
1581 Words
“I must admit that is a clever idea,” Blake chimes in, while Nat just nodded her head in agreement. “So it’s settled then, a week from today Nikki will head to the capital.” My father says, surprising me. “But Nikki and I are stronger together! We haven’t been separated from one another since she went through the poison training.” “Nick…” I squeeze his leg and give him a reassuring smile. I always knew he had separation anxiety due to mom’s death and how close we are. “Nick, you are needed here, you are our best medic!” “I want to go. I could meet my mate! I know for sure that she isn’t in our pack. I’ve spoken to everyone, both men and women, I would need to leave at some point to find them!” My father sighs “And what would be your excuse for leaving?” Nick looks up at Theo with pleading eyes. I can tell Theo’s at a loss. He looks over to me and I just shrug. ‘Nikki do something! I can’t be stuck here alone!’ ‘What do you want me to do hmm?’ 'Speak up! Do something about this so I can go!’ ‘Goddess, you are a pain!’ 'Nikki!’ ‘Fine…' “I'm sure Theo could find something for Nick to do.” “He could train our medical staff. If he's as good as you claim, we could use the assistance, plus he could potentially pick up some new techniques.” “Please let me go!” My father sighs again while running his fingers through his hair. “Fine.” Nick smiles triumphantly and squeezes my hand. I smile at him and look back at my father. I knew he wouldn’t say no to Nick, he trusts us more than anything. “When they get to the capital you best protect them with all you have. They mean the world to me and I don’t want to see anything bad happen to my children.” “Of course, they will be under my protection and care. Nothing will come to harm them. I swear on my life.” I look over to Theo and see the fierceness in his eyes. He means every word. There is no doubt in that beautiful head of his that he will let either one of us get hurt. I give him a quick smile and finish my dinner. ‘Are we still singing that song?’ ‘I’m thinking of singing you are my sunshine instead; it means a lot to me and our family. It seems right.’ ‘Alright, good luck.’ ‘I don’t think I’ll need Nikkita.’ I watch as she smiles at me, clearly proud of me. I quickly look around the table, everyone seems to be finished eating. I guess the only things we are waiting for are Theo’s beta and Gamma. Though I don’t know how we are going to explain we aren’t poisoned… he’s clearly going to come back thinking we should be. I mean we could all play frozen and see what he does, but who knows what he truly had planned. “Nikki, why don’t you get ready while the rest of us clean up?” “I don’t need to change, it's not like I’m performing for the entire pack.” I laugh as I go to help clear some dishes but my father steps in front of me. “You are performing for the entire pack.” “What?” “It’s a special occasion, and we need to boost morale thanks to the recent rogue attacks.” I sigh. “Fine, I’ll go change… does this mean I’m performing outside?” “Yes.” “At least that’s a positive.” “Nikki…” my father sighs in annoyance. I give him a quick smile before running off to my room. I quickly close the door behind me and start sorting through my closet. I don’t even know what I should wear. I’m going to be performing in front of the entire pack, so I guess I should dress up a bit, but at the same time, I want to be in something I can fight in just in case worse comes to worse. I pull out a pair of blue shorts, a white flowy tank top, and a cute Jean jacket. I slip out of my clothes and put on my shorts. I look into the mirror in the corner of my room and smile at my reflection. My bright turquoise eyes shine as my ruby red hair surrounds my face. I smile, guess I should grab my guitar and practice. Who knows how long I have until I need to be on stage? ***Theo's POV*** I watch Nikki walk up the stairs. Her hips sway gracefully from side to side. I wonder what she’s going to wear. I bet no matter what she chooses she will look breathtaking. I turn my attention back to the door. Any moment it will open to reveal my Beta and Gamma. I still can’t believe Logan is working against me… I’ve given him everything! I took him in when he had nothing. I gave him a house, a pack, friends, food, everything! And this is how he repays me? I’ve worked hard to make sure my pack and all of its members have everything they could ever need or want. To know that it’s not being appreciated pisses me off. ‘Alpha, we are heading back to the house.’ ‘Thank you, Tony, does Logan know you followed him?’ ‘Not that I know of. I made sure to keep my distance and cover my scent. I am near the border looking like I was helping with patrol.’ ‘Good.’ I cut the mind link and look over at Thomas. “They are on their way back.” “Alright, what’s the plan?” “Act like nothing happened. Gage his reaction then I will deal with him accordingly.” “Yes, your Highness.” I grimace at the use of my title. “Please just call me Theo, we will be family after all.” I watch as he nods his head. And turns back to his children. Will Nikki and I end up with a big family like this? As I start to get lost in my thoughts, I hear a guitar begin to play. I guess she really is talented. ‘Alpha, we are approaching the building.’ ‘Got it' I make my way to the couch and wait for the show to begin. There is no way everyone will keep their cool when Logan approaches. 'He deserves death.’ ‘Theodore, we can’t kill him, we need to question him' ‘Fine question him than kill him' I sigh, of course my wolf’s angry. Our mate was threatened by someone we trusted. How else was he supposed to react? The door flies open, and the room goes silent; the only sound to be heard is Nikki’s guitar. I look over and watch Logan. He looks angry but not surprised. “Nice trip?” I ask. “Yes alpha, they have quite the large territory.” I hear someone grunt from behind me and can only picture it as one of the brothers. “You're just in time for the show boys.” “Wouldn’t miss it for the world alpha.” I could sense the sarcasm in his voice, but I let it go. No sense causing more problems. “How was dinner?” Those three words seem to be the last straw for the Evergreen men. I feel the tension rising and look behind me. I watch as Nathaniel's eyes darken and he goes stiff. “You have some nerve…” His voice is deep and animalistic. I can tell he's fighting to control his wolf and it is clearly a losing battle. “What do you mean?” Logan asks so casually that it pisses off my wolf. “Was it that good? Sorry I missed it.” The grin he gives pisses me off even more, it takes all I have not to tackle him to the ground and rip him limb from limb. “Logan enough!” I use my alpha tone, and he stops and looks at me. “Yes Alpha.” His quick response seems to let the men relax, but I know better. He wants us to get worked up, he wants a fight. For whatever reason, he doesn’t want us to get along. “Nikki should be done warming up any minute.” Nick speaks up. “I bet it's going to be quite the show…” And just like that, all the calm escapes. “What’s that supposed to mean hmm?” Nathaniel is right in Logan’s face, grabbing his collar and shoving him against the wall. The force of the push was strong enough to make the wall crack under the pressure. “Just that she will put on a good show.” I see the smirk on his face, he knows what he’s doing. “Uh huh sure.” I hear feet pounding upstairs and can only picture the frantic state Nikki must be in. I turn to look at the staircase just in time to see her pretty much fly down it. “What the Hell is going on?”
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