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THE PACK DINNER NICOLE My jittery nerves seem to overwhelm as I stand before the mirror in Vince’s room. He and Vance still refused to let me go home. Savvy brought some clothes for me and a storm on her face aimed at Vince. “Still scared?” speak of the devil. Savvy joins me at the mirror, eyeing my attire. “You look good to eat.” “Is that why you insist I wear this?” gesturing with my hands at the short black dress with a little slit at the thigh. “It’s a dinner. A pack dinner.” She narrows her blue eyes at me. “It’s the pack dinner where they will announce you as their mate. Unofficially. It’s not like the entire pack doesn’t already know.” Slapping my forehead and groaning. “Why does it have to be in front of everyone?” I hate crowds and being the center of all eyes. “Can’t there be like a small ceremony?” sweat starts pouring out of my palms as I imagine every eye at dinner on me. Giving me a look. “You will be the first Luna in history who won’t have a Luna ceremony then, but newsflash, all Lunas are announced publicly,” she checks my hair again. “Let’s go. Your mates are giving me a headache,” she rolls her eyes before pulling me away from the mirror and out of the room. Here goes nothing, I tell myself as we head out the room and make our way downstairs. People are already inside the eating hall as we approach its doors. I glance at Savvy one last time. Maybe there’s a way she can help me escape, but no. She gives me a warning look as if she can read my mind. I wish Mira was here. She would have easily agreed with me and let me escape. Savvy pushes the large doors open, moving aside for me to enter. And as I step inside, the entire place goes quiet with all eyes on me. The last time I was here, my mates had openly ridiculed me. Called me pathetic, scolding Mira and I. Now, I stand here, about to walk to a table I once was not allowed to seat at. About to sit between two people I never thought I could ever sit with. Both of whom are standing at the head of the Alpha table, waiting for me. Change. Taking a huge breath, I take the first step, urging my feet to keep moving. Don’t look at them. Look forward. One step, then another and another till you reach the front. I chant in my head as I move through the hall, doing my best to ignore everyone, their whispers and murmurs. My mates look so superhot in their black shirts rolled to the elbows and jeans. Their shirts are unbuttoned at the top revealing a hint of those muscles I have seen a couple of times. Wishing I can run my tongue over them, kissing and biting and touching. My heart flutters when their eyes flickering between gold and grey as they slowly trail my body. I feel like I am being undressed and hope it’s not wrong that I love that feeling from my mates. As if reading my mind, both give me roguish smiles, narrowing their eyes seductively, causing my heart to miss a bit. I clench my fists together, averting their eyes and blushing. Somewhere between my legs, a part of me throbs. Wow! Blinking the thoughts away, I focus back on my enviroment. Between them is an empty seat which I know is meant for me. On their right are their parents who are smiling happily at me. Beside them is Torin, looking handsome and regal in his attire. On their left, two seats away are my uncle and aunt, both beaming proudly at me. Tim is beside Vince and an empty seat meant for Savvy, near him. The sound of both pulling out my seat is a testament to how loud the silence in the hall is. Vince extends his hand, and I take it, feeling his warmth palms as I sit. “Thank you,” I murmur after they slide my chair in. They arrange their arms behind me, encasing me in their warmth and with Vince’s scents, my nerves start to settle down. “You look beautiful,” Vince whispers in my ear before taking a light sniff of my scent. “Totally gorgeous, brown eyes,” Vance murmurs, brushing hair from my face. I have to bend my head down to hide the deep blush spreading all over my skin. “Alpha, Luna,” I greet their parents, before turning to my folks. “Uncle, Aunt.” “Sweetheart,” my aunt smiles, her eyes misting. Uncle Oscar nods, while Tim gives me a thumbs up. Vince clears his throat after we all share pleasantries, looking at the room. He and his brother stand up. “Thank you all for being here tonight with your families. As you all know, the Pack Dinner is an event our former alpha, our dear father,” looking down at his father who nods. “brought up to encourage further bonding between us.” Vance takes over. “This is our first Pack Dinner as Alphas and we look forward to having many more like this with you all,” he picks a glass of wine and raises it up. “To the Firestone Pack.” Everyone picks a glass of whatever liquid is with them, chorusing the same words. “Enjoy your dinner.” Silence disappears from the room as everyone gets busy with their food. “Nice dress,” Luna Malia compliments me, pulling my eyes away from the crowd where I am searching for Mira. “Thank you, Luna,” I say, looking down to see my mates piling food on my plate and from the looks of it, I think I must be a bear with all the food they are putting on my plate. “I can’t finish all of this.” My eyes return to the crowd. When I find her, she’s already waiting for me to sight her. She gives me a very genuine and happy smile. That’s my best friend. “It doesn’t matter, just eat,” Vance urges me, drawing my eyes away from Mira to find him raising a piece of meat to my lips. I glare softly at him. Is he planning to feed me here? In front of the entire pack. He raises a brow mockingly at me. “Think I am ashamed to do it?” Turning to Vince, only to find him also holding the same in his hand. “Open up.” Someone laughs near us. “Just take it, Nicole. It’s natural,” Alpha Drake’s amused voice draws me away from the two. I am not surprised to see him also pushing food into his mate’s mouth. Tim and my Uncle are also doing same to their mates. This was never in mentioned in class. “Open up,” Vance nudges me and I open my mouth for him to feed me. As dinner progresses, eyes curiously glance our table, mostly at me. “Ignore them, sweetheart,” Vince whispers. “They are just curious as to why you’re here.” At that moment the doors to the hall burst open with none other than Dean Ashton followed by his mate. Both looked crazed and desperate. “Where are my daughters?!” he growls as he stomps towards us, his eyes solely on me.
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