose fault is that?” Axel snapped back at him. “Enough, you two, Vince intervened, trying to diffuse the tension. “Oh, Mr Heartless suddenly wants to play referee. What happened to let’s reject her?” Ares, Vince’s wol retorted with a sneer. “Getting interesting,” chuckled Vance, his anger reducing at the behaviors of their wolves. Their eyes trailed her movement from the window to the bed. Watching as she laid down on her bed and covered her eyes with an arm. Suddenly, her heartbeat spiked, and she chuckled out loud. "Nicole," both of them chorused, thinking she had noticed their presence. Slowly, she removed her hand from her face and raised her body up from the bed, looking surprised to see them even if she had been expecting them to come. Her heartbeat thundered in her chest. “Alphas?” her eyes darting between her two mates. “Can we come in?” Vince asked softly, his eyes flashing with all the love in his heart for her. Nicole dropped her eyes to the ground, short of words to say. Her heartbeat increased with them at the door. “Nicole?” Vance’s voice was gentle, coaxing her to respond. “You’re already here.” She replied, sweeping her eyes around her room, hoping nothing was out of place. Grateful when she saw nothing sticking out. Vince sighed. “You can tell us to leave.” “I can’t. You’re the Alphas.” “And this is your room,” Vance said. The last thing they wanted was to force themselves on her. They were already walking on thin ice. “You can tell us to leave,” Vance added. The alphas roamed their eyes round her room, taking in the soft pink walls, exuding a gentle and inviting atmosphere. Pictures of her alone or with her family adorned the walls, alongside shelves filled with neatly organized books. A cozy reading nook stood in one corner, surrounded by novels and other books. A sleek reading desk with a laptop on top with a single chair sat near the top of her bed. On it sat a huge pink teddy bear. Ares and Axel growled in disapprovingly at this, their possessive instincts flaring. In all, her room exuded a harmonious blend of intelligence and feminity. Their mate is simply amazing. “How are you feeling?” Vince asked, walking in. “May I?” he gestured to the chair at the desk. “Please, do,” she nodded. “You have a beautiful room,” Vance remarked, his gaze lingering on the teddy bear. Frowning and pouting. The teddy has to go. “Thank you,” she replied again, twirling her fingers. Vince smiled at her obvious discomfort. The mate bond was working its magic.“We came to check on you.” “Thank you,” she swallowed an invisible lump in her throat as Vance sat beside her on the bed. “You should stop saying that to us, Brown eyes,” Vance’s voice rumbled beside her, sending shivers down her spine. She fisted her hands, feeling the vibrations hitting her hard in the chest, echoing throughout her body. His words adding to whatever she was feeling. Something was travelling all over her body. The heat of his body latching to her skin. Opposite her, Vince silently watched her struggle. “Mate is shy,” he heard Ares chuckle. She glanced from one to the other. “I am doing fine. Savvy said you took me to the hospital. Thank you.” Vance groaned in frustration, balling his palms. “Yeah. We…you passed out after your fight with Billie.” Nicole swung her eyes to his, tensing. “I am sorry if you’re angry that I fought with her.” Vance squeezed his face in anger. “Why shouldn’t I be angry at you?” His tone and expression cut through her heart. She was right, about their intentions. Vance was still with Billie. Vince frowned. “Why shouldn’t he be angry?” “She’s his girlfriend,” Nicole whispered with eyes downcast. Vance stifled the loud growl that he was about to release, instead rising from her side and pacing the room, wishing he could change the past.
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