
1448 Words

Author's pov Sitting inside the conference room Mikaeel was getting pissed off. Mikaeel has sent an invitation to Mr Shamsi and was expecting him sharp at 4 p.m. But, it's already 4:45 p.m and there is no trace of Mr Shamsi or any of his employees. " Is he coming to Pakistan from Dubai on foot? Why isn't he here yet?" Mikaeel shouted at his PA who almost peed on his pant by the loud voice. He replied having an awkward smile," Mr Shamsi's PA Aziz just contacted me. They will be here in a minute." " If they fail to be here in a minute then I will fire you for sure," Mikaeel threatened his PA who just gulped hard. A few seconds passed when Aziz entered the conference room. Bowing his head he greeted Mikaeel who wasn't interested in all these unnecessary formalities. He looked behind i

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