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SHE’S OUR MATE! Vince and Vance waited in their car, watching the hospital entrance. Earlier, Lisa had informed them of their parent’s hasty departure from the dining table upon learning Nicole was sick. It was all the brothers needed to swing into action and follow them. Their suspicions were confirmed, even though their wolves were still punishing them by refusing to divulge what they knew. Yet the damn wolves were howling restlessly in their heads. Ignoring the pleas of their humans to say what they knew. “We should go inside,” Vance said, biting his lips. The wait was killing him. Vance countered, frowning, “We should wait…” “What if they stay longer? We need to find her.” “Relax, Vance. We can’t just badge inside like that…” “But she’s our mate,” Vance wondered if his brother had truly accepted Nicole. “Yeah, I know. Have you considered how it would appear to our parents if they found us there?” Vince prayed his brother wouldn’t act impulsively and rush into the hospital. Their situation was already complicated. If their parents were here, it meant they know the truth already. “We tell them the truth.” “We will eventually. Just not now. We…” He was cut short by Vance. “Look! They are leaving…” Outside the hospital entrance, their parents came out, spotting worried expressions. “They look worried,” Vance noted as they watched their parents get into their car. “Uncle Oscar and Aunt Mabel are following them,” Vince pointed out the two people also entering their vehicle. Both brothers watched as the two cars eased onto the road and drove away. “Let’s go in,” Vince said, and both of them scrambled out of the car, heading for the hospital entrance. At the nurse’s station they asked after Nicole and were directed to her room. As they padded down the sterile corridor, they could feel their wolves experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. And with each breath they took, they sensed that something was wrong with their mate. “I don’t like this,” Vance croaked. Vince ignored his brother and quickened his steps towards her room. Outside the door, they could only detect Savvy and Tim's scent. "Are we sure the nurse gave us the right room number?" Vance asked. “Only one way to find out,” Vince said before the door opened with Savvy blocking their path, challenging them with a cold look. “Yes?” she asked, folding her hands across her chest. “We came to check on Nicole,” Vance stepped up to her, glaring back at her, clearly indicating that he wouldn’t leave without seeing his mate. “Why? You already rejected her,” Savvy countered back. “Guys.” Tim interjected from behind his mate, holding her arms to pull her aside. “Let go of me, Tim!” “Get out of the way, Savvy!” Vince said sternly. “No, you two get out of here!” Savvy retorted, unyielding. “Tim, get her out of our way,” Vance said to Tim. “You’re not being nice right now, guys,” Tim warned them with a withering look. “This is not how…” “Not how to do what, Tim? You and your mate kept our mate’s condition away from us…” Vince began but was cut short by Vance. “I am done talking,” Vance muttered to no one and pushed his way in, followed by his brother. Both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the figure on the bed. Roars erupted immediately from their throats, their bodies shaking, claws extended out of their fingers and their eyes shifting between their normal grey and their wolves’ gold. Axel and Ares pounded their heavy paws against the skulls of their owners, howling like feral wolves. Howling, growling and snarling at their frail mate on the bed. Both guys winced at the pounding headache given to them by their wolves. Rein them in, guys," Tim cautioned, recognizing the turmoil within the twins. "No," Vance whispered, his voice trembling as he stumbled toward the figure on the bed. "No," he repeated, his voice filled with regret, unable to tear his eyes away from her. His heart ached, and he felt the mate bond pulsing strongly. Nicole. His Nicole. Brown eyes. Brown hair that had once radiated life, now appeared frail and vulnerable. Vince approached her as well, his voice choked with remorse. "What happened to her?" he asked, turning back to look at Tim and Savvy before turning back to his mate. His chest throbbed as the mate bond pulsed in his heart, filling him with sorrow and guilt. “Both of you happened to her," Savvy replied with an evil smirk on her face, rubbing it in. "Your rejection made her like this. Happy now?" She knew she was crossing a line but refused to back down, relishing their pain. "Savvy," Tim said, aware of her satisfaction in their suffering. "Both of you did this!" Ares yelled, his voice tinged with anger and self-reproach. "You made her like that?" Axel echoed, repeating Savvy's words, his voice filled with pain. "What did we do?" Vance asked his brother through their link, his voice heavy with remorse and self-loathing. "What have we done?" "We broke her, bro," Vince replied in a shaky voice as his heart continued to shatter. "When did this happen?" He asked Tim, regret and anguish evident in his voice. Tim hesitated, not because he wanted to withhold the information, but because he felt that what was needed right now was a way to help Nicole get better. "That's not important..." "Tell us," Vince growled, his voice carrying the weight of regret and desperation. "Immediately after you rejected her," Savvy supplied, enjoying their pain. "She turned into this as soon as the words left your..." "Savvy!" "What, Tim? Stop telling me to stop. They need to know the full effect of what they did," Savvy insisted, her voice cold and resentful. "This is not the time for that. Nicole is much more important," Tim explained, his voice laced with concern. "And how are they helping her situation by being here?" Vince's eyes moved from Nicole's face to her arms, noticing the wrinkles on her skin, and a deep sense of remorse washed over him. "How?" he muttered to himself as he touched her hands. The sparks were there but faint, and his fingers trembled with regret. "Don't touch her!" Savvy yelled, sprinting toward Vince, her emotions running high. But Tim held her back, struggling to control her, her wolf, Clara, surging out, ready to bite Vince's hand, her eyes filled with anger and protectiveness. "Savvy, stop!" Tim tightened his grip on her, his voice filled with urgency. "Clara, relax." "They don't deserve to touch her," Clara growled, still seething with anger and protectiveness, her emotions mirroring Savvy's as she struggled in Tim's arms. "What's happening here?" Mel asked as he entered and closed the door behind him. "They happened," Savvy sneered, pointing at the two alphas, ignoring Tim's soft glare. Mel turned to them. "You're the alpha's sons?" "AKA her mates who rejected her.” Savvy added, her resentment clear. "Oh," Mel said. "Please, excuse me." He said to the alphas, gesturing to Nicole. "I would like to check her." When he picked up her arm to feel her pulse, Axel and Ares growled at him. "I am only checking her pulse." He noticed a slight change in her pulse. "Pipe down, you two!" Clara growled at them. "Enough, Savvy!" Vince growled at Savvy. "You are crossing your boundaries right now." "Then leave and never come back. Leave her alone," Savvy said, choking back tears. "You already broke her. What more do you want?" Vance clenched his teeth and fists. "You don't tell us what to do." "Go away. She doesn't need you." "If I may," Mel interrupted the argument. "I believe that will be more detrimental to her condition." The twins' ears perked up at this. A glimmer of hope kindled in their hearts. "What do you mean?" He looked between Tim and Savvy. "Remember how I mentioned what could help her quickly recover?" He tilted his head toward the twins. "Her mates," Tim said. "Bullshit. Their bond is already damaged," Savvy sneered. "I don't believe you." "Shut up, Savvy! No bond is damaged," Vance barked at her, fearing that outcome. Vince said, looking at Mel. "Will it work?" "It should. We heal faster when we remain in close physical contact with our mates. Basic werewolf science. If it were a physical wound, your saliva as alphas would do the job," Mel explained. "What do you want us to do?" Vance asked, already removing his jacket. If there was any chance their presence could help Nicole, he was willing to take it. He was done hurting her. "Stay with her," Mel announced. “Done,” Vince said as he also began to remove his jacket. He pulled the nearest chair to Nicole’s bed and sat down. His brother also did the same thing. “No!” Savvy refused. “I don’t want them near her.” “You don’t get to decide. She’s our mate!” Vince snapped. Ares was at the forefront and ready to fight anyone who dared to block him from staying with his mate. “Back down, Clara.” He warned, Savvy’s wolf. Turning to Mel, “What exactly do you want us to do?” “Speak to her.” The moment the words left his mouth, the machine connected to Nicole's heart began to blare urgently, displaying that her heart was plunging into another round of cardiac arrest. "Impossible," Mel whispered.
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