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CHAPTER 22 SHE’S REJECTING THEM. "Impossible," Mel whispered, his eyes fixed on the blaring machine. "What's happening to her?!" Savvy and the twins yelled in unison as Nicole's body began to convulse uncontrollably on the bed, and every machine connected to her started to beep as well. "I don't know. This wasn't supposed to happen," Mel stammered, shock etched across his face. “What do you mean?!" Vance and Vince growled, their faces inches from Mel’s, their grey eyes turning a deathly black as their wolves surged forward. “Axel. Ares!” Tim rushed over, forcefully pulling both of them away from Mel. “You need to calm down, both of you. They resisted, pushing against Tim’s firm grip, bending close to their Nicole’s face. Vance held her face. "Brown eyes, please wake up,” he pleaded, his voice broken. “Please.” Vince clutched her hand tightly, feeling a clutching pain in his heart. “Nikki.” The machines blared even louder at the twin’s desperate actions. Nicole’s body shook with greater intensity. Mel dashed to the intercom on the wall. "I need a crash cart immediately at room 15. I repeat, I need a crash cart in room 15. Patient is going into cardiac arrest!" He shouted into the mouthpiece before hurrying back to his patient. "Move back, please." He shoved Vance away from Nicole's convulsing body and began to work on her. The deafening sounds of the blaring machines gradually subsided, and her Nicole’s body shook less violently. "Do something, Mel! Please." Vance begged, gripping her hand. The machines’ deadening sounds filled the room once again, and her body resumed its violent tremors. "What did you do!?" Vince screamed at him, moving closer. The sounds amplified further as did the violent shaking of her body. “What are you two doing to her?” Savvy screamed, struggling in Tim’s hands. “Get away from her!” If the twins heard her, they didn’t act on it as all their attention was on Nicole. "Stay back, both of you!" Mel snapped at the two of them, frustration and concern etched on his face. He hated the unfolding situation and started to sense a mysterious connection between the twins and Nicole’s condition. As the twins reluctantly pulled back, the loud noise of the machines diminished, and Nicole's body relaxed once again, shrouded in an unsettling mystery that hung heavily in the air. All five stood in awe at the unfolding spectacle. Mel gestured to the brothers. "Come closer again." As they approached, the machines spiraled once more, Nicole’s body convulsing just as before. "Impossible," Mel breathed out again, a revelation dawning on him. "Move back." They did as he ordered, and Nicole's body relaxed, the machines falling silent also. Mel blinked, realizing the gravity of the situation. Wondering how to tell the alphas the truth as he met the four pairs of eyes on him. "Your presence is affecting her." “What nonsense are you spewing?" Vince growled, grabbing Mel’s collars. Ares clawing and snarling in agreement. “I…I…” Mel sputtered struggling in Vince’s iron grip. “Speak!” barked Vance besides his brother. “Guys!” Tim intervened once more, shoving the brothers aside, creating distance between them and Mel. “You have to calm down.” Looking between the two. “He’s only saying what he has observed. Pull yourselves together.” Both alphas sighed deeply. “We are sorry, doc,” Vance apologized. “Please just tell us what is happening to her.” "I think she's rejecting you guys," Mel disclosed. "What do you mean?" Vance roared, looking behind Mel. Axel snarling in agitation. How could his mate be rejecting him? "How's that even possible. She's not awake. She can't reject us," Vance snapped at Mel. "You saw what getting close to her did," Mel pointed as other professionals rushed in. “Excuse us, please.” Leaving them to join the others. ********************************************************************************************* "If what Mel says is true, the two of you will have to stay away from her," Savvy asserted immediately they stepped outside. "You're overstepping your boundaries, Savvy, again," Vince warned her, clenching and unclenching his fingers as he struggled to contain his anger. "You saw what happened in there." She pointed to Nicole’s door. “Which doesn’t surprise me.” "It's not yet confirmed. Until then, we stay right here with her," Vance declared. “And I suggest that you back off.” "Why? You didn’t see her that day. I did! I saw the pain in her eyes. She passed out!" Tim pulled his mate to his chest, comforting her through their mate bond, allowing his scent to soothe her pain. Although she was fighting for her cousin and on the right path, she was inching closer to provoking the alphas. “Calm down, babae,” he said to her, guiding her to a seat. “I think we all need to relax. Nicole wouldn’t want us to be fighting. She’s inside fighting for her life.” Vince sank into the nearest chair, regret filling his heart at the mention of Nicole fighting for her life. Vance swept a palm down his face, his shoulders sagging as he too sat on a chair. This was one of the worst days of his life, hearing that his mate was battling for her life just feet away from him, and he was helpless to help. And that he was the cause of her fight to stay alive. It was undoubtedly one of the worst moments of his entire existence. “Mine too,” Vince communicated through the link. Silence reigned as they all waited for Mel to come out. "We are still her mates and we will find a way to rectify this situation., Vance said in a regretful tone after a while. His grey eyes smoldering with infinite regret and pain. "We are and mean every word of it," Vince confirmed. "Like it means anything," Savvy scoffed. VINCE I don't think I will ever forget seeing Nicole like that. Nor do I believe I will ever forgive myself for what Vance and I did to her. Ever. Savvy was right. We happened to her. If the Goddess had not paired us with her, perhaps she would be fine and not in her current condition. Maybe, if we had rejected her properly, things would have been different. She would accept the rejection and move on with her life. Find another mate, have pups with him and live happily for the rest of her life. But deep inside, my wolf and I hate the thought of another man touching her, mating with her and having pups with her. I should be the one touching her. I should be the one mating with her. I should be the one putting pups in her. She was mine. Ours. Mine and Vance. Given to us by the Goddess. Though we messed up, but we are determined to rectify the wrong we did. Seeing her on the bed like that broke my heart in ways I never imagined. I felt a hollowness carved deep by an unseen hand in my heart, creating a void. Although Vance and I kept our distance from her, I never stopped watching her around the pack. Something I didn't know Vance was doing until recently. Snapping her pictures to gaze at alone in my room became a favourite pastime. I made sure no one was around to notice me capturing videos of her as well— recording her on her way to school, at her aunt's shop, at our home preparing food and even when she was alone studying in the library. My beautiful mate loved to study a lot. No wonder she is one of the best students at school, undoubtedly on her way to becoming the valedictorian of her class come graduation. I believe one of the reasons we were able to keep our distance from her was the absence of male competition around her. The absence of a rival made us take her for granted. No male wolf would like to see another male wolf near his mate. However, the moment we learned of her intention to search for a new mate, something changed inside us. And now that she's rejecting us, according to the doctor's words, we know there's a hundred percent chance she could get a second chance mate. That’s going to be hell. "The hell we're going to let that happen, "Vance breaks into my thoughts in the mindlink. "If it means we have to beg, then we will beg.” VANCE Hearing my brother's thoughts makes my wolf go mad with pain and frustration. Pain at the possible loss of his mate and frustration at the inability to know whether what the doctor said is true. Was she really rejecting us by her body's reaction? How could she do that when she is still unconscious? Savvy was already rubbing it in our faces and fighting to make us stay away from her. But like we told her, we are not leaving her side. Now or ever. We made a mistake and we are ready to make amends for it. Anything it takes. My number one fear is she finding a second chance mate. That would break our bond. Yet, I refuse to give up hope. She will forgive us. Though it's going to take a lot of work to get to that point, but we are willing to persist. She's ours and will remain so. I will fight for the right to claim her as mine. As ours. Because the Goddess gave her to us. "We will fight to win her love," Vince affirms in the link and I chuckle. Is this my same brother? The quiet, stoic-looking, reserved alpha who rarely shows his emotions. The Mr. Emotionless. Seeing Vince broken and scattered like this makes me believe more in the mate bond. Dad used to tell us about the beauty of the mate bond and its effect on mates. I see that in Vince. Finding out that he also kept watch over Nicole, having entire folders full of her pictures and videos on his phone is a wonder I never thought I would see. The major question I keep asking myself is — why did we reject her in the first place? "Because she's an Omega," Vince supplies me in the link. "We are alphas and need strong partners that can fight and protect both themselves and others," I sigh into the link regretfully as we start dissecting our stupid reasons for rejecting her. "Because we don't know anything about her parents.” "We are as dumb as they come," I shake my head at our foolishness. My phone starts to ring in my hand, drawing everyone's attention to it.
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