Chapter 8

1700 Words
**Nikita the wolf Pov** I push Nikki back, it’s for her own good. He may be our mate, but she’s too shy to do anything about it. I have my own questions to ask this so-called king. “Why did you come to speak to me instead of Nikki?” He asks, ignoring my outburst. “Because she is not ready to hear this.” “To hear what?” “You feel it, don’t you? That slight pull, the buzz when we touch. It’s no wonder why you were drawn to find us.” “I wanted the dreams to stop.” “You wanted that and more.” I move closer to him, he surprisingly doesn’t back away. “Tell me you don’t feel the pull.” I demand. “You're right, it’s there does that mean...?” “We are mates.” “F*ck.” **Theo’s POV** “F*ck.” I’m not ready for a mate yet. I mean, I had a feeling this was the outcome, but now isn’t a good time. “Wow, way to make us feel good.” “No, it’s not like that!” “Then what is it?!” “It's not the right time! I’m not ready…” “We have been waiting for you, our mate! Since we found out what a mate was! Are you going to reject us because you can’t handle it right now?” “Of course not! I would never reject you!” “Then what are you going to do?” “I don’t know!” “Well, you better figure it out!” “I know!” She looks away and shakes her head. “Why are you even here?” “You don’t need to know that,” I say. I don’t want to worry her about the upcoming threat. I know she’s a warrior, but I don’t want her to worry. If everything goes to plan, she won't ever have to find out. “Yes I do, because I know you didn’t come here just for the meeting with our father.” I could work with that, tell her about my dream, explain that I came for her, but then we would get back on topic about being mate’s. I mean I could run, but I feel like she would chase me. Nikita is fierce. She is nothing like Nikki, the complete opposite. And I gotta say they are both very intriguing. “Nikita, it really isn’t the right time to talk about it. I came here for answers and I got them. I’m just trying to figure out what to do about all this.” “Well, for one, we need to tell...” “Oh hell no! We can’t tell anyone about this!” I interrupt her. She growls at me, her eyes glow brightly and I can see her teeth. Even though she is extremely angry, she is still breathtaking. “What do you mean we can’t tell anyone?” “This needs to stay between us, you and me.” “What about Nikki?” “You already said she isn’t ready for this.” “You know how hard it is for a wolf to keep a secret from her other half! How dare you!” “I know, ok I know. But it’s for the best. We need to keep it a secret for a bit.” I say walking towards her. I grab her hands and look into her eyes. “But…” “Please, Nikita.” “No.” And just like that, the fierce look in her eyes is gone, replaced with one of pure sadness. “Nikita?” She looks up at me and I’m stunned. There's a tear rolling down her cheek. I hold my breath and gently rub it away. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t lie.” She mutters quietly. “No, you’re right. We should let Nikki know and figure it out together. But no one else can know.” She sighs. “You are a difficult one, that’s for sure.” I chuckle. “Here I’ll give you my number, so we can talk. I promise you we will be together just not yet.” She hands me her phone and I put my number in. “Now you have my number.” She takes her phone back and gives me a weird look. “What?” “There’s something I need to tell you.” “What is it?” “My dreams” and just like that she starts struggling. I know the signs well. Nikki is trying to take back control of her body, but Nikita does not want to give it back. “Nikita?” “My dreams are,” a scream rips through her mouth and I rush to her side. “It's OK to give into her.” “Not yet, you need to know!” “Know what?” “About”, another fit of struggling and she shuts her eyes. “Nikita?” I ask hesitantly. She opens her eyes and instantly blushes. This isn’t Nikita, it is Nikki. She won the struggle and took back control. “Nikki?” I ask looking into her eyes. She nods her head while her blush grows. I laugh a little. “Nikki, Nikkita wanted to tell me something, do you know what she was going to say?” “You shouldn’t worry about that; it isn’t important right now.” “Well, she seemed to think it was.” “Well, she was wrong.” I sigh, who knew that she was more stubborn than her wolf? “Well, there is something that I need to tell you now that you're back.” “What is it?” “We're mates.” I say. She looks up at me, her turquoise eyes going wide, her mouth forming an ‘O’ and then she faints. ***Nikki’s POV*** After Nikita pushed me back I have been struggling in silence. She has never done this to me before! I do not like it. What could she be talking to him about? Why wouldn’t she want me to know? I thought we got along well enough not to keep secrets from each other, so why is she doing this? I try to push closer, but I feel like I am hitting a wall. What the hell could be that important for her to push me away like this? I slowly inched forward. Surprisingly, there was no wall! I stay like that for a moment, so I don’t make her suspicious. I inch closer and closer, making sure to take breaks between each movement until I’m able to slightly hear what is being said. “What?” I hear Theo say. “There’s something I need to tell you.” “What is it?” “My dreams” I hear her mention dreams and something in me twitches. Dad specifically said not to tell anyone about them, so did Nat! I promised both that no one would ever know about what I can do! How dare she try to tell him, what right does he have to learn about such things? I try to take back control, but Nikita doesn’t let me. ‘Why are you fighting me?’ I yell at her. ‘You don’t understand!’ She growls. “Nikita?” I keep forcing my way through. I cannot let him know! “My dreams are,” she tries to tell him again, but I don’t let her. A scream rips through my mouth but I keep trying. I need to make sure he doesn’t find out. “It's ok to give into her.” I hear him say. His voice is full of concern, but I know I must keep trying. I’m so close. “Not yet, you need to know!” she cries. “Know what?” “About”, she continues to try to tell him, but with one final push, I take control again. “Nikita?” I open my eyes and instantly blush. He’s holding me in his arms, staring down at me with a look of concern on his face. Why is he holding me? Why are we so close? He is so warm and comforting, but I can’t let myself get distracted. I need to defuse this situation that Nikita caused, and then I can worry about everything else. Like how his scent makes my heart tighten. And how I just want to snuggle closer to him. Focus Nikki, not the time to be thinking like that! “Nikki?” he looks down at me and I nod my head, scared to speak. I can feel my blush grow, staining my cheeks and ears a bright reddish pink. He laughs a little. And I can’t help but squirm in his arms. What is he doing to me? “Nikki, Nikkita wanted to tell me something. Do you know what she was going to say?” “You shouldn’t worry about that; it isn’t important right now.” “Well, she seemed to think it was.” He says, giving me a look. “Well she was wrong.” I say standing my ground. Why can’t he just drop it? It's none of his business anyway! “Well, there is something that I need to tell you now that you're back.” “What is it?” I ask. “We're mates.” I freeze. We’re mates? Is that why I’m feeling like this? Is that why Nikita wanted to tell him our secret? I look up at him and stare into his eyes. I can’t believe we have finally found our mate! ‘Don’t be too happy.’ Nikita sighs. ‘Why?’ ‘He said we have to wait, that he isn’t ready for us.’ I feel my mouth open as the view before me starts to fade. He doesn’t want us? Did we do something to make him feel this way? As my vision slowly goes dark, I feel him hold me tighter. His arms are so warm. And just like that, I’m gone.
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