
1990 Words
'Do you want to talk to him?’ I sneak a peek at Nick. Then look at the king. ‘Yeah, I’m just so curious.’ 'I could distract them for you…' ‘You would do that?’ 'Of course, but you owe me!’ ‘What do I owe you?’ ‘Details of course!’ ‘Fine, now do your thing!’ ‘You got it, sis!’ I glanced back at the group, how the hell is he going to pull this one off hmm? He has 7 people to distract while I have to manage to excuse myself and get Theo’s attention, so he follows me. And how exactly I’m going to do that I don’t know. It would be easier if I just offered him a tour of the land, then we would have privacy at least from my family. He would probably bring his beta along for security. I caught Nick's eye, and he gives me a knowing smile. “Excuse me, but would it be alright if I gave you a tour of the land, your majesty?” I ask while looking up into his bright green eyes. “You know that would be a wonderful idea. I’ve already talked to your siblings and father. It would be great to hear from you as well,” he said with a smile. ‘Guess I didn’t need a distraction!’ I mind linked Nick. ‘No, but you’ll need support.' “Perfect! It gives us time to prepare dinner anyway.” Nick pipes up, giving Nat a look. “Of course! Nikki is such great company to have anyway.” Nat pipes up. “You’ll be the safest with her also, seeing as she is our top warrior! Right father?” Nate adds. I can’t believe they all want me to be alone with him. Or they can just tell we have something to discuss. “Of Course. Wonderful idea Nikki.” My father agrees. “So shall we head out my king?” I ask. I hear a low growl come a slight distance away and look to see that the man beside Tony doesn’t look thrilled in the least. “Is there an issue, Logan?” “How about I join? No harm in having extra coverage?” “I believe we should be fine on our own,” he barks out. “Why don’t you and Tony help with dinner or get to know more of the pack, seeing as we will be working with them in the near future.” “Yes sir.” Logan says with a frown. “Please follow me.” I say with a small smile. Finally, I can get some answers. “Nikki, a word before you leave please.” “Sure father.” I say as I move away from the door towards my father. “Remember what we talked about?” “Of course.” “Good. Like I said earlier, don’t mention anything about your dreams.” “I know.” “And please don’t talk about your gift or your brother’s gift. He may be our king, but we don’t know anything about him. Or his allies.” “I know daddy, it’s for our safety. I know it’s our family's secret, and it will stay that way.” I say quietly, with determination. “Good girl, now run along, you don’t want to keep a king waiting.” “Alright, we will be back in time for dinner.” My father just nods his head and I make my way back to Theo. As soon as I’m beside Theo, I grab his hand and lead him closer to the door. Much to my surprise, his touch makes my skin tingle and Nikita smiles. His hand is so much bigger than mine, but it’s also so warm. I smile shyly at him and quickly release his hand. I can feel his eyes on me and my blush growing. Maybe this was a bad idea. How can I be alone with him when he makes me feel so strange? I can’t stand it. I look away from him and catch my brother’s glance. The bastard is smirking like he knows something about this. 'What?’ 'You like him!’ ‘No! I just find him intriguing. I have to find out if he is the one from my dream. That’s all!’ 'Mhmm sure.’ I quickly cut off the mind link and focused my attention back to the king. “Ready to go?” “Lead the way.” I guide him out the door and towards the woods. “So you’re the infamous ruby wolf?” “Yup, the best fighter in my pack.” I say proudly. “I've heard a lot about you, Miss Evergreen.” “Oh? Only good things, I hope.” He chuckles quietly. “I've heard you can take down a wolf twice your size, you kill without mercy, and walk onto a battlefield like you own it.” I smile proudly. “All true your Highness, I’m a beast in battle and so is my wolf. My wolf is strong and proud, nobody dares mess with us.” He stays quiet for a while as we get closer to the forest. I hate silence with a burning passion. “So what did you really want to talk about? I know it wasn’t for mild chit-chat.” He looks over at me, his blue eyes glowing slightly. He is absolutely breathtaking. Shaggy black hair, stunning blue eyes, he’s the definition of gorgeous. I can see part of his muscles hiding behind his shirt that is almost skin tight. He has to be the man from my dream. No way in hell could he not be! The resemblance is uncanny. “I.. I don’t know how to explain,” He says. “Well, we are almost at my favorite spot. We can sit and talk when we get there. There are things I want to talk to you about also.” “Really? “Yeah so hurry up, we are so close!” I say ignoring his stare. We walk a bit more until we make it to the clearing. It’s so close to the one from my dream, but there are a few key differences. Instead of a small creek there is a pond. Plus you can still see the lights from my pack. In my dream there are no outside lights, just the forest. Luckily, our forest is a bit thinner than my dream. So nothing can surprise us. “We are here.” I say as I sit down on the rock by the pond. “Where...?” “A clearing near the pack house. I come here sometimes to think.” “I see.” I stay quiet while I watch my reflection in the water. I can't bare to look at him right now. how am i supposed to bring it up? And how will I find out if it really is him? “Nikita” “Yes, sorry i was lost in my thoughts. Please call me Nikki. My wolf is Nikita.” I say as I finally look at him, only to find that he is staring right at me. “This is so strange,” He mumbles. “What's strange?” “This place, you, all of it!” He sighs, obviously frustrated with something. “Why?” “It seems so familiar yet different! I don’t get it!” “What is there to get?” I ask. “Sing!” “Excuse me?” What the hell? Why does he want me to sing, and why now? What’s his deal? “Please sing, I need to know if you're really her.” “Really who?” I’m so confused. What is wrong with him? I just wanted to talk to see if I could get answers for some of my questions, but this is getting weird. “Don’t make me ask again! I am your King. This is not a request anymore, it’s an order!” I can tell he’s getting angry. “Fine.” What do I sing? I hate being put on the spot. “Thank you, whenever you're ready.” I sigh. ‘Nikki, just sing from the heart, sing the first thing that comes to mind. He just wants to hear your voice, he doesn't care about the words.’ ‘But Nikita' 'Trust me, you’ll get the answers you want by doing this.’ 'How do you know?’ ‘Just sing dammit!' 'Fine you moody wolf.’ “Uh huh, life's like this. Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is. 'Cause life's like this. Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is. Chill out, what you yellin' for? Lay back, it's all been done before. And if you could only let it be you will see. I like you the way you are when we're drivin' in your car, And you're talkin' to me one on one, But you've become... Somebody else 'round everyone else, You're watchin' your back like you can't relax, You're tryin' to be cool You look like a fool to me Tell me, Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're actin' like you're somebody else Gets me frustrated. Life's like this, You, you fall and you crawl and you break And you take what you get and you turn it into honesty You promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it No, no, no.” “Stop! It's you! You're really her! I can’t believe it, I finally found you!” “Wait what?” He just starts laughing. I look at him confused. What the hell just happened? “Time out, care to explain?” “You’re the girl from my dreams! I have finally found you!” “Wait dreams?” I take a step back. This can’t be right! “Nikki, you’re her. I know it. I know that voice it’s always how it begins. With you singing.” “You have been dreaming about me?” Should I tell him I've been doing the same? “Ok let me start from the beginning. Two months ago I started having this recurring dream.” Two months, I’ve been having my dream for about the same amount of time. This can’t be a coincidence. “The dream always starts with me walking through a forest till I hear you sing, I follow your voice till I see you. I start talking but get no response till the attack happens.” I freeze. It can’t be. How can he be having my dream? I don’t get it. And why is he here today of all days? The day I draw him? This is too much! “Nikki?” “I… I… I don’t believe it.” “What?” ‘Tell him Nikki!’ ‘But Nikita, dad said…' ‘F*ck what he said. Just tell him!’ ‘I can’t!’ ‘Then I will' 'But Nikita!’ She ignores me and pushes me to the back of our mind. I hate it when she does it. I feel like I’m on the outside looking in, watching as someone else controls my body without my say so. But maybe today it’s for the best. “Nikki?” She scoffs at the use of my name but doesn’t do anything more than that. “We have been having the same dream. But from our perspective, she drew you today to find out more about you.” “What are you saying, Nikki?” “Goddess help me! I'm Nikita, you call yourself a king of all werewolves, yet you can’t tell when you're speaking to a wolf? Pathetic.” I cringe internally. I can't believe her. I try to take control, but she pushes me back even further, so I can’t hear them.
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