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CHAPTER 25 THE GIRL, THE WITCH, THE WOLF. Nicole’s wolf maintained a defensive stance, emitting a low growl, gazing at the door and the floating ball of fire. “We are going to fight, Nicole. I will need you to give me the little strength you have,” This has to be my wolf speaking to me. “Yes, it’s me. I am Anaya.” “Nice to meet you, Anaya, but I can’t do this.” I hear myself whimpering, doubt heavy in my voice. Even though I should be happy that I finally have my wolf. “Yes, you can. Just follow my lead and feel my emotions,” she encouraged, as the scent of burnt paper and potions fill my nostrils. A beautiful woman with long black hair that reached her waist enters the room. Her eyes are as black as the above knee-length black dress and ankle high boots, she has on. Her fingers are decorated with rings of all sizes and shapes. Her wrists are also full of different coloured bracelets. She looks like she’s in her twenties. “She’s a witch,” Anaya tells me. Her dark eyes grow wide in fascination upon seeing me, travelling all over our body. “Beautiful,” she sighs, her voice soft and smooth. “Who would have thought you would be here of all places.” She snaps her fingers and the floating ball of fire disappears with a pop sound, leaving a trail of faint white smoke in the air. “You don’t know how long we’ve been searching for you.” “Who are you and what do you want from me?” “Who I am is not important. It’s who you are and who wants you. Those are the questions you should be asking.” She opens her palms and starts conjuring fire balls in her palms. “Leave before it’s too late,” our voices resonated in unison. Her eyes widened with more fascination and wonder. “And in synergy already. Kade is going to be over the moon with joy,” she remarks, advancing towards me. “Stay back.” “Or what? You’re going to attack me? I am a witch in case you haven’t figured it out, and I am going with you,” She starts to mutter in a foreign language, moving her palms and fingers, fusing the balls of fire to form a sort of fire pattern in the air. “Jump!” We leaped off the ground and slam into her, both of us crashing to the ground. She grunts at the impact and push me off her, swiftly getting to her feet and continues her chant. “Este na phim bi tha!” Whatever she is saying sends a jolt of pain through my midsection, my insides roll into a ball, making me whimper loudly in pain as I crash to the ground, thrashing. The pattern is still in the air. “Esper thi a…” The pain subsides and I am up on my feet again, snarling at her. “Me ri tha, hi tha, gi tha…” her eyes start to glow and her arms are moving, somehow expanding the pattern. “We need to destroy that,” Anaya tells me as we brace to attack her again. Before she could finish the chant, I move closer to her and use my paw to deliver a powerful smack to her face, grazing her skin with my claws. Watching her stagger back. Her fingers reach up to her face, wincing as she feels the wounds. Her eyes reach down to see the blood on her fingers, then look back at me. “You will pay for this!” she shrieks. “We need to end her now,” I tell Anaya at the threat of the witch. Her chants become rapid and balls of fire start popping up around her and behind me, releasing heat into the air. We need to find an exit if we don’t want to get burnt or suffocated. Or taken away from here. “Where is everyone? Don’t they know what is happening?” “They’re on their way, but until then we have to find how to leave here. She is here to capture us for this Kade fellow,” Anaya assures and agrees with me. I shifted my gaze to the window. “The window.” “You can’t escape, Firewolf.” she smirks at me, licking the blood at the corner of her lips. “Ka thi a tha thum. Mi kuria antha!” her dark eyes start sparkling like diamonds, a depraved smile on her face. The balls of flame join together to form a huge ball of fire, caging the two of us inside it. The flames reach the curtains, nipping their edges. “He will never have me!” A ball of anger erupts in my stomach casting a crimson hue over everything as I lunged tpwards her. But an invisible force throws me off course, sending me crashing against the bed, my head hitting the edges. “Ka li mu tha. Eshe tha vi thum.” the chants go on repeatedly and I can feel my strength waning. “This is the last of our strength, Nicole. Let’s use it well and hope help comes quick.” “Ma va thi tha, y alum ki…” Growling with the last strand of strength in us, I hurl myself at her, slamming her against the wall. The sounds of breaking bones echoing. “Impossible. You’re not supposed to be this strong yet,” she says, confusion and pain in her eyes, as her body slides down the wall. “Me too.” I mutter, collapsing on the ground beside her, briefly closing my eyes as I catch my breath. A painful yelp escapes us as scorching heat engulfs Anaya’s fur, reaching deep into her flesh. We scrambled away, looking down to see blue flame burning Anaya’s fur. The witch’s hand was pulsing with blue flames. “Goddess! What did you do?” Anaya rolls on the floor to put out the fire. “Now I have marked you. He will find you wherever you are. You are Kaden’s, Firewolf!” she cackles a macabre smile adorning her blood-streaked face. “You can never hide from him.” She raises both hands, resuming her incantations. “Mi ta ta tut hi tha…” “What’s with this lady and incantations?” I growl. A bright light materializes, forming a portal in the room, widening as her chants intensify. The room, now bathed in flames and mystic energies, is full of heat, smoke and the acrid odour of singed fur. Anya whimpers, still in pain. “Mi ta ta tut hi ta!” she creams louder and the portal expands. Pulling herself off the ground, and cradling a broken arm over her chest, she shuffles towards the portal, still chanting. “She can’t leave!” Anaya calls out. “You’re not going anywhere.” I scream as I offer Anaya more strength for her to rise from the floor and sink her teeth into the witch’s ankle, stopping her. Once she hits the floor and roll on her back, Anaya bites her right thigh, tearing flesh, ignoring her screams, her nails clawing at my skin, and fingers tugging at my fur. Though painful, all we saw was red, consumed by a desire to end her for attempting to deliver us to someone and marking us for him to find. “Ma thi tha ta ta, ere ka ri…” though in pain, her chanting continues, tears rolling down her face, her head darting towards the portal which was closing up. “I am ending this now!” Anaya barks and clamp her jaws down on the side of her witchy neck, biting down deep, reaching bone, muscles and every other thing in there, tearing out, and drowning her screams with a resounding howl. “That was my last strength, Nicole,” The Anaya whispers wearily to me as I shift back, naked atop the dead witch. “Me too,” I whisper back at her, feeling utterly drained– as if not an ounce of energy remained in my body to rise from the dead body beneath me. My eyes start to close, sleep beckoning. “We will be stronger next time. I promise,” her voice fades, replaced by two hard male voices taking over screaming out my name. A blast of cedar wood, sandalwood, and earthly musk fill my nostrils as my body is lifted off the dead witch and my head is cushioned on a hard muscular arm. An explosion of tingles and sparks dance over my skin.. Before I give in to the darkness, two pairs of grey eyes hold mine, full of worry and fear. I have to be dreaming.
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