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THEIR FAULT AND HER MUSINGS Mel was speaking with a nurse, both discussing a patient’s chart when he saw the five men walking towards him. Instantly his heart began to beat furiously against his chest. “What now?” he wondered, especially with the murderous looks on the twins’ faces. And they were looking at him, “Did their mate fall sick again? Why wasn’t he told?” he kept on asking himself all sorts of questions, watching in fear as they got close to him. “Alphas,” he greeted them with a wary smile. “Is everything okay?” Asking and praying fervently they would say yes. He didn’t feel like being pinned against the wall again. The memory still haunted him. Vince abruptly halted in front of Mel, grasping his arm firmly, causing fear to flicker in the doctor’s eyes as he wondered what was amiss. "Do you remember how Nicole's wounds looked that night of the attack? The one near her stomach?" Vince's voice was tense, his eyes boring into Mel's. Mel’s eyes darted about nervously, processing the question. “Her wounds looked just like any wound would look.” Torin, following Vince’s train of thoughts, added, “How did the edges look like? Was there a pattern? Teeth marks? Anything out of the ordinary?” Mel’s eyes narrowed as he tried to recollect. “They looked normal, no sign of teeth marks or anything like that.” Torin nodded at Vince in satisfaction. “We are still good.” Vince released Mel. “Thank you, Mel.” “Thank you,” Mel sighed in relief, hastening away. “How’s the preparations for the mating ceremony going?” Drake asked. “Great,” Mel replied, not breaking stride. “Why is he scared of you two?” Drake asked, puzzled by Mel’s obvious unease. Both twins shrugged, indifferent to Mel’s apprehension. Outside, Torin turned to them. “Since we know that the wound is normal, I have to be away for a while.” “Where are you going?” Vance asked him. “I have to reach out to some of my people and tell them what I have discovered.” “I thought we agreed that no one else has to know,” Vance reminded him. "My people, not yours. The witches need to prepare and find a way to stop Agatha," “For how long?” Vance asked again. “A few days.” “So, what do we do till then?” “Ensure she’s never alone. We don’t know what Agatha and Kaden are planning right now.” Drake patted his sons’ shoulders. “Your mother is already worried about my absence. I’ll see you at home.” Turning to Torin. “I really appreciate your help, Torin.” “I am only doing my job, Alpha Drake.” “Let me know if you need anything. Feel at home, please.” Drake said as he walked away. Torin nodded at him. "Can I ask a question?” Torin turned back to the twins. “Sure,” Vince shrugged. “Who among you is her mate?” He wasn’t surprised to see them squirm uncomfortably. “We both are,” Vince admitted, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. This didn’t surprise Torin. Wolves sometimes had multiple mates. “And why hasn’t she been marked?” “Why is that important?” Vince’s interest piqued high. “Why haven’t you two marked her?” Torin pressed, his anger slowly boiling, his gaze unwavering. Before either of the twins could respond, Tim interrupted, “I have to leave too. Savvy’s blowing my link. Sorry,” he turned and walked away. Vince and Vance watched with wide open mouths in disbelief at Tim’s departing back. “That was strange,” Torin noted before turning back to them, waiting. Vince suddenly found the small stones on the ground fit for kicking, while Vance pursed his lips. “I have never met such secretive wolves as you two. What else are you hiding now?” Torin sighed wearily. “We rejected her,” Vance admitted finally in a voice tinged with remorse. Torin groaned, shaking his head in exasperation. “What is it with you wolves and rejecting your mates?” sighing heavily in frustration, flashing back to his own rejection by his wolf mate. “You’re the cause of everything.” “What do you mean?” Vance asked. “If you had accepted and marked her, her wolf would have emerged, and she wouldn’t have been marked by Agatha,” Torin explained in a frustrated voice, rubbing his temples. Vince felt a pang of regret and wished he could punch himself in the stomach. Vance just pocketed his hands into his jeans, acknowledging his role while listening to Axel’s insults. Both knew they deserved whatever insults their wolves were dishing out to them. “You caused everything. You two,” Torin spat out angrily, turning and leaving them. He needed to leave immediately. His anger at their revelation had pushed his powers to the surface of his mind. He didn’t want to attack them for their foolishness. NICOLE After speaking with Savvy, we had gone downstairs to prepare dinner. All the while I kept hoping they would come back. My mates. Didn’t they say we were going to talk later? Indeed, we have so much to discuss. Why am I hoping they would come? Is it because of their sudden change in demeanor? They are suddenly nice to me? Is that why? Or is it the undeniable pull mate bond? They rejected me, yet I still feel a pull towards them. I can’t deny the connection. A pull, a connection I am just realizing has always been there, but I never thought of it. Was it there because they are my mates? Throughout eating dinner, I kept glancing at the door, hoping it would open to reveal them. When Tim came earlier I almost asked about them, but held back, feeling it was shameless of me to yearn for and ask after those who treated me poorly. I am still uncertain of their intentions towards me. What could have been so important to them that could make them forget me? The way Vince had said we would talk later, hinted at how important it was. Even if I am certain of their intentions towards me, am I certain I want them? Do I want our bond to grow as it should if they had not rejected me? Inside my heart, I can feel a faint throbbing of the bond. Softly hitting the edges of my heart. Savvy smirking at me at dinner was enough for me to know she knew what I was thinking. “It’s your choice Nikki. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” she had said to me while we were washing the plates. Shutting down Tim when he tried to say something. “Let her decide on her own.” she had warned him off with a soft growl. My uncle and aunt echoed her sentiments too, urging me to make my decision without anyone’s influence. And here I am, still waiting, hoping they would come, my gaze drifting outside through window. The serene night had stars twinkling shyly in the dark sky. The gentle symphony of night creatures danced in thesilent night. The distant howls of our wolves patrolling our borders, joined the night sounds, reassuring us all that all is well at our borders. Now that they are the Alphas, they would have their hands full. I wonder if they are out with the border patrols right now. Or going through some pack details… I can’t stop yearning for their presence right now. All of me wants to see them. I can’t help it. Sighing softly, I close my window and sit at the edge of my bed, pondering my conflicting emotions. What am I feeling? Sadness? Am I sad that they’re not here? Why am I so eager to see them? I lay back on my bed and cross an arm over my eyes. For the first time in my life, I can say I am truly missing someone. Two people. Am I not supposed to hate them for what they did to me? Pay them back for all the wrongs they did to me? Accept their rejection and move on with my life. Go out of the pack, head for the university either in the human town or another pack. Leaving the pack would be best for me if I go down that route. But to accept their rejection, I need to have my wolf and she presently is in voluntary incommunicado. I felt her when I was shifting and wonder why she refuses to come out fully. Is she doing this because of the rejection? If so, is she ever going to come out or I will remain wolfless forever, with her only coming out when I am in danger? I hope it won’t be that. There’s nothing worse than a wolf with no wolf. No pack would dare take you in and it’s going to be hard to find a mate that would accept one. Heck, I was rejected even with a wolf. If I accept their rejection, will I get a second chance mate immediately? According to Mira, second chance mates are always better than first chance ones. Talking of Mira, her mating ceremony is coming up soon. I am still slightly mad at her for not giving me the role of planner. Silly girl. I chuckle out loud at the idea of us both shopping for the ceremony. We are going to have fun. Loads of it. “Nicole.” Two masculine voices I can tell apart, any day, and anywhere, even if I was blindfolded, call my name. Their voices trembled with a hint of fear and adoration. They came! Something inside of me seemed to wake up. Lifting my hand away from my face, I slowly sit up with a mixture of anxiety and hope to see my mates at my door, spotting tired looks begging for solace. My heart ached and my hands wanted nothing more than to wipe it off their faces
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