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CHAPTER 23 VANCE Billie's name flashes on the screen as I pull out my phone, and instantly, three low growls fill my ears. Tim shoots me a withering look, shaking his head at me. “Seriously, Vance?” He snaps into the link. "Stop fooling yourself, Vance. Remain with your girlfriend and leave Nicole alone. Your presence is already suffocating her." Savvy's voice cuts through me, blunt and uncompromising. “Dump her immediately if we're going to make this work with our mate," Vince growls through the link. “I will, bro,” I say back to him, sighing as I reject her call and return my phone back to my pocket. Savvy's voice pierced through our mental exchange. "Stop linking each other and just leave. You two don't deserve her. I pray she gets a second chance mate when she wakes up." My brother and I erupted in roars, a visceral response to Savvy's audacity. "Like I care about your feelings," She hisses at us. “I pray she accepts your rejection when she wakes up.” The air crackled with tension as words clashed and tempers flared. Tim struggled to restrain his mate, who refused to yield. Just when the verbal battle reached its peak, a commanding voice barked. "Enough!" Our father stood behind us, his eyes scanning our faces with disapproval. Uncle Oscar stood beside him. We retreated back into our corners, baring our necks in submission. AUTHOR'S POV EVERYONE LIES TO THE ALPHA. "If you want to argue, take it outside! This is a hospital not a boxing ring!" Drake spat out in anger and frustration. Discovering his sons and their friends in such a state was both suspicious and exhausting. He had no time to play referee with pressing matters demanding his immediate attention. His pack, once a haven, now felt unfamiliar. First, a brutal rejection; then a murder attempt, and now his sons and their friends were bickering in a sterile hospital corridor. Near Nicole’s room. What the hell was happening? "Why are you two here?" He scrutinized his sons, catching their furtive glances and elevated heartbeats and how their eyes seemed unable to meet his, kissing the floor instead. Suspicion lingered in the air. "We came to check on Nicole, after we heard what happened to her," Vince replied. Drake eyes shifted between the two, ready to speak when Savvy’s malicious smirk caught his attention. "Why are you smiling like that, Savvy?" "Nothing, Alpha. Just wondering how Nicole would feel knowing they came to visit her. Considering how much they despise her," Savvy replied with a sneer, triggering low growls from the brothers. "I don't see anything wrong with them coming here to visit her, Savvy. As future alphas of this pack, this is what they should do more of." Drake defended his sons, yet sensing a hidden secret in Savvy’s tone and words. Maybe he should release his full aura on them all to get an answer, but being an alpha who hardly used his aura on his members, he kicked the thought away. "Some future alphas they will be," Savvy scoffed. "That's enough, Savvy." Oscar scolded his daughter. "The alpha is saying the right thing." "It's okay, Oscar., Drake said to his Beta, walking towards Nicole's room, feeling the unresolved tension echoing behind him and vowing to get to the bottom of this whole fiasco later. The faces of the people behind him were full of worry as he reached the door. "You can't go in right now." Tim stopped him. "Why?" All five exchanged anxious glances. "Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on!" He roared. "Now!" The door opened at that moment, with the medical professionals filing out, and acknowledging Drake as they passed him. Drake stood confused, watching each face, stopping at Mel who emerged last, looking drained. "Mel?" Drake called. Mel snapped to attention at the voice of his alpha. "Alpha…I…" "What happened to her? Why were those people here?" Drake demanded, frowning heavily. Mel exchanged uneasy glances with the people behind Drake, licking his lips and wipiing his suddenly sweaty palms on his white robe. "" "If you dare lie to me again, Mel, I will strip you of your rank as a Gamma and remove you as the Head doctor of the pack," Drake threatened him, casting a menacing look, his aura ready to be unleashed if Mel dared lie to him. Mel swallowed hard, his wolf, whimpering at the thought of losing rank and position within the pack. What would his mate think of him if she discovered he had lost both? Would she still want him? The twin alphas were bombarding him with mindlinks, pleading with him not to tell the truth. "Dad, I believe Doc Mel was just carrying out routine checkups on Nicole,” Vince bailed out Mel. “Routine checkups with all those people?” Drake’s eyes remained fixed on Mel as he spoke. “Was there another attempt?” Vince and Vance asked. “What?!” They turned to Savvy who smirked at them, shrugging. “No…Alpha…she…it’s just like he said. Routine checkups.” Drake grunted before entering the room. “Better be telling me the truth.” The door closed behind him. The five of them released a huge sigh. Mel’s relief doubled when the scent of his mate hit his nostrils. The swinging doors of the corridor opened to reveal her. “Mel!” She shrieked half-running towards him, then seeing the people with him, stopped. Frowning when she laid eyes on the twins. “What the hell are they doing here?!” She yelled with arms akimbo and glaring at them. Vince and Vance winced at her words. Great, another Savvy. Mel quickly pulled his mate to himself. “Mira, honey.” “Are they here to reject her again?” Mira spat out spitefully. “Will you lower your voice?” Vance whispered, gritting his teeth, and eyeing Nicole’s door, hoping his father wasn’t listening. “Why? Still want to keep it a secret? That she’s your mate and you rejected her?” Mira spat out to him. “Mira…” Mel cut her. “What?” Tim waded in again, being the peacemaker once more. “Mira…” “They shouldn’t be here. What do they want?” Mira raged on. “Uncle Oscar? Savvy?” Savvy shrugged helplessly. Oscar spoke for the first time. “Calm down, Mira. Your friend won’t want you like this.” “Yeah, sure she won’t because she is a good person that deserves to be mated to better mates who will cherish and love her,” Mira went on. “That is enough!” Vince and Vance growled at the same time at her, their wolves surging forward. “Do not disrespect us any further!” Vance warned. “That she’s your friend doesn’t give you the right to talk to us like that.” “That she’s my friend is why I am defending her. If I had my way, I would rather she accepts your rejection and get a second chance mate immediately!” Mira spat out also. The twins roared almost lunging at her but were held back by the men in the room. “I think we all need to calm down, right now!” Oscar yelled at the same time Nicole’s door opened. “Why all the yelling again?! What is wrong with all of you?!” Drake fumed once again, looking at the filled corridor, charging with high tension. “Mira? Why is your wolf out?” He asked, noticing the omega’s aura was full of anger and wanting to fight. “They…” “Don’t mention them as Nicole’s mates.” Mel quickly stopped her through the link. She looked at him confusedly, narrowing her eyes as she looked at all their faces. “They what?” Drake asked. “Mira?” She licked her lips as the others told her what not to say. “It’s…they…the alphas…we were all just discussing her mate.” She glared at the twins. “How she should just accept his rejection and get a new mate.” Low growls from his sons followed her words, piquing Drake’s suspicions. “You know about that as well?” He c****d his head at her. “How many more people know about this?” He glared at the rest, angry that even Mira knew about this, making him wonder if truly he was the alpha of this pack. “Yes, alpha. I was there when it happened,” Mira replied. “Oh. So, you know who the person is?” Drake asked, hopeful to finally learn of this person. “Maybe you can tell me who this person is.” Drake swore he could hear his sons wince. Or did he imagine it? Mira’s link was bombarded with links from the alphas, Savvy, Tim and uncle Oscar. All telling her not to say it. “I can’t” “Can’t or won’t?” Drake sighed in frustration. “Because she asked you not to?” “Yes, alpha,” Mira replied, sad that she was lying to him. Wishing she could say the truth and expose the twins. “I am sorry.” “You all should start a cult with Nicole as your leader.” He chuckled. Right then the emergency alarm of the pack drowned the corridor. Every one of them getting a link, “We are under attack!”
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