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UNDER ATTACK “Mel, Mira stay here, the rest of you with me,” Drake ordered as he ran down the corridor out of the hospital, followed by his members. Mel grabbed Vince’s arm as the alpha rushed to follow his father. Vance stopped, frowning at seeing this. “Accept her before you leave, now,” Mel said to them. Seeing their confusion, he continued. “I strongly believe that she’s rejecting you because you rejected her first. Accepting her is going to change her condition. And by your presence here, I want to believe that you are taking back your rejection?” Axel and Ares yelped in joy hearing this. “We have to do it now?” Vance asked, his heart pounding with the ongoing attack going on outside. Mel nodded. “It won’t take long. It’s just a few words.” He turned from them and entered her room, the two of them behind him, remaining at the door. Not wanting to cause more harm like before. “Where the hell are you two?!” their father shouted into the link. “We’re still at the hospital,” Vance replied. “Get here right now! Some warriors are already stationed there. You know the drill.” “On our way, dad,” Vince answered. “Hurry up, guys,” Mel said. Both brothers looked at each other, took deep breaths, sighed and began to say the words. “I, Vince Stone, future Alpha of the Firestone Pack, hereby accept Nicole Bennyson, given to me by the Moon Goddess, as my mate and Luna.” “I, Vance Stone, future Alpha of the Firestone Pack, hereby accept Nicole Bennyson, given to me by the Moon Goddess, as my mate and Luna.” A cord snapped into place around their hearts, trapping it in a warm hug of peace and joy. Warmth spread over their bodies, a surge of power rippled through them and their wolves howled with joy. Mel noticed a ripple pass over Nicole’s body as the guys finished their declarations. “Boys!” Drake spat into the link. “Mel watch her,” Vance said as he and his brother hurried out to meet their father. Drake rolled out a loud bellow as he jumped into the midst of the attacking wolves. Shifting mid-air into Tiger, his wolf, as he joined his members to ward off the horde of wolves. The moon's glow tinged his midnight black fur with a faint silver color. “Has anyone spotted their leader?” He asked in the link. There had to be a leader among them. Wolves this much wouldn’t dare attack another pack without an alpha leading them. “No, Alpha,” Multiple responses came in unison through the link. “Keep fighting and don’t get killed. Try to not kill them if possible. We need to know why they are here.” “Yes, alpha.” Thank the Goddess that the fight was at one of their borders and not in the center of the town. This allowed Malia and the other females the time and space to gather the children, old, and women to safety in the bunkers below their pack. Drake's heart pounded in his ears as he scanned the chaotic scene, his instincts on high alert. “Oscar, on your left!” he called out into the linkas he spotted a wolf sneaking up on the left of his Beta. Oscar’s wolf, Tristan, growled loud as he swerved away from the claws of the attacking wolf’s claws. “Sneaky bastards,” Oscar growled as he drew a straight line with his claws on the back of the wolf. The air crackled with tension, the scent of fur, and the metallic tang of blood, assaulting their senses. The distant howls of the wolves and the clash of claws against fur formed a dissonant symphony, echoing through the night. Each breath carried a mix of fear and determination as the pack fought to protect what was theirs. “Has anyone noticed anything strange?” someone asked in the link. Drake paused, his powerful paws restraining the wolf beneath him. A sense of unease settled over him, and it wasn't just the physical struggle with the attacking wolves. Something was undeniably amiss. The wolves, despite their aggression, carried the scent of a pack, not typical for rogues. Their eyes, too, betrayed an unnatural yellowish tint. “They aren’t rogues, Drake declared. “But they are fighting like rogues. Look at their eyes.” “It’s yellow,” someone else noted. “There’s a woman going towards the pack. She’s not a wolf!” A worried voice blared into the link. “She’s paralyzing the warriors.” “There’s a white light in front of her.” “We need help down here!” “She’s paralyzing us!” Drake growled at the distressing voices filling the link. He finished off the wolf under him and with a loud roar, jumped on another wolf. “Vince? Vance?” He called out to his sons in the link. “We are at the southern border. A portal opened on our way to you,” Vance replied as he fought the wolf with him. Beside him. Vince tore out the neck of his opponent and sank his claws into another that tried to sneak up on him. Their wolves fought with an unfamiliar energy, a new found power surging through their bodies, making them more formidable than ever. “Can one of you check that out?” “Help!” A desperate female voice cried into the link. “She’s inside the hospital, paralyzing us!” The brothers halted their actions, exchanging glances before swiftly shifting to their human forms. “Nicole,” both breathed out simultaneously, a dash of fear and worry blasting through their bodies. Instantly they shifted back to their wolves and sprinted toward the hospital. Their thundering paws, heavy breaths and growls resonating through the night as they leaped over stones, fallen tree branches and small animals scurrying away from their path. Urgency propelling them forward. NICOLE “Get up!” A loud voice shatters my peaceful slumber. Slumber? How did that even happen? “Wake up, Nicole!” the voice screams again. “Stop screaming, will you?” “Then wake up! We are in danger!” “Danger? How? And who are you by the way?” “Just open your eyes and get up,” the voice, which is soft and female, says again. “Or I will force you.” “How can I be in danger when…” I pause, not knowing what to say. “What’s going on? Who are you? Why can’t I see anything? Am I blind?” “Surely, you don’t expect me to answer all your questions while danger is almost knocking at our door!” “What is happening to me?” “Fine. Since you refuse to do this, I will do it my way,” the voice says and I feel my eyes forced open. I am in a room with…wait why am I lying down on a bed that isn’t mine. This is not even my room. “You will find out later.” I hear the voice again say and find myself rising from the bed. All my joints make creaking sounds as I reach my full height. The floor is cold and feels alien to me. What’s that smell? “You’re in a hospital, silly. Now move!” She says as my body is shoved away from the bed and I start moving. “Hey! What are you doing?” I ask as I wobble on my feet. “I am going to fall.” “No you’re not! Move.” My body moves further from the bed, standing in the middle of the room. I feel warmth slowing seeping into my bones. “This is going to hurt but I will try to take almost all the pain.” “What? Wait! What is that feeling” “Keep quiet, Nicole. Let me focus. You’re not strong enough to take me in, yet.” The warmth increases and I feel a burning sensation in my stomach. “What’s happening to me? Why is the pain in my…”? I don’t finish as the voice cuts me off. “Too many questions.” “What are you doing to me?!” I scream as the pain intensifies, flowing into my bones. “Sorry, Nicole.” She says the words but I can feel she’s not. “We are under attack. We need to help them.” “Why? There are warriors. There’s the Alpha, Savvy, and the others. What can I do? I am just an omega.” With a resigned sigh, the voice says to me, “I know this is not you speaking. Everything will be revealed soon.” And with that, a mad explosion of pain wrecks my entire body, starting from my head down to my toes, I topple to the ground, on my knees, screaming as my bones start to crack and move under my skin. White fur bursts through my skin, claws extend out of my fingers and as my face hits the ground, I realize my nose has morphed into a snout. The torment ends abruptly and I find myself breathing heavily and standing on all fours, a wolf. “No time to check how we look,” The voice and I growl together, anger pulses through both of us as we prepare to fight. The door is blasted open, torn from its hinges, and a ball of white flame, floats into the room. Instinctively, I release a loud howl, before the intruder makes an entrance. DRAKE Drake’s wolf, Tiger, snapped his head up, at the sound of the howl. Every Alpha recognized the distinct howl of his pack members. This was not one of his members. This one was new, different and urgent. Telling them where the danger was. Raising his snout to the sky, he released his own commanding howl, echoed by his members. VINCE AND VANCE Vince and Vance skidded to a stop at the sound of the howl. It was more than a call for help. It was a plea for protection. A call only a mate could make. Their wolves howled back immediately before thundering toward the source of the desperate cry. Could it be?
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